
  1. 行为情境理论及其对幼儿园教师的启示

    On the Implications of Behavior Setting Theory for Teaching Kindergarten

  2. 依据群体在不同地理环境和行为情境下的活动,包括紧急疏散和骚乱时,建立计算机模型。

    Computer models are constructed based on the movement of groups under different geographical and behavioural scenarios , including emergency evacuations and riots .

  3. 他发现这些规则不仅没有出示行为情境复杂性的灵敏度,而且有的时候还会自相矛盾。

    He saw not only that such rules fail to show sensitivity to the complexities of actual situations , but also that they sometimes conflict with one another .

  4. 行为情境对小学生的道德自我觉知具有普遍影响,行为意图对小学生的道德自我觉知具有特定影响。

    A behavioral situation has universal influences on pupils ' awareness of the moral self , and behavioral intention can only influence the special respect of the awareness of the moral self .

  5. 结果表明,情绪体验对道德自我觉知具有重要影响,行为情境、行为意图和归因倾向是道德情绪体验和道德自我觉知的重要影响因素。

    Results indicate that ( 1 ) emotional experience can influence the awareness of moral self significantly , and ( 2 ) behavioral situation , behavioral intention and attribution inclination are important influential factors of moral emotion and moral self awareness .

  6. 中学生攻击行为的情境特征研究

    A Research on Situational Characters of Aggressive Behaviors Among the Middle School Students

  7. 本研究秉承了面子研究的情境性取向,将哈尔滨人婚庆仪式作为研究面子行为的情境和载体。

    This paper takes the wedding ceremonies in Harbin as a context and carrier for the study of face behavior .

  8. 工作场所欺负是指一种个体长期接受难以反抗的、负性的行为的情境,这些负性的行为来自一个或多个人。

    Workplace bullying is a situation , in which an individual has to accept some negative behaviors , and these negative behaviors come from one person or more .

  9. 中学生体育锻炼行为与运动情境动机及自我效能的关系性研究

    Middle-school student physical training behavior and exercise motive and self-potency relations research

  10. 常见的暗示方法有语言暗示、行为暗示、情境暗示。

    The common methods used in hinting include verbal hinting , behavioral hinting and situational hinting .

  11. 本文是关于儿童行为失范情境中的教师策略研究的结果。

    The thesis is the conclusion of study , which is about strategies teachers used in the context of toddler 's " anomie " activities .

  12. 他们的研究主要集中在领导者的个人特质、领导者行为发生的情境以及领导行为与绩效的关系。

    They had made fruitful achievements in their researches . Their studies focused on the personal traits of leaders , the situational determinants of leadership behaviors and its relation with performance etc.

  13. 最后,从球场观众助威行为与赛场情境之间的关系,阐述了球场观众与球场人员之间的互动以及球场观众之间的互动过程,并初步建构了球场观众助威行为的互动理论模型。

    At last , it pointed out the interaction processes between filed spectators and the staffs , and among filed spectators from the relations between the field spectator cheering behaviors and field scenes . The interactive theoretical model of field spectator cheering behavior was built preliminarily .

  14. 近些年来,在动机问题的研究领域中,社会认知理论的影响越来越大,这一学派的研究者将人的动机行为看作社会情境中人的认知过程和思维过程的体现。

    The influence that the society cognition theory is raised to the whole sports area was more and more bigger in resent years . The researches of this field regard this motive action as the embodying of the cognition course and the thoughts process of the people in social circumstances .

  15. 应聘者的印象管理行为在求职面试情境中是一种普遍现象,其目的旨在赢得面试考官的良好评价。

    Applicants ' impression management were the most widely existed phenomena in actual job interviews , which in order to elicit positive interviewer evaluations .

  16. 根据研究得出以下结论:1.移情训练前,无冲突情境下幼儿的助人行为显著高于冲突情境。

    The results show that : 1 . Before empathy training , the helping behavior in no-conflict situations was significantly higher than in conflict situations .

  17. 要充分利用载体,规范文化行为,设计文化情境,引导学生自觉地参与文化创造活动。

    And we should make the best of media to standardize behavior of normative culture , design cultural situations and lead students to participate in creative activities .

  18. 消费者行为是在一定情境或背景下产生的,其中,社会情境中的广告心理效应是最重要的情境性影响因素。

    Consumer behavior is generated from a certain context or background , and the advertisement psychological effect of social context is the most important contextual influential factors .

  19. 由于交易型与变革型领导行为具有不同的情境适应性,因此,企业领导应采取多种措施,培养适应企业特点的领导认知图式以提高领导行为的有效性。

    Since transactional and transformational leadership have different situation adaptability , different leaders should take many kinds of measures , and train leadership cognitive what adapts to organizational characteristic to improve the validity of leadership .