
xíng huì
  • bribe;offer a bribe;resort to bribery;pay out graft;graft
行贿 [xíng huì]
  • (1) [bribe]∶给或答应给贿赂;通过贿赂而唆使

  • (2) [pay out graft]∶作为报酬给予从事于某种勾当的人的财物

  • 为了避免警察找麻烦,不得不向当地的政客们行贿

行贿[xíng huì]
  1. 他设法行贿混上了船。

    He managed to bribe his way onto the ship .

  2. 这商人向他行贿。

    The merchant offers a bribe to him .

  3. 他因受到行贿指控而被捕入狱。

    He was jailed on charges of bribery .

  4. 对他的指控包括诈骗、行贿和伪造商业记录。

    The charges against him include fraud , bribery , and falsifying business records .

  5. 他被指控滥用秘密的政府行贿基金,金额达1,750万美元。

    He 's accused of misusing $ 17.5 million from a secret government slush fund .

  6. 一旦他表现出可以被收买,他们就会定期向他行贿。

    Once he shows he can be bought , they settle down to a regular payment .

  7. POD与O-2.;论行贿罪的未遂

    2 , between POD and O - . About Abortive Bribe

  8. 《纽约时报》(TheNewYorkTimes)上周末报道称,沃尔玛公司(Walmart)涉嫌掩盖一项内部调查,该调查证明其墨西哥分公司向该国官员行贿。

    Over the weekend , the New York Times reported that Walmart allegedly covered up an internal investigation proving its Mexican subsidiary bribed officials in the country .

  9. 涉及德国工业集团西门子(siemens)的行贿指控,提供了一个引人注目的最新例证。

    The bribery allegations engulfing Siemens , the German industrial group , provide one recent high-profile example .

  10. 中国官方出版报刊《上海证券报》(shanghaisecuritiesjournal)援引“业内人士”的话称,四人涉嫌行贿,但未透露细节。

    The Shanghai Securities Journal , an official publication , quoted " industry insiders " as alleging that the four men were involved in bribery , but gave no details .

  11. 在接受南非《星期日独立报》(SundayIndependent)采访时,乔达安说,这笔付款的时间证明,它不可能是行贿。

    In an interview with the Sunday Independent , a South African newspaper , Mr. Jordaan said the timing of the payment proved that it could not have been a bribe .

  12. 要求改革的大部分压力来自非政府组织以及经合组织(OECD)中与英国同道的富国成员。美国从1977年起就禁止向外国人行贿。

    Much of the pressure for change has come from non-government organisations and Britain 's fellow rich-country members of the OECD .

  13. 如何定义和衡量贿赂:行贿指数(BPI)

    How to Define and Measure Bribes : The Bribe Payers Index ( BPI )

  14. 该公司铁矿石部门首席执行官山姆沃尔什(samwalsh)称,有关其员工行贿的报道“毫无根据”。

    Sam Walsh , chief executive of the iron ore division , has described reports of bribery by employees as " wholly without foundation " .

  15. 美国证券交易委员会(TheSecuritiesandExchangeCommission,SEC)指控摩根士丹利(MorganStanley)前高管盖斯•彼得森为了替公司招揽业务,向一家中国国有企业的官员行贿。

    The securities and exchange commission charged a former Morgan Stanley executive Garth Peterson with bribing an official of a state-owned Chinese company in order to win business for the investment firm .

  16. 世界银行学院(WorldBankInstitute)前治理局局长、布鲁金斯学会(BrookingsInstitution)高级研究员考夫曼表示,全球行贿案件数量多年来一直相对平稳。

    Globally , the number of cases of bribery has stayed relatively steady over the years , says Kaufmann , former director of the World Bank Institute who is now a senior fellow at Brookings Institution .

  17. 自中国当局指控GSK行贿至多5亿美元以来,GSK一直被置于放大镜下。

    GSK has been under scrutiny since Chinese authorities accused it of paying up to $ 500m in bribes .

  18. 《纽约时报》(NewYorkTimes)的报道称,沃尔玛通过行贿获得了土地审批、降低建筑商费用等一切,快速地开设了数百家新店,将竞争对手轻松地甩在了后面。

    For Wal-Mart ( WMT ) , bribes allegedly bought the retail giant everything from zoning approvals to reductions in builder fees , helping it build hundreds of new stores at a pace where competitors struggle to catch up , according to the New York Times .

