
yī jiā
  • clothes-peg;clothespin;peg
衣夹[yī jiā]
  1. 你把洗的衣物用一个衣夹夹在绳子上。

    You fasten the washing to a line with a peg .

  2. 分析衣夹结构,设计了一模十二腔的多型腔的模具。

    Peg structure was analyzed for mold design .

  3. 在晾衣夹上做上永久性标记,用以区分(电视机、录像机、DVD机、立体声音响设备、电话机等)电线插头的归属。

    Label clothespins with permanent marker ( TV , DVR , DVD , Stereo , Phone , etc. ) , and use them to identify the cords that belong to each appliance .

  4. 喂,你拿我的衣夹做什么?

    Hey , what are you doing with my garment pins ?

  5. 妈妈走出来,把湿衣服晾在绳子上并用衣夹夹住。

    Mamma came out and pegged wet clothes on the line .

  6. 她用两只衣夹挂上衬衫。

    She hung up the shirt with two ( clothes ) pegs .

  7. 用木质晒衣夹把衣服夹在晾衣绳上。

    Pin your articles to the clothesline with wooden clothespins .

  8. 她用衣夹将湿衣服夹在晒衣绳上。

    She pegged wet clothes on the line .

  9. 还有马桶坐垫纸、鞋套、夹鼻子的晒衣夹。

    We have seat protectors , uh , booties for my shoes , a clothespin for my nose .

  10. 将领带或围巾(最多四条)挂在衣架底部,并用晾衣夹予以固定。

    Drape up to four ties or scarves across the bottom of a wire hanger and fix each in place with a pin .

  11. 将晾衣夹楔入树的分叉处(或者说树枝与树干的交叉处),以便幼苗茁壮成长。

    Wedge a clothespin into the fork ( or the spot where a branch and the trunk meet ) to keep saplings growing straight and strong .

  12. 由于铰链连接要求高,严格控制了模具温度和冷却速度,使成本进一步降低,衣夹更耐用。

    As there 's more requirement for hinge connecting , strict control was carried over cooling temperature and rate , further reducing cost and making peg more durable .

  13. 介绍了一种全塑料的衣夹模具,该衣夹无需金属弹簧,生产该衣夹成本低又耐用,模具寿命长。

    A kind of whole plastic clothes-pin mold is introduced , for this clothes-pin , it needs no metal spring , with low manufacture cost and long using ages , also , the mold has a long working life .

  14. 我把衣服从篮子中一件件拿出来:衬衫、裙子、T恤和袜子,然后把褶皱抖一下,用衣夹夹紧,然后舒展在绳子上,然后开始挂另一件。抖一抖,夹上,展开平铺在晒衣绳上面。

    One by one I take out our shirts and dresses , T-shirts and socks , shake out the wrinkles , attach them with clothespins , then pull the line over to pin the next one . Shaking and pinning , smoothing and pulling the line .