
  1. 在主要的组织方面,一家报纸,不考虑它的层次,必须有三个主要的部门:编辑部、作部和发行部。

    In its general organization a newspaper , regardless of class , must have three main divisions – editorial , mechanical and business .

  2. 用Pomeroy法绝育作映部对映部吻合术14例全部足月分娩,达100%。

    All the 14 cases had full term delivery when the Pomeroy method was reversed by isthmic-isthmic anastomosis .

  3. 用高频电刀作腭部侧切口比不用高频电刀者的失血量明显减少(P<0.01)。

    The bleeding measure of using high frequency electricity knife ( HFEK ) was obviously reduced ( P < 0.01 ) .

  4. 贝多芬回答道:“如果莫扎特不曾作这部曲子,那么作这部曲子的人必是另一个莫扎特。”

    Beethoven replied " if Mozart did not compose it , then the man who did compose it was a mozart "

  5. 作深部脑肿瘤活检20例,颅内子弹摘除术9例。

    Nucleus . With the help of the stereotactic apparatus the biopsies for deep-seated brain tumors were performed in 20 cases , intracranial bullets were removed in 9 cases .

  6. 护理人员在实施整体护理与服务对象进行交流的过程中,经常通过自己的仪表、作、部表情等来表达思想感情,传递信息。

    Nursing staffs often express their feelings and communicate some information through their appearance , activity and facial expression in the process of doing clinical work communicating with patients .

  7. 浅蓝帘纹纸:高级收发室用纸,作账部或其他用途。正如其名,它是浅蓝色和有着半透明的竹纹理。

    Azure laid : A high grade writing paper for ledger and other uses . It has a series of translucent line texture and light blue in color as its name imply .

  8. 碎料:依照特定尺寸裁切原张纸后所余下的部份。可保留作拍子部或其他碎件用。

    Offcut : A remnant of a sheet of paper cut off from its stock size when a specific size was required . Usually retained for use as pads or other jobbing works .

  9. 这位作家的着作[这部小说]非常好。

    This author / novel is a very good read .

  10. 而上述作在本部中“受版所限制的作”。

    And those acts are referred to in this part as the " acts restricted by the copyright " .

  11. 用灰色控制系统方法对该脉作的深部含矿性进行了预测,对布置进一步找矿及生产工作有一定指导意义。

    The mineralization in the depth of tbe ore vein is prognosticated by grey system method , which is significant to further exploration .

  12. 《他们眼望上苍》是美国黑人女作家佐拉尼尔赫斯顿所作的一部在黑人女性文学史上具有革命意义的作品。

    They look up to god , by American black writer Zora nill hurston , is a revolutionary work in the history of black female literature .

  13. 沃克的代表作,这部小说展现了黑人女性从性别及种族的双重压迫中逐渐觉醒,追求自我价值及完美生活的过程。

    The novel reveals the process of gaining consciousness-raising , going for self-worth and ideal life by the black women from the double oppression of sexism and racism .

  14. 《哈罗德在意大利》原来是为帕格尼尼而作的一部中提琴协奏曲,但帕格尼尼认为其中提琴部分不太重要或不够精彩,因而始终没有演奏过它。

    Harold in Italy was originally meant as a viola concerto for Paganini , but Paganini decided the viola part was not important or brilliant enough and never played it .

  15. 尤其是他的《十二平均律曲集》,更是其集大成之作,这部被后世称为旧约全书的作品涵盖了无与伦比的作曲技巧和艺术精神。

    In particular , his " The Well-Tempered Clavier I & II ", which was later referred to as the " Old Testament " covering unparalleled composition skills and artistic spirit .

  16. 作为后殖民文学中的代表作,这部作品描述了以特立尼达为原型的后殖民岛国伊莎贝拉从英国殖民地到独立过程中所遭遇的困境。

    As a representative masterpiece in postcolonial literature , this novel depicts the predicaments of the island Isabella in the course of transition from a British colony to an independent country .

  17. 道格拉斯有两部代表作,一部是《洁净与危险》这本书已经被译作中文,另一部是《自然象征》,这本书还没有被译为中文。

    Douglas has two masterpieces , one is " Purity and Danger ," which has been translated into Chinese , another " Natural Symbols ", which has not been translated into Chinese .

  18. 《红楼梦》,原称《石头记》,是中国古典长篇章回小说,为曹雪芹所作。这部巨著虽然虚构朝代、地点,而且假借了女娲补天的神话。

    The Dream of the Red Chamber is also called " The story of the Stone ( Shitouji )", this novel written by Cao Xueqin ( d.1763 ) is said to be the greatest masterpiece of Chinese fiction .

  19. 《赫索格》是美国作家索尔·贝娄的代表作。这部小说主要反映了现代社会中人道主义的危机,真实地表现了美国中产阶级知识分子在现代社会中的苦闷与迷茫,追寻和探索。

    Herzog is Bellow 's masterpiece , which reflects the crisis of humanism in modern society and shows us the pang and confusion as well as the exploration and pursuit of the intellectual of the middle class in America .

  20. 法完成作,可能生部死。

    The operation couldn 't be completed , potential internal deadlock .

  21. 对颈部吻合口狭窄采用经颈部原切口作吻合口狭窄部纵切横缝;

    Anastomotic stenosis in cervical region was treated by longitudinal incision and transverse suture .

  22. 《简?爱》是女作家夏洛蒂?勃郎特的代表作,是一部经典的爱情小说。

    Jane Eyre , Charlotte Bront ? 's masterpiece , is a classic novel about love .

  23. 《关于各民族共同性质的新科学的一些原则》是他的代表作,也是一部对美学或艺术哲学具有标志性意义的著作。

    He major works which is New Science is a mark chapter for Aesthetics and art philosophy .

  24. 用统计动力方法作盛夏南海中北部热带气旋强度预报

    Making the tropical cyclone intensity forecast with the statistical dynamic method for the mid-north part of South China Sea in midsummer

  25. 很难想象《迷失》中若是没有杰克·谢帕德作主角,这部剧会变成什么样。

    It 's hard to imagine LOST without Jack Shephard as the group leader . Where would the show have been without him ?

  26. 将83只难产剖腹的小型观赏犬随机分为作子宫角基部切口的对照组和作子宫体背侧切口的试验组。

    The classical cesarean section of bitch was improved by changing the incision site from the horn to the dorsal side of the uterus .

  27. 他还追求比较偏重思想之作,例如一部关于林肯的电影,剧本出自「美国天使」编剧东尼库希纳之手。

    He 's also pursuing more cerebral projects like an Abraham Lincoln film with a script written by the " Angels in America " playwright Tony Kushner .

  28. 《一间自己的房间》是弗吉尼亚.伍尔夫早期的代表作,在这部作品中,作者鲜明而充分的表达了男权社会中女性受到性别歧视和传统束缚的历史原因和社会现实。

    In A Room of One 's Own , Virginia Woolf explicitly demonstrates the historical reasons and social realities that women are discriminated and oppressed in the traditionally patriarchal society .

  29. 战争是人类社会中最激烈的竞争活动,《孙子兵法》和《战争论》就是对战争进行理论总结的经典之作,这两部著作极大地启发了对企业竞争的深入研究。

    War is the fiercest competition in human society , while Military Science of Sun Tzu and On War are two theoretical masterpieces on war , which stimulate a further study on business competition .

  30. 在三月份美联储为贝尔斯登作保和上周财政部接管两房之后,人们都高度期望他们对雷曼也会这么做。

    After the Fed had bailed out Bear Stearns in March and the Treasury had taken over Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac last weekend , expectations were high that they would do the same for Lehman .