  19. 在递交美国证交会的一份文件中,塔塔通信(tatacommunications)透露,该公司可能违反了《海外反腐败法》,因为其一家关联企业向东南亚某国政府采购部门的官员行贿。

    Tata communications has disclosed in an SEC filing that it may have breached the FCPA in relation to payments by an associated company to officials of a government purchaser in South-East Asia .

  20. 电器集团西门子(Siemens)在2006年被曝出设立贿赂基金行贿以赢取合同之后,不得不支付20亿美元罚款和咨询费用。

    Siemens , the electronics group , had to shell out $ 2bn in fines and advisory payments after the 2006 discovery that slush funds were used to pay bribes to win contracts .

  21. 此前,默多克旗下最高层的管理人员之一丽贝卡•布鲁克斯(RebekahBrooks)因涉嫌电话窃听和行贿,在伦敦被捕。

    Earlier , Rebekah Brooks , formerly one of Mr Murdoch 's most senior executives , was arrested in London on suspicion of phone hacking and corruption .

  22. 任何一家公司要想迅速在外国市场占据统治地位,一种方法就是向当地官员行贿,就像沃尔玛(walmart)被控在墨西哥所做的那样。

    One way for any company to rise rapidly to dominance in a foreign market is to pay bribes to local officials , as Walmart is accused of having done in Mexico .

  23. 不幸的是,辉瑞的这些行为违反了美国专门用来定罪海外行贿的《反海外腐败法》(FCPA)。

    Unfortunately for Pfizer , such acts violated the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act ( FCPA ) , an American law that criminalises bribery abroad .

  24. 据知情人士透露,西门子(Siemens)在对一桩不断扩大的腐败丑闻进行调查时,确定另外三个部门也有明显的行贿事件。在此之前,丑闻调查的焦点一直是西门子的电信部门。

    Siemens has identified incidents of apparent bribery at three other divisions as part of its investigations into an expanding corruption scandal , which has focused until now on its telecoms unit , according to people familiar with the investigations .

  25. 不过,声明中承认,中石化一名员工曾收受德国汽车制造商戴姆勒(Daimler)的贿赂。在美国受到行贿指控的戴姆勒,上周已与美国司法部达成和解。

    The statement , however , acknowledged that one of its employees received a bribe from Daimler , the German automaker that this week settled corruption charges with the US Department of Justice .

  26. GSK去年因这一行贿丑闻被罚3亿英镑。在就此展开内部调查后,本月有消息称,GSK已在中国开除100多名员工。

    It emerged this month that GSK had dismissed more than 100 staff in China following its internal investigation into the corruption scandal for which it was fined £ 300m last year .

  27. cresyn表示,公司没有向迪瓦恩行贿,也没有向他提供任何不正当佣金。

    Cresyn said it did not offer Mr Devine any bribes nor did it give him any improper commissions .

  28. 西门子(Siemens)、戴姆勒奔驰(Daimler)、德国铁路(DeutscheBahn)和Ferrostaal等德国公司都曾被指向希腊官员行贿数百万欧元,以获取希腊政府的军用和民用项目。

    German companies like Siemens ( SI ), Daimler , Deutsche Bahn , and Ferrostaal have been accused of funneling millions of euros to Greek politicians to secure military and civilian government contracts .

  29. McGuireWoods律所合伙人马克布热津斯基(MarkBrzezinski)表示:行贿会伤害最弱小的企业。一家企业在美国采取一套做法,在非洲或拉丁美洲则采取另一套做法,这不符合人类的尊严。

    Bribery hurts the least powerful . It is not consistent with human dignity for business to be conducted one way in America , and another way in Africa or Latin America , says Mark Brzezinski , a partner of law firm McGuire Woods .

  30. 在经过了多次上诉之后,Hoffa追中由于藐视法庭,诈骗和行贿罪被判刑13年,并于1967年入狱。

    Hoffa , who had been convicted of jury tampering , attempted bribery , and fraud in 1964 , was imprisoned in 1967 , sentenced to 13 years , after exhausting the appeal process .