
yī shí
  • food and clothing
衣食 [yī shí]
  • [food and clothing] 衣服和食物,泛指各种基本生活资料

衣食[yī shí]
  1. 孩子们有良好的衣食供应。

    The kids are provided with good food and clothing .

  2. 小孩依赖父母供给衣食。

    Children depend on their parents for food and clothing .

  3. 衣食足而知礼仪。

    Only when food and clothing are enough can one behave properly .

  4. 这位读书人,尽管衣食无着,可是他的好古之心,依然如故,始终舍不得丢掉这三件“古董”。

    Though he had neither food nor clothes , his fondness for antiques remained unchanged . All along he could not bear to part with these three " antiques " .

  5. Gardner开始上门申请学习经纪人课程,即使这意味着在他学习期间会衣食无着。

    Gardner began knocking on doors , applying for training programs at brokerages , even though it meant he would have to live on next to nothing while he learned .

  6. 衣食正用火车运往灾区。

    Food and clothing are being trained to the flooded areas .

  7. 我们要钱是为了给孩子们提供衣食。

    We asked for money to feed and clothe the children .

  8. 父母必须为他们的孩子提供衣食。

    Parents must supply their children with food and clothes .

  9. 商人在破产,家庭在为衣食而受苦。

    Merchants are failing , families are suffering for food and clothing .

  10. 父亲得供给孩子衣食。

    The father has to find food and clothing for his children .

  11. 没有多少钱剩下来应付衣食了。

    There was little money left for food or clothing .

  12. 对个人来说,首要的是衣食。

    To a person , back and belly is first .

  13. 交易收入已经不是他们唯一的衣食来源。

    Trading is no longer their sole bread and butter .

  14. 他死后家人衣食无着。

    When he died , his family was left destitute .

  15. 每个家庭都陷入谋衣食的严酷的劳动中。

    Each was immersed in stern business of earning bread .

  16. 你父母供给你在大学的衣食了吗?

    Did your parents provide food and clothes for you in the university ?

  17. 他给家人提供衣食。

    He provides his family with food and clothes .

  18. 他终年为全家提供衣食而劳碌。

    He tugged all the year round to feed and clothe his family .

  19. 父亲供给家里的人衣食。

    Father provided food and clothes for his family .

  20. 父母给我们提供衣食。

    Our parents provide food and clothes for us .

  21. 他们所得到的不是衣食而是博客地位。

    Many are paid by the piece & not garments , but blog posts .

  22. 人生乐趣非在衣食,而在于爱好。

    Life lies not in living but liking .

  23. 世界上有很多人缺少衣食等生活必需品。

    Many people in the world want for vital things as food and clothing .

  24. 他不愿依赖他的父母供给衣食?

    He didn 't want to depend on his parents for food and clothing .

  25. 他在这些地方举行小提琴演奏会,以赚取购买衣食所需的金钱。

    Here he would give violin concerts and earn money to buy food and clothes .

  26. 为了养活日益庞大的军队,平民的衣食也被剥夺掉。

    Civilians were deprived of food and clothing in order to support the growing armies .

  27. 不用再为衣食而忧虑

    Care no more to clothe and eat

  28. 他们对衣食无着的恐惧。

    Their fear of losing their livelihood .

  29. 农业是人类的衣食之源、生存之本。

    Agriculture is the source of human food and clothing , survival of the country .

  30. 不用说财富与荣誉了,就是衣食亦非不劳而获。

    Not to mention riches and honor even clothing and bread cannot be got without toil .