
biǎo jué quán
  • right to vote;voting power;be entitled to vote
表决权 [biǎo jué quán]
  • [right to vote;be entitled to vote] 参加表决的权利

表决权[biǎo jué quán]
  1. 进一步完善表决权行使机制和方式应为今后立法的方向。

    As a result the mechanism and mode of exercising voting power should be improved in the future .

  2. 表决权是区分所有权人最重要的一项成员权。

    The voting power is one of the most important memberships owned by the owner of the apartment building .

  3. 只有这个团体的成员才有表决权。

    Only members of the team have a vote .

  4. 在自1956年起一直是上市公司的福特汽车公司,该公司创始人的后代一直通过手中有超级表决权的B类股票有效地控制着这家公司,他们因手中的这类股票而享有40%的公司普通股表决权。

    At Ford , which has been a publicly-listed company since 1956 , descendants of the founder maintain effective control through Class B supervoting stock that gives them 40 % of the common stock vote .

  5. 重组IMF管理体系的协议说明快速增长的国家如土耳其、巴西和中国的重要性不断增长,而他们的表决权不够高。

    The agreement to reshape IMF governance acknowledged the growing importance of fast-rising countries like Turkey , Brazil and China that are underrepresented on it .

  6. 默多克家族的信托基金控制了21世纪福克斯公司和新闻集团(NewsCorporation)将近40%拥有表决权的股份,而鲁伯特·默多克在该基金中比他的子女拥有更多的权利。

    The Murdoch family trust controls almost 40 percent of the voting shares of both 21st Century Fox and News Corporation , and Rupert Murdoch has more rights in the trust than his children .

  7. 据信中国支持在亚洲和非亚洲成员国之间按照75%/25%的比例安排表决权(然后按照GDP规模进行分配)。

    China is understood to favour a 75 per cent-25 per cent voting split between Asian and non-Asian members ( with allocations made according to gross domestic product ) .

  8. 在大众汽车,保时捷(Porsche)和皮耶希家族掌握了51%有表决权的股份。

    At VW , the Porsche and Pi ë ch families control 51 per cent of the voting shares .

  9. 比如,瓦伦贝里家族基金会掌控着其工业控股公司银瑞达(Investor)23%的资本,却拥有50%的表决权。

    The Wallenberg family foundations , for example , hold 23 per cent of the capital of Investor , their industrial holding company , but 50 per cent of the voting rights .

  10. IMF正将部分表决权和席位从欧洲国家手中拿走,这一艰苦过程尚未完成。欧洲在IMF的主导地位,反映的是该组织在建立之初的国际经济秩序。

    The fund is already halfway through a tortured process of shifting some votes and seats on the board away from Europe , whose dominance reflects the global economic order when the institution was set up .

  11. 今年4月,有表决权的股东大都反对戴德立的涨薪,一名来自英国国教会(ChurchofEngland)养老金基金的代表质疑,在这家石油公司去年报告亏损52亿美元之后,这样的薪酬是否“道德正确”。

    In April , a majority of voting shareholders rebelled against Mr Dudley 's pay rise , with a representative from the Church of England 's pension fund questioning whether the reward was " morally right " after the oil company reported a $ 5.2bn loss last year .

  12. 2003年,公司名称从CenexHarvestStatesCooperatives改为CHS公司,旗下能源业务仍保留Cenex名称,并且为投资者提供优先股和无表决权股。

    In 2003 , it changed its name from cenex harvest states cooperatives to CHS Inc. , keeping cenex as the name for its energy business , and offering preferred stock and non-voting ownership to investors .

  13. 如果想要在活动中享受优惠或想要行使对CSSA事件的表决权,只要申请成为我们的会员就可以了。

    If you want to get discount for activities or want to take part in deciding CSSA issues , you can apply to be our member .

  14. 极大地减损了表决权代理制度的应有价值。

    It significantly detracted the value of the proxy voting system .

  15. 从股份合作制企业的性质看其表决权

    Nature of a Joint stock Enterprise and the Right to Vote

  16. 限制公司相互持股部分的表决权。

    Limit the vote rights of the cross shareholding . 3 .

  17. 第二章:股东表决权的行使。

    Chapter two : Enforcement of the voting right of stockholders .

  18. 表决权拘束协议在西方国家经历了从禁止到许可的过程。

    Voting agreement in western countries developed from ban to permit .

  19. 在世界范围内,表决权信托已经成为一种保护中小股东权益的重要制度工具。

    Voting trust has become the worldwide tool for Minority-shareholder protecting .

  20. 刍论公司章程限制股东表决权制度的架构

    Analysis of framework of shareholder voting right system restricted by company regulations

  21. 公司股东表决权信托制度探究

    A Study on Stockholder 's Trust System of Voting Rights

  22. 与其他表决权配置制度相比,该制度具有其无法替代的优势。

    Compared with other voting system configurations voting trust has irreplaceable advantage .

  23. 我国上市公司股东表决权问题研究

    The vote right of the shareholders in Security market of P.R. China

  24. 外国人只能购买不具表决权的股票。

    Foreigners are limited to buying shares without voting rights .

  25. 在股东权利体系中处于核心地位的是股东表决权。

    Voting right is the core of shareholders ' rights .

  26. 从胜利股份表决权争夺看我国产权结构改革

    An Analysis on Chinese Property Right Structural Reform in ShengLi Stock Case

  27. 表决权代理制度是一项重要的公司治理法律制度。

    Proxy voting system is an important legal system of corporate governance .

  28. 表决权排除制度的适用范围。

    The sphere of application concerning the principle of excluding-voting-rights .

  29. 行使表决权、选举权,有被选举权。

    To participate in voting and elections and to stand for election .

  30. 普通股票赋予投资者在公司事务和领导权上的表决权。

    Common stock gives investors a vote on company issues and leadership .