
bǔ xí bān
  • cram school;cramming school;continuation class;a class for supplementary schooling
  1. 我星期六在补习班有一堂音乐课。

    I have a music class at cram school on Saturday .

  2. 下了课,许多学生去上补习班。

    Out of class , many students go to cram school .

  3. 补习班招生已满额。

    The continuation class has already fulfilled its enrolment quota .

  4. 好莱坞记者新闻说这位前男孩组合成员被请来主持一个新的真人秀:ABC电视台的《高校音乐剧:暑期补习班》。

    The Hollywood Reporter says that the former boy-band member has been tapped to host what could be the next reality-television sensation : ABC 's High School Musical : Summer Session .

  5. 虽然游戏主要是一个第一人称射击游戏,变速箱设法在一个坚实的RPG游戏经验,以及补习班。

    While the game was primarily a first person shooter , Gearbox managed to cram in a solid RPG experience as well .

  6. 请在学校(or补习班)等我。

    Please wait for me at the ( cram ) school .

  7. 是不是该送他去私立补习班?

    Shall I send him to a private school after class ?

  8. 除了一般的教育之外,我还上补习班作为辅助。

    I go to cram schools to supplement my regular education .

  9. 放学后,我会去补习班。

    After school , I go to a cram school .

  10. 谢谢,我必须去上假日补习班。

    Thanks , but I have to go to the holiday school .

  11. 图为印度街头的“街头补习班”。

    This picture shows the street cram school in India 's street .

  12. 这家伙真需要上控制情绪的补习班。

    The boy needs a refresher course in anger management .

  13. 我的儿子每晚都去上补习班。

    My son goes to cram school every evening .

  14. 他们白天整天上学,晚上上补习班。

    They go to school all day and attend cram schools at night .

  15. 不要把参加补习班视为一个需跟随的趋势。

    Do not consider attending tutorial classes as a trend you must follow .

  16. 不过这次,上补习班对一些人来说已经不够了。

    But this time , after-school classes aren 't enough for some people .

  17. 我宁愿留在学校赛尔号晶体怎么拼也不乐意去补习班。

    But I would rather stay at school than go to cram school .

  18. 我第一份工作是在补习班的学校。

    My first job was at a cramming school .

  19. 我想去补习班上课来改善我的英语能力。

    I would like to go to cram schools to improve my English ability .

  20. 补习班、课、小组等

    Remedial classes , lessons , groups , etc

  21. 日本学生佐藤在北京某微笑补习班上课。

    Sato , a Japanese student , goes to a smiling class in Beijing .

  22. 她是我补习班里的一个学生,金珠。

    She is a student at my academy .

  23. 他上补习班加强补习功课。

    He enhances his learning at cram school .

  24. 可是,你的父母早早地给你报了寒假补习班。

    However , your parents early on a winter vacation to make you a tutorial .

  25. 他们都在上补习班。

    They 're at their private lessons .

  26. 那是上补习班用的。

    It 's for a private class .

  27. 暑假补习班的最后一天,她组织了一个派对。

    She had a party when it was the last day of the summer school .

  28. 她和朋友在老家合办了一个初中生英语补习班。

    With friends she opened an English class in her hometown for junior high school students .

  29. 上大学之前,我参加过一年的高考补习班。

    I attended a college entrance cram school for one year before I went to college .

  30. 美儿每个礼拜上一次补习班,准备入学考试。

    May goes to a supplementary school once a week to prepare for the entrance exams .