
biǎo gē
  • elder male cousin;a son of father's sister or of mother's brother or sister. who is older than oneself;a son of father's sister or of mother's brother or sister,who is older than oneself
表哥 [biǎo gē]
  • [a son of father's sister or of mother's brother or sister,who is older than oneself;cousin] 姑母、姨母或舅父的儿子中比自己年长者

表哥[biǎo gē]
  1. 请允许我介绍我妻子的表哥,扎卡里·科伦索先生。

    Allow me to present my wife 's cousin , Mr Zachary Colenso .

  2. 他表哥刚才来找他。

    His cousin just came for him .

  3. 他的表哥(或表弟)马尔科(Marco)是秀台上的模特。

    His cousin Marco has modeled on the runway .

  4. 剧中的重要角色“大表哥MatthewCrawley”首次当了父亲,但在出演了三季《唐顿庄园》后,饰演该角色的丹·史蒂文斯宣布告别。

    Actor Dan Stevens bowed out after three series as Matthew Crawley shortly after becoming a father for the first time .

  5. 我记得,Richard,Rorty是我的表哥,也是韦斯特博士的教授和老师,他是个伟大的哲学家。

    I know , I know , Richard Rorty is a cousin of mine , and was a professor perhaps a teacher of Doc West . A great philosopher .

  6. 据巴基斯坦的《论坛快报》报道,拉尔·默罕默德·拉沙里的女儿堪萨迪嫁给了她的表哥卡兰德,而第二天人们却在位于ADCColony的卧室中发现了她的尸体。

    Notes a report via Pakistan 's express tribune : Khanzadi , daughter of Lal Mohammad Lashari , married her cousin Qalandar Bux Khokhar the night before her lifeless body was found in her bedroom in ADC Colony .

  7. 拜托告诉我父母我们的暗物质研究正处在关键时刻,我不能参加我表哥Sanjay的婚礼。

    Please tell my parents that our dark matter research is at a critical juncture , and I can 't come home for my cousin Sanjay 's wedding .

  8. 在《唐顿庄园》中扮演大表哥MatthewCrowley的男演员DanStevens将不会在第四季中回归,近日该剧制片人JulianFellowes接受应该报纸访问时,解释了自己为什么说除了结束在该剧的拍摄,他(DanStevens)没有其他选择。

    Dan Stevens , who plays Matthew Crowley , won 't return for season 4 of Downton Abbey , Creator Julian Fellowes gave an interview to a British newspaper that explained why he " didn 't really have an option " but to end the character 's run on the Emmy-winning drama .

  9. 杀死他的老板,老板娘和老板娘的表哥后。

    His boss , the boss 's wife and her cousin .

  10. 我们把我们的旅行安排在表哥结婚的时候。

    We timed our trip tocoincide with my cousin 's wedding .

  11. 为什么要用汤匙,表哥?而不用斧头?

    Why a spoon , cousin ? Why not an axe ?

  12. 你表哥让我给你带来一件生日礼物。

    Your cousin asked me to bring you a birthday present .

  13. 你表哥的那个小女儿真是逗人爱。

    That little daughter of your cousin 's is really dear .

  14. 强子:那当然,我是她表哥嘛。

    Larry : I mean you are protecting your cousin well .

  15. 她年龄很小时就和表哥订了婚。

    She was betrothed to her cousin at an early age .

  16. 里边有我韩国表哥得电话号码。

    It contains the phone number of my cousins in korea .

  17. 实质上商店是我表哥的。

    To all intents and purposes the business is my cousin 's.

  18. 吉姆:你表哥是我们学校里的学生吗?

    Jim : Is your cousin a student in our university ?

  19. 一言为定我们会跟别人说他是你表哥

    Deal . We 'll tell people he 's your cousin .

  20. 诺拉:哦,那是我表哥阿德里亚诺的女儿。

    Nora : Oh , that 's my cousin Adriano 's daughter .

  21. 还有我第一次看见我的表哥东尼的

    And the first time I saw my cousin Tony 's

  22. 本人打了埃德对本人的表哥上周壁球竞赛。

    I played a racquetball game against my cousin Ed last week .

  23. 放心,海关官员是我表哥。

    It 's okay , the HARBORMASTER is my cousin .

  24. 维多利亚女王曾在婚礼上对她的表哥说:“我愿意”。

    Queen Victoria said " I do " to hers .

  25. 不要把我的表哥看成是陌生人。

    Don 't taik about my cousin Iike he 's other peopie .

  26. 你为什么总是要做这种事情呢,表哥?

    Why are you always doing such things , cousin ?

  27. 露西阿姨和哈里表哥也来自英国。

    Aunt Lucy and Cousin Harry are from the UK , too .

  28. 我有三个表哥,而且我很喜欢他们。

    I have three cousins , and I like them very much .

  29. 如果有人要找表哥做律师

    if we 're bringing in cousins who are lawyers ,

  30. 我表哥巴林会以皇家礼节热烈欢迎我们。

    My cousin Balin would give us a royal welcome .