
  • 网络Patch;patch program
  1. 补丁程序或者修订程序的安装总是在注册表中留下痕迹。

    Installation of a patch or hotfix always leaves a footprint in the registry .

  2. 他的团队不发布补丁程序,实际上他们要保持主干的稳定,如果修复了bug,他们会邀请用户下载最新的版本。

    His team doesn 't ship patch releases , instead their goal is to maintain the stability of the trunk , then if a bug fix is required the customer is just invited to download the latest build .

  3. 这些更新通常包括解决Microsoft产品特有漏洞的补丁程序。

    These updates usually contain patches that address vulnerabilities specific to Microsoft products .

  4. 基于AUTOCADVBA的绘图补丁程序

    A Supplement to the Drawing Program Based on AutoCAD VBA

  5. 而且,您需要对每个LPAR安装补丁程序和进行技术升级。

    Furthermore , you need to install patches and technology upgrades to each LPAR .

  6. 如果您点击“下载”链接,您将发现补丁程序、工具甚至RedHat的支持XFS的内核。

    If you follow the download link , you 'll find patches , tools , and even Red Hat XFS-enabled kernels .

  7. 一方面,在系统层上通过下载最新补丁程序和采用NTFS格式等措施来提高ASP网站安全性;

    The safety of the ASP net can be improved by loading the newest pitch program and adopting NTES format on the system layers .

  8. 系统测试环境由管理人员用来测试补丁程序和配置改动,然后再将它们用到QA和产品环境中。

    System test environments are used by the administration staff to test patches and configuration changes before they are adopted by the QA and production environments .

  9. 在2005年,LinusTorvalds(Linux之父)为了解决在处理Linux内核上的补丁程序遇到的问题而开发了Git版本控制系统。

    In2005 Linus Torvalds created the Git version control system in order to solve problems he was having dealing with patches to the Linux kernel .

  10. 例如,防止“红色代码”病毒的补丁程序称为Q300972。

    For example , the patch for the Code Red virus is called Q300972 .

  11. 主要阐述了软件与补丁程序的整合方法。

    The paper introduces the integration of software and patch program .

  12. 但是,执行正确转换需要一个补丁程序。

    However , a patch is needed to make correct conversions .

  13. 需要配以一个强劲的补丁程序管理程序。

    It should be coupled with a strong patch management process .

  14. 在发布之后,马上将发布分支合并到主干之上(这样补丁程序就会包含在未来的发布版本之中)。

    Merge from release branch to trunk immediately after releasing ( so the patch is included in future releases ) .

  15. 程序包的维护者也由于不能容易的及时处理所有提交上来的补丁程序而使代码贡献者有些灰心。

    Package maintainers also have a hard time handling all the incoming patches in a timely manner which frustrates the contributors .

  16. 这种决策取决于终端设备的信息,如终端设备的当前抗病毒状况和操作系统补丁程序级别。

    This decision can be based on information about the endpoint device such as its current antivirus state and operating system patch level .

  17. 云计算病毒检测能让病毒爆发迅速地被鉴定并发布对应的补丁程序,这样才能跟上病毒迅速繁殖和新变种或新特征的产生速度。

    Outbreaks can be quickly classified and fixes posted , keeping up with the rapid proliferation of new virus variants and their associated signatures .

  18. 另外,您的应用程序应有打包的更新、修复和补丁程序,这样它们可以包含在设备的其他更新中,或者与它们捆绑在一起。

    Also , your application should have updates , fixes , and patches packaged so they can be included or bundled with other updates of the appliance .

  19. 如果软件没有按照预期设计的运行,那么补丁程序将会被创建出来。

    If the software did not operate as expected then a patch was created and applied with the fervent hope that the problem would be taken care of .

  20. 例如,管理人员可以在新的补丁程序和配置更改并入预生产和生产环境之前使用这种环境对它们进行测试。

    For example , the administration staff may use this environment to test new patches and configuration changes before they are rolled into the pre-production and production environments .

  21. 为改进服务并降低成本,移动运营商和制造商希望通过无线机制提供手持设备固件性能升级和补丁程序。

    In order to improve service and reduce costs , mobile operators and manufacturers would like to deliver feature upgrades and patches to a handset 's firmware through an over-the-air mechanism .

  22. 该选项让补丁程序补偿空白中的任何变化(例如细微的缩排变化),这些变化一般会造成补丁的某些部分失败。

    This option allows the patch program to compensate for any changes in whitespace ( such as minor indentation changes ) that would ordinarily cause some hunks of the patch to fail .

  23. 因此,利用这里所描述的技术,通过在审计期间查找这个键,我们能识别没有安装补丁程序的任何机器,并且相应地对它们进行处理。

    Hence , by looking for the key during an audit , using the techniques described here , we can identify any machines that lack the patch , and deal with them accordingly .

  24. 可以支持补丁和卸载程序。

    It also includes support for patches and uninstalling program .

  25. 不要忘记查看平台本身的配置错误、缺失的补丁和修补程序以及常规漏洞。

    Remember to look for misconfiguration , missing patches and hotfixes , and general weaknesses in the platform itself .

  26. 该蜜罐配置包括安装虚拟操作系统、系统补丁和杀毒程序、日志服务器和相关记录、数据包捕获等步骤。

    The configuration of honey pot includes installing virtual operation system , system mends , anti-virus process , log server , relative records , data package capturing and so on .

  27. 补丁推送程序实现了对系统补丁程序的远程推送、漏洞修补和补漏检测,提高了系统的自动化程度,为网络安全脆弱性处置提供了有力工具。

    Patches pushed modular can realize long-range patches pull , vulnerabilities mend , and vulnerabilities detection . It can improve the system 's automatical vulnerabilities mend , and provide helpful tool for disposing the network security vulnerabilities .

  28. 当程序运行并使用GL,这个驱动补丁会记住该程序,下次就自动使用配置好的模式启动了。

    As soon as an app runs that uses GL , the driver registers this , and after running it for the first time , the mode to use for this app can be configured in the configuration tool .

  29. 一些政府网站昨日晚间仍陷于瘫痪状态,专家建议互联网用户安装安全补丁或更新杀毒程序。

    Some government websites were still down late yesterday and Internet users were advised to install security patches or update anti-virus programs .

  30. 当服务器正在运行时,惟一不能应用的补丁是更新内核程序和TCP/IP堆栈的补丁。

    The only patches that cannot be applied while the server is running are patches that update the kernel or the TCP / IP stack .