
xuè tǒng
  • descent;blood;race;lineage;ancestry;bloodline;blood relationship;blood lineage
血统 [xuè tǒng]
  • [bloodline;blood lineage] 血缘形成的亲属关系

血统[xuè tǒng]
  1. 郑成功出生于日本,其母亲翁氏是日本人,因为拥有一半的日本血统,所以在不同时代,日本总是赋予郑成功不同的想象、不同的文化意义,以便从文化上支持其统治。

    Because of having Japanese blood relationship , He is endowed with different imagination , different cultural significance in the different times . Japan was in this way to support its rule from culture aspect .

  2. 家庭家族具有众多的文化指涉和文学母题,如情欲、爱情、婚变、礼教、发迹变泰、子女教育、来世与今生、血统传承、家族延续、科举与功名、家族复仇等等。

    Families ( sagas ) involve numbers of literary motives , such as lust , love , marriage-breaking , ethical code , gaining fame or fortune , next-generation education , next and present life , blood relationship inheriting , generation , imperial civil exams and fame , family revenge .

  3. 安妮在血统上是法国人,但大部分时间住在意大利。

    Anne was French by birth but lived most of her life in Italy .

  4. 我为我的意大利血统感到骄傲。

    I 'm proud of my Italian roots .

  5. 她是英法血统各半。

    She 's part French , part English .

  6. 他是德国血统的。

    He 's German by birth .

  7. 她有贵族血统。

    She is of noble blood .

  8. 他的日本血统被一些对手大肆渲染。

    His Japanese ancestry has been played up by some of his opponents .

  9. 她的父母在血统上其实是美国人。

    Her parents were in fact American by birth .

  10. 60%的狗和10%的猫有血统记录。

    60 per cent of dogs and ten per cent of cats have pedigrees .

  11. 60%的人口属于非欧洲血统。

    60 percent of the population is non-white .

  12. 她是半意大利半英国血统。

    She was half Italian and half English .

  13. 他出生在美国,家族的血统里有一部分爱尔兰血统。

    He 's American-bred , with a sort of Irish background somewhere along the line .

  14. 萨德尔丁是伊朗血统。

    Sadrudin was an Iranian by birth .

  15. 我为我的巴西血统感到自豪。

    I am proud of my Brazilian roots

  16. 她有纯正的贵族血统。

    She had an impeccable aristocratic pedigree .

  17. 他有希腊血统。

    There was Greek blood in his veins

  18. 精明狡猾的首相辩解说自己是苏格兰血统。

    The canny Premier covered his back by pointing out that he was of Scottish stock .

  19. 齐达内已成为在法国出生、有着北非血统的年轻一代的典范。

    Zidane has become the poster child for a whole generation of French-born youths of North African extraction

  20. 他是东方血统。

    He has oriental blood in his veins .

  21. 在相同的血统组中,死亡率实际上随年龄的增加而增加。

    Mortality rates actually increased with age in the same birth cohort .

  22. 她是英国血统,但嫁给了法国人而加入了法国国籍。

    She is English by birth but French by marriage .

  23. 对于他来说,血统是很重要的。

    Race was a matter of importance to him .

  24. 他是纯阿拉伯血统。

    He is of the purest Arab blood .

  25. 他们有犹太血统。

    They have Jewish blood .

  26. 亚戴尔说道,科学家们需要更具体的语言,或许可以使用像“血统”或“人群”这样的术语,它们也许能更准确地在个体和群体层面上反映出人类与其基因之间的关系。

    Yudell said scientists need to get more specific with their language , perhaps using terms like " ancestry " or " population " that might more precisely reflect the relationship between humans and their genes , on both the individual and population level .

  27. 黑猩猩被认为和我们血统最相近的动物。

    The chimpanzee is thought to be our closest animal relative .

  28. 我是中国血统。

    I 'm a Chinese by origin .

  29. 她的家族是葡萄牙血统。

    Her family is Portuguese in origin .

  30. DNA测试表明,在1400年的古墓里发现的人类残骸是欧洲血统。

    Human remains found in a1,400 - year-old Chinese tomb belonged to a man of European origin , DNA evidence shows .