
  • 网络Zakumi;Zakum;Zaku-mi;Za majorkumi
  1. 2010年南非世界杯吉祥物“扎库米”是只一头绿发的豹子。

    The official mascot of the2010 World Cuo is a green-haired leopard named Zakumi .

  2. 大家好!我的名字叫扎库米。我是2010年南非世界杯的吉祥物。

    Hello ! My name is Zakumi . I am the mascot for the2010 World Cup .

  3. 这个制作吉祥物&扎库米的合同是一个企业家获得的,他是南非控制委员会的成员。

    The accusations were " completely made up " and the company was a victim of South African politicking , SFPPC told AFP .

  4. 长着一头绿色卷发的可爱非洲猎豹“扎库米”成为2010年南非世界杯的吉祥物。

    A lovely African leopard with curly green hair , Zha Kumi , was chosen to be the mascot for the World Cup in South Africa .

  5. 受足球偶像们的启发,扎库米染了一头的绿发,因为他觉得绿色的头发才能与绿茵场珠联璧合。

    Inspired by his football idols , Zakumi has dyed his hair green as he felt it would be the perfect color against the green of the football pitch .