
  • 网络hematogenous metastasis;hematogeneous metastasis;hematogenous spread
  1. E、P两种选择蛋白除在炎症反应中发挥作用外,还介导肿瘤细胞与血管内皮细胞、血小板的粘附,提示它们与肿瘤血道转移关系密切。

    E , P-selectin mediate the attachment of the tumor cell to endothelium and platelet , indicate they have strong relationship with tumor hematogenous metastasis .

  2. 肿瘤转移的方式主要有淋巴道转移、血道转移和种植转移。

    The modes of tumor metastasis have lymphatic metastasis , hematogenous metastasis and implantation metastasis .

  3. 结论:收涩中药对H22肿瘤血道转移有一定的抑制作用。

    Conclusion : astringent therapy herbs has an inhibitory effect on the metastasis of H22 tumor .

  4. 结论胃癌组织VEGFR-3不同定位的表达在胃癌血道转移和淋巴道转移过程中发挥了双重作用。

    Conclusion VEGFR-3 expression in different places in gastric cancer have the double roles in lymphatic metastasis and hematogenous metastasis .

  5. 【结论】PEDF低表达和VEGF高表达可能是胃癌组织内微血管生成的分子基础,是促进胃癌细胞发生淋巴及血道转移的重要因素。

    [ Conclusion ] Lower PEDF and higher VEGF expression might be the molecular basis of angiogenesis in gastric carcinoma tissue and play an important role in lymphatic and blood metastasis of gastric carcinoma .

  6. 经单因素Cox模型分析,与预后有关的因子有:淋巴转移、血道转移、直接蔓延、残存病灶、临床分期、血红蛋白值(P<005);

    In univariate analysis of Cox model , the factors related to the prognosis of ovarian carcinoma are metastasis of lymph nodes and vascular stream , local infiltration , residual cancer remaining after surgery , the clinical stage and the value of blood hemoglobin ( P < 0 05 ) .

  7. 采用肿瘤血道转移模型,选用B16黑色素瘤和Lewis肺癌(LLC)两种类型细胞,就小剂量X线全身照射对不同荷瘤时间小鼠的抗肿瘤转移效应进行研究。

    By using the model of tumor blood-borne metastases and two kinds of B16 melanoma and Lewis lung carcinoma ( LLC ) cells , the antitumor metastasis effect of low dose total body X-ray irradiation on mice with various tumor bearing time was first done in China .

  8. 收涩中药对小鼠肝癌血道转移的影响

    Effect of astringent therapy herbs in mice with hepatoma haematogenous metastasis

  9. 肿瘤转移主要包括血道转移和淋巴道转移。

    Metastasis mainly includes lymphatic vessels and blood tube metastasis .

  10. 而结肠癌引起的肝转移又是肝脏最常见的血道转移方式。

    Meanwhile , hepatic metastasis is commonly seen in the blood route metastasis of colon cancer .

  11. 结论胃癌血道转移的高危因素为胃窦癌和淋巴结转移。

    Conclusion Sinus ventriculi cancer and tumor lymphatic metastasis were possibly high risk factors for gastric cancer hematogenous metastasis .

  12. 结论:具有血管生成拟态的双向分化恶性肿瘤恶性度高、血道转移早、临床预后差。

    Conclusion : Tumors with vasculogenic mimicry have a high-grade malignancy , early blood metastasis and poor clinical prognosis .

  13. 肿瘤浸润转移的方式包括直接播散、血道转移、淋巴道转移、种植转移几种。

    There are many manners for tumor metastasis , such as direct dissemination , lymph node metastasis and blood metastasis .

  14. 行淋巴结清扫的复发类型以血道转移为主,与淋巴结采样的相比有明显差异,P<0.01;

    The patients with systematic lymph node dissection more likely died of hematogenous metastases than lymph node sampling ( P < 0.01 ) .

  15. 结果:腺样囊性癌因其生物性特征,术后容易发生局部复发和血道转移。

    Results : Local recurrence and blood vessel metastasis from adenoid cystic carcinoma of salivary glands are due to the invasive activity of the tumor .

  16. 肺转移瘤比原发性肺肿瘤更常见,因为许多其它原发肿瘤可通过血道转移到肺。

    Metastases to the lungs are more common even than primary lung neoplasms simply because so many other primary tumors can metastasize to the lungs .

  17. 尽管我们对于血道转移的了解已经相当的深入,但对淋巴道转移过程和机制的研究相对较少并且了解肤浅。

    However , despite advances in our understanding of hematogenous metastasis , the process and mechanisms of lymphatic metastasis remain relatively understudied and poorly understood .

  18. 近年来已有大量的证据表明,选择蛋白在肿瘤转移的过程中,可以介导经血液转移的肿瘤细胞与血小板及血管内皮的粘附,促进肿瘤细胞的血道转移与扩散。

    Recently it has been demonstrated that selectin induce tumor cells adhesion to endothelium and platelets , which can improve tumor metastasis and diffusion in blood vessel .

  19. 乳腺癌肺淋巴结转移恶性肿瘤的淋巴道和血道转移可以发生在远隔器官。

    Both lymphatic and hematogenous spread of malignant neoplasms is possible to distant sites . Here , a breast carcinoma has spread to a lymphatic in the lung .

  20. 现对其结构、功能,及其在恶性肿瘤血道转移、淋巴道转移的可能机制及由此引发的抗肿瘤转移治疗进行综述。

    This article reviews VEGF-C about its structure , function and its possible mechanism in malignant tumor , blood route metastasis , lymphatic metastasis and current progress of inhibition of metastasis of malignant tumor .

  21. 肝癌细胞通常早期经过血道转移至邻近或远处的组织器官,因此肝癌细胞具有很强的转移侵袭能力,而这种转移侵袭行为的发生机制则十分复杂。

    Hepatocellular carcinoma usually metastasis to neighboring or distant tissues and organs early through the blood , so the liver cancer cells have strong invasive ability . The mechanism of invasion is very complicated .

  22. 小剂量辐射影响B16黑色素瘤血道肺转移作用机制研究

    Mechanism of low dose X-radiation influencing B16 melanoma blood-borne Pulmonany metastases

  23. 探讨低水平照射抑制B16黑色素瘤血道肺转移的机理。

    Objective To study the mechanism of low level ionizing radiation in inhibiting B 16 melanoma blood borne pulmonary metastasis .

  24. 出现淋巴道、血道及种植转移。

    Lymph node metastasis , blood metastasis , and seeding metastasis were present .

  25. 其恶性率高于乳头状癌,可沿血道向远处转移。

    It is more malignant than papillary carcinoma , spreading hematogenously with distant metastases .

  26. 本文报告了舌癌远处转移的研究,论述了血道扩散与转移的关系,提出了减少远处转移的方法。

    In this paper is reported a study on distant metastasis of the carcinoma of the tongue , the relationship between vascular dissemination , and the methed to reduce the distant metastasis .