
bǔ yīn
  • tonifying yin
补阴[bǔ yīn]
  1. 张景岳补阴法初探

    Discussion on Tonifying Yin of zhang Jingyue

  2. 阴虚贯穿衰老过程的始终,延缓衰老应从老年前期开始,补阴是该期最适宜的方法。

    Retarding aging should begin with the prophase of aged and tonifying yin is the most suitable method for this period .

  3. 补阴法与延缓衰老

    Correlation on tonifying and nourishing yin and slowing down aging process

  4. 用药以补阴药、清热药和止血药为主。

    Medication to yin drugs , antipyretic and hemostatic based .

  5. 补阴安神中药抗焦虑研究思路

    The Investigative Way of Antianxiety with Reinforcing Yin and Calming the Nerves

  6. 明清医家补阴剂用药规律研究新型补钙剂的研制

    Study on Medicine Law of Prescriptions for Invigorating Yin in the Ming-Qing Dynasty

  7. 补阴泻阳法治疗青春期功血

    Yin-Enriching and Yang-Draining Therapy for Adolescent Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding

  8. 研究发现,明清医家应用补阴剂时以甘寒、甘温药物为主;药物归经定位在肝肾,肺胃;

    The channel-tropism of medicine was mostly kidney , liver , lung , stomach ;

  9. 南方多火阳盛,龙母水神有尅火补阴之效;

    Much more fire in the south ;

  10. 试论吴鞠通“补阴以救阳”

    On Wu jutong 's theory of " replenishing Yin to recuperate the depleted yang "

  11. 泻阳补阴法治疗失眠症38例临床观察

    Clinical Observations on the Treatment of Insomnia by a Yang - reducing and Yin - reinforcing Method

  12. 具有补阴作用的左归饮对其具有较好的调节作用从而延缓衰老,但其对于老年期后期大鼠的效果不及阴阳双补之剂。

    But for the late aged rats , its effect is not as good as the prescription tonifying both yin and yang .

  13. 而古代文献中补阴药位居最后,仅占0.33%。现代中医还认为阴虚是厌食的重要病机,这是对厌食病因病机认识的重大发展。

    Modern Chinese medicine also believes that the yin deficiency is an important pathogenesis of anorexia , This is the pathogenesis of the major developments in understanding . 2 .

  14. 喂药对照组:于实验第1~3周灌胃补阴剂,第4~5周灌胃补阳剂,并且不训练;

    Medicine control group given the increased yin dose at the 1st to 3rd weeks , and the increased yang medicine at the 4th and 5th weeks without training ;

  15. 通过系统整理和深入分析,揭示了补肾阳方剂中配伍补阴药物以阴中求阳的部分应用规律。

    Sorting through the system and in-depth analysis reveals tonic Yin drugs in tonifying kidney Yang prescription with " reinforcing Yang from Yin " part of the application of the law . 1 .

  16. 其实从《续名医类案》中分析可知,其实未必。魏氏运用养阴生肝法,枸杞补肝阴为主药。

    Actually , it can be concluded from the analysis of Xu Mingyi Lei ' an that he used Fructus Lycii ( Gouqi ) as a main herb to tonify liver yin in the method of nourishing yin to generate liver .

  17. 二至丸为平补肝肾之阴的代表方剂,作用缓和,疗效确切。二至丸具有多层次、多途径、多靶点的延缓衰老作用。

    Erzhi Pill is the typical prescription for invigorating yin of the liver and kidney calmly , which has the function of delaying aging with multistrata , multiway and multitarget .