
  • 网络Colloid osmotic pressure;Plasma colloid osmotic pressure;COP
  1. 白蛋白对低血容量患者可迅速扩容,并能维持稳定的血浆胶体渗透压。

    Albumin can quickly expand fluid and maintain a stable plasma colloid osmotic pressure in patients with hypovolemia .

  2. 目的研究体外循环中过敏患者的血浆胶体渗透压变化。

    OBJECTIVE To review the changes of plasma colloid osmotic pressure in allergic patients during cardiopulmonary bypass .

  3. 血浆胶体渗透压(COP)在单晶组、1:1组、1:2组血稀后有显著性变化;在单胶组和1:3组血稀前后则基本无变化。

    COP decreased significantly in single crystalloid , 1:1 and1:2 groups , and remained unchanged in1:3 and single colloid groups .

  4. 血浆胶体渗透压;

    Plasma colloid osmotic pressure ;

  5. 烧(创)伤病人血浆蛋白与胶体渗透压的相关分析

    Correlation analysis between plasma proteins and colloid osmotic pressure in burns and traumatic patients