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  • capsid
  1. 鸡贫血病毒衣壳蛋白基因的PCR扩增和克隆

    Amplification by PCR and cloning of the capsid gene of chicken anaemia virus

  2. 在DNA多聚酶合成DNA复制后,病毒衣壳和糖蛋白合成。

    After synthesis of the DNA polymerase and replication of DNA , the viral capsid and glycoproteins are synthesized .

  3. 其核酸结构为线状双股DNA,衣壳为二十面体对称,有囊膜。

    It has linear double strand DNA , icosahedral-capsid and envelope .

  4. N端融合外源蛋白的兔出血症病毒衣壳蛋白自聚能力的研究

    Study on the self-assemble ability of expressed capsid protein of Rabbit haemorrhagic disease virus that fused with foreign epitope at the N-terminus

  5. 星状病毒属单独的星状病毒科,星状病毒属,无衣壳单股正链RNA病毒。

    Astrovirus is a non-capsid single-strand sensitive RNA virus and a family of Astroviridae and Astrovirus .

  6. 以免疫组化法检测HPV的衣壳抗原表达。

    The HPV capsid antigen was detected by immunohistochemistry method .

  7. 通过基因枪和农杆菌共培养法尝试将黄瓜花叶病毒的衣壳蛋白基因转化香蕉组织,其结果表明:经过卡那霉素或G-418的筛选,仅有5%-7%的芽能够存活下来。

    Coat Protein ( CP ) of cucumber mosaic virus was transformed into banana tissues by gene gun bombardment and agrobacterium - mediated culture .

  8. 提高口蹄疫病毒衣壳多肽VP1免疫原性的实验研究

    Enhancement of Immunogenicity of Foot-and-Mouth Disease Virus Capsid polypeptide Vp

  9. 人乳头瘤病毒16型主要衣壳蛋白L1的纯化

    Purification of human papillomavirus type 16 major capsid protein L1

  10. 逆时针的一簇主要为噬菌体的DNA代谢、复制、重组、转录相关蛋白,顺时针一簇主要是噬菌体的结构衣壳蛋白。

    DNA metabolism , replication , recombination and transcription-related proteins mainly distributed on counterclockwise cluster , while phage structure and capsid proteins were lined on clockwise cluster .

  11. C型口蹄疫病毒衣壳蛋白前体P1基因的原核表达及其生物活性的初步分析

    Expression of the Capsid : Precursor Polypeptide P1 of Foot-and-mouth Disease Virus Type C and Analysis of Its Biology Activity

  12. 脂质体的脂组成、日本凝血病毒衣壳蛋白包裹、与腺病毒的结合物及DNA核靶向序列影响其基因转移的效果。

    Liposomes'transfection is affected by lipid composition , coating by capsid of hemagglutinating virus of Japan , lipoadenofection by combination of adenovirus , and DNA nuclear targeting sequence .

  13. 这说明,本研究用纯化的MCP融合蛋白制备兔抗OGNNVMCP抗体是成功的,并证实了OGNNV主衣壳蛋白的免疫原性。

    The antibodies was successfully prepared with purified recombinant MCP .

  14. 在双链DNA病毒增殖和成熟的过程中,需要将相当长的子代DNA装入一个极为有限空间的新生病毒衣壳。

    During multiplication and maturation , the lengthy genomic DNA of dsDNA viruses is translocated with remarkable velocity into a limited space within the procapsid and packaged to crystalline density .

  15. 根癌农杆菌介导甲型肝炎病毒(HAV)衣壳蛋白融合基因转化柑桔的研究

    Agrobacterium-mediated Transformation of Citrus with Hepatitis A Virus Capsid Protein Fusion Gene

  16. 芜菁花叶病毒衣壳蛋白亚基分子量测定及其在低浓度SDS中的解聚现象

    Molecular weight determination of capsid protein subunit in Turnip mosaic virus and its depolymerization in low concentration of SDS

  17. 赤点石斑鱼诺达病毒的纯化及其衣壳蛋白的Western-blot分析

    Purification and Western-blot assay of the capsid protein of the red-spotted grouper nodavirus

  18. HPV的电泳分析结果表明来自寻常疣、跖疣的HPV具有不同的结构蛋白图型,其主要和次要衣壳蛋白多肽的分子量具有明显的差异。

    The electrophoretic analysis results of HPV indicate that there are different polypeptides patterns and molecular weights between verrucae vulgaris and plantaris .

  19. 近年来国外开始把B19的衣壳蛋白作为疫苗抗原进行研究。

    Recently recombination of B19 capsid protein as vaccine antigen is processing in fremdness .

  20. 替换HIV-1衣壳蛋白基因SHIV的构建及其活性测定

    Construction and Characterization of SHIV Carrying HIV-1 Capsid

  21. 对其中的24株进行PCR检测,结果表明阳性率达83.3%;进一步的Southernblot检测表明:PCR检测阳性的81.8%植株含有外源衣壳蛋白基因。

    83.3 % of 24 transformed plants showed positive in PCR analysis , and further Southern blot analysis indicated that 81.8 % of PCR positive plants contained foreign CP gene .

  22. 新城疫病毒HN蛋白球状头部在T4噬菌体衣壳表面的展示

    Display of the Globular domain of HN Protein of Newcastle Disease Virus on the Bacteriophage T4 Capsid Surface

  23. 方法基于噬菌体小衣壳蛋白(gpⅢ)构建12氨基酸随机肽库。

    Methods A random peptide library of 12 amino acid residues was established based on a fusion to gp ⅲ of filamentous phage .

  24. 流感病毒核蛋白(np)主要功能是使病毒基因组衣壳化,以便RNA转录、制和病毒子装配。

    The primary function of the influenza virus nucleoprotein ( NP ) is to encapsidate the virus genome for the purposes of RNA transcription , replication and packing .

  25. 方法采用荧光素标记的羊抗鼠IgG抗体,检测病毒抗原与抗风疹病毒衣壳蛋白E1、E2、C蛋白的单克隆抗体的结合物。

    Methods Fluorescent goat anti mouse IgG conjugate was used to detect the complex of Rubella antigens and Rubella monoclonal antibodies to virion protein E_1 , E_2 , and C.

  26. 人乳头瘤病毒HPV-16衣壳蛋白的结构特征

    Structural Features of Human Papillomavirus Type 16 Capsid Proteins

  27. 目前研究表明,虽然已成功实现对病毒衣壳蛋白(CP)等基因的转化和Ctv等抗性基因的标记,但尚未获得对CTV有高度抗性的转基因柑橘,而抗性基因亦不能实现定点克隆和转化。

    It is indicated that neither transgenic citrus against CTV nor mapping clone and transformation of resistant genes has obtained .

  28. HIV-1进入CD4+细胞是由病毒衣壳糖蛋白、CD4受体和协同受体(又称趋化因子受体)相互作用完成的。

    The entry of HIV-1 into CD4 + T cells is mediated by the interactions between the viral envelope glycoproteins , the CD4 receptor and HIV-1 coreceptors .

  29. 宿主细胞的其他部分则被用于帮助复制发展新病毒的指令&其形式表现为DNA或RNA,并将这些简单的核素安置在新合成的衣壳中。

    Other host components are enlisted to help copy the instructions for building new viruses , in the form of DNA or RNA , and to install those concise nucleic texts in the newly constructed capsids .

  30. HIV-1衣壳蛋白抑制剂CAP-1衍生物的合成

    Study on Synthesis of Capsid Protein Inhibitor CAP-1 Derivatives