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  • bloody stool
  1. UC主要临床表现为腹泻(80.2%)、血便(75.1%)。肠外表现18例(4.6%),并发症35例(9.0%),较西方国家低。

    Clinical manifestations were mainly diarrhea ( 80.2 % ) and bloody stool ( 75.1 % ), the extraintestinal manifestations and complications were less than those in western countries .

  2. 全组病例有腹痛、腹块、血便三联症者仅占17.4%(7/40)。

    Patients with the triad signs of abdominal pain , abdominal mass and bloody stool only accounted for 17.4 % ( 7 / 40 ) .

  3. UC临床主要表现为腹泻(88%)、粘液脓血便(52%)。

    The common clinical manifestations were diarrhea ( 88 % ) and bloody mucopurulent stool ( 52 % ) .

  4. HSP的腹痛、血便较突出,可出现在典型皮疹之前。

    Abdominal pain and hematochezia were prominent in patients with HSP , and these two symptoms could occur before typical rashes .

  5. H7能引起腹部绞痛,呕吐和腹泻,通常是血便。

    E.coli O157 : H7 causes abdominal cramping , vomiting and a diarrheal illness , often with bloody stools .

  6. 背景和目的:溃疡性结肠炎(Ulcerativecolitis,UC)是一种非特性炎症性疾病,主要临床表现为腹痛、腹泻和粘液脓血便。

    Background and Objective : Ulcerative colitis ( UC ) is a non-specific inflammatory bowel disease . Its clinical manifestation is abdominal pain , diarrhea and blood stool with mucus and pus .

  7. 方法:对382例结直肠癌患者粪便隐血试验与肉眼血便、癌胚抗原(CEA)、肿瘤部位、病理分型、肿瘤分期的关系进行分析。

    Methods : The correlation of FOBT with gross blood stool , carcinoembryonic antigen ( CEA ), tumor site , histopathologic type and the stage of tumor was analyzed in 382 patients with colorectal cancer .

  8. 血吸虫病患者劳动力下降的主要原因是血吸虫病所致的乏力、血便、脾脏肿大等。

    Such as general weakness , bloody stool and spleen enlargement .

  9. 每日观察粪便性状及是否有肉眼血便。

    Presence of gross blood and stool consistency were observed daily .

  10. 结论本病的临床特点是:发病急,变化快,肠鸣音减弱或消失,早期的血便及中毒性休克;

    Conclusion Clinical features of the disease were as followed ;

  11. 他烧灼伤口血便止住了。

    He cauterized the wound and the bleeding stopped .

  12. 肉眼血便阳性率为45.8%;

    Gross blood in stool was 45.8 % .

  13. 这种细菌进入人体后可以导致痢疾,经常还有血便。

    When ingested , the bug can cause diarrhea , often with bloody stools .

  14. 该方剂能缓解临床症状,减少血便和卵囊的排出,能减轻盲肠的病理损伤,对病鸡的保护率为100%。

    The rate of protection was 100 % .

  15. 结果其临床表现为不同程度的腹痛、大便次数增多和黏液血便。

    Results Their clinical manifestations were abdominal pain , diarrhoea , and mucobloody stool .

  16. 溃疡性结肠炎典型的临床表现为腹痛、腹泻、血便、黏液脓血便,这些症状与肠道的动力学紊乱密切相关。

    Diarrhea , abdominal pain and bloody purulent stool are typical clinical manifestation of ulcerative colitis .

  17. 结论溃疡性结肠炎主要临床表现是腹痛、腹泻、粘液脓血便。

    Conclusions The major symptoms of UC are diarrhea , bloody purulent stool and abdominal pain .

  18. 临床表现为腹泻、粘液脓血便、腹痛。

    Diarrhea , purulent stools and abdominal pain and so on are clinical manifestations of UC .

  19. 阿米巴原虫造成阿米巴痢疾,具有血便和伴随着腹泻的腹痛特征。

    Entamoeba histolytica causes amoebic dysentery , characterized by bloody stools and diarrhea accompanied by abdominal pain .

  20. 临床主要表现为腹胀腹痛,黑便或血便,腹部包块。

    Results The major clinical symptoms were abdominal distention , stomach-ache , blood stool and abdominal masses ?

  21. 临床上以腹痛、腹泻、粘液脓血便、里急后重为主要表现。

    Clinically , abdominal pain , diarrhea , mucus blood and pus , tenesmus as the main performance .

  22. 他自作主张下手杀了埃布尔,埃布尔的血便开声向神哀告。

    Taking matters into his own hands , Cain killed Abel , and his blood cried out to God .

  23. 本研究病例组临床表现为血便、便秘、腹痛、腹部不适。

    Cases of this study group clinical manifestations of blood stools , constipation , abdominal pain , abdominal discomfort .

  24. 消化道症状者7例,包括腹痛、腹泻和脓血便;

    Symptoms of digestive tract were observed in 7 cases , including abdominal pain , diarrhea and pus-bloody stool ;

  25. 感染鸡出现惊群、采食量下降、肠粘膜出血、排血便等临床症状。

    Infection of chickens appear shock group , decreased feed intake , intestinalmucosal bleeding , bloody row and other clinical symptoms .

  26. 结论对以血便、黏液便来就诊的老年人应常规行结肠镜检查,早期发现息肉、排除恶变。

    Conclusions Elderly people with hemafecia and mucosanguineous stools should be examined by coloscopy to find polyps and eliminate malignancy early .

  27. 动物回归试验结果表明犬只都能表现不同程度的发病状况,如呕吐、排血便等。

    Finally , animal experiment shows that every dog had clinical symptoms in different degrees , such as vomiting and bloody excrement .

  28. 分离株以脓血便为主,占70.55%,其次为腹痛占67.81%。

    Isolated strain was demonstrated mainly bloody purulent stool , accounted of 70.55 percent , secondly was abdominal pain ( 67.81 % ) .

  29. 主要临床表现有急性发热、呕吐、腹泻、血便、腹痛和腹胀。

    The main symptoms and signs included acute onset of high fever , vomiting , diarrhea , bloody stool , abdominal pain and distention .

  30. 主要临床症状是腹泻、粘液脓血便和不同程度的腹痛,肠道严重并发症及肠外表现少见。

    The typical clinical symptom of UC were diarrhea , bloody purulent stool and abdominal pain , showing few extra intestinal manifestations and severe complications .