首页 / 词典 / good

  • outside;surface;external;the relationship between the children or grandchildren of a brother and a sister or of sisters
  • show;manifest;express;administer medicine to bring out the cold
  • 外部,外面,外貌:~面。外~。仪~。~象。~层。~皮。

  • 显示:~示。~态。~征。~达。~露。~演。~情。略~心意。

  • 中医指用药物把感受的风寒发散出来:~汗。

  • 分类分项记录事物的文件:~册。~格。~报。调查~。

  • 计时间的器具,通常比钟小,可以带在身边:钟~。手~。怀~。

  • 计量某种量的器具:电~。

  • 标志,榜样:~率(shuài )。为(wéi )人师~。

  • 称呼父亲或祖父的姊妹、母亲或祖母的兄弟姊妹生的子女,用来表示亲属关系:~亲。~兄弟。

  • 测量的标尺:~尺。圭~(古代测日影的器具)。

  • 封建时代称臣子给君主的奏章:~章。诸葛亮《出师~》。

  • 树梢:林~。


(外面;外表) outside; surface; external:

  • 徒有虚表

    only have a handsome look;

  • 仪表不凡

    handsome looks;

  • 由表及里

    proceed from the outside to the inside


(中表亲戚) the relationship between the children or grandchildren of a brother and a sister or of sisters:

  • 大老表

    first cousin


(榜样;模范) example; model:

  • 代表



(古代文体奏章) memorial to an emperor in ancient times:

  • 表奏

    memorial to the throne


(表格) chart; form; graph; list; table:

  • 一览表

    general chart;

  • 登记表

    registration form;

  • 价目表

    price list;

  • 统计表

    statistical graph;

  • 时间表



(测量器具) gauge; meter:

  • 电表

    power meter;

  • 气压表



(计时器具) watch:

  • 钟表

    clock and watch;

  • 手表

    wrist watch;

  • 怀表

    pocket watch


(姓氏) a surname:

  • 表贡

    Biao Gong


(显示; 表示; 表达) show; manifest; express:

  • 聊表微意

    so as to express one's appreciation; as a token of one's gratitude;

  • 深表同情

    show deep sympathy;

  • 略表寸心

    just to show one's gratitude [remembrance];

  • 表决心

    express [declare] one's determination


{中医} (用药物把风寒发散出来) administer medicine to bring out the cold:

  • 表汗

    bring about perspiration

  1. 结果表明铸渗合金层由表向内,碳化物类型由M7C3型向M3C型转变,硬度逐渐降低,碳化物含量逐渐减少;

    The results show that from the outside to inside of the alloying layers , the carbide type transforms from M 7C 3 to M 3C , and the carbide content and the hardness of them decrease gradually ;

  2. 第二章主要对财务报告的表外信息(会计报表附注)进行研究。

    The second chapter talks about financial report information outside report .

  3. 申请表应不迟于6月7日交回。

    The application form is returnable not later than 7th June .

  4. 他得以从当铺赎回他的表。

    He was able to redeem his watch from the pawnshop .

  5. 他死后,我的生活就成了一个徒有其表的空壳子。

    My life has been an empty shell since he died .

  6. 体育课在学校的课程表上已不再是重点课。

    Sport is no longer so important in the school timetable .

  7. 从明年开始中文将排进学校的课程表。

    Chinese will be on the school schedule from next year .

  8. 议程表上的下一项是宣传预算。

    The next item on the agenda is the publicity budget .

  9. 把电话号码表放在电话旁边,方便查找。

    Keep the list of numbers near the phone for easy reference .

  10. 小小礼物,聊表敬意,请笑纳。

    Please accept this small gift as a token of our esteem .

  11. 你需要把表调整到当地时间。

    You need to reset your watch to local time .

  12. 对遭学校开除的儿童人数之众,人们越来越表关注。

    Concern is growing over the number of children excluded from school .

  13. 申请表不久将送达你处。

    An application form will be winging its way to you soon .

  14. 区区薄礼,以表谢忱,请笑纳。

    Please accept this small gift as a token of our gratitude .

  15. 每个学生的总分都已计算出来并列入表中。

    Each student 's points were totalled and entered in a list .

  16. 护士在床脚上挂了一张表。

    The nurse hung a chart at the foot of the bed .

  17. 这些花聊表谢意,感谢你的好心帮助。

    The flowers were a small acknowledgement of your kindness .

  18. 有位男子来查过煤气表。

    A man came to read the gas meter .

  19. 这块表是母亲给我的礼物。

    The watch was a gift from my mother .

  20. 在等我们的时候,出租车司机让计程表继续走字。

    The cab driver left the meter running while he waited for us .

  21. 我不可能事事都按着你的时刻表安排!

    I can 't arrange everything around your timetable !

  22. 您给我的那只表走得很准。

    The watch you gave me keeps perfect time .

  23. 有人把申请表都弄乱了。

    Someone has mixed up all the application forms .

  24. 我把那块表交给了警察。

    I handed the watch in to the police .

  25. 一个男子来查了煤气表。

    A man came to read the gas meter .

  26. 我的表每24小时快两分钟。

    My watch gains two minutes every 24 hours .

  27. 每三个月查一次表。

    Meter readings are taken every three months .

  28. 填写所附上的参赛表并寄回。

    Fill in and return the attached coupon .

  29. 盒子里装着一只金表。

    Inside the box was a gold watch .

  30. 这份生平记述对他的不光彩之处略而不表,没有提及他在监狱的日子。

    This sanitized account of his life does not mention his time in prison .