
  • 网络table;Table View;tabular display
  1. 对于每个密匙对,表格显示它的名称和指纹(fingerprint)。

    For each key pair , the table displays its name and fingerprint .

  2. 不过,高盛去年9年回复证交会时提供的一份表格显示,该cdo不到1个月就发生减记,而类似交易平均要过1.7月才会减记。

    However , a table included by Goldman in its September response to the SEC shows that the CDO incurred writedowns in less than a month compared with an average of 1.7 months for similar deals .

  3. 以下的表格显示了php类型和比较运算符在松散和严格比较时的作用。

    The following tables demonstrate behaviors of PHP types and comparison operators , for both loose and strict comparisons .

  4. Displaytag是一个常用的提供高水平Web页面表格显示的开源软件,适合MVC模式。

    The display tag library is an open source suite of custom tags that provide high-level web presentation patterns which will work in an MVC model .

  5. 喝酒的人们则可以选用各种iPhone上的酒精测试工具。它们不仅能告诉用户他们到底醉到了什么程度,还需要多久才能清醒,还能通过一个简明的表格显示出一段时间以来的酒精摄入量。

    For drinkers , there are a myriad of iPhone breathalyzer tools that not only tell users how intoxicated they are and how long until they 'll be sober , but map out alcohol intake over time in a handy chart .

  6. 而且,xfy有一组丰富的组件可用于数据可视化(例如将图表和电子表格显示为散点图)。

    Also , xfy has a rich set of components used for data visualization ( for example , scatter charts and spreadsheets ) .

  7. 接下来的表格显示了来自重要工作项的上级联系。

    The next table shows the parent links from the milestone items .

  8. 显示查询执行计划并以表格显示结果。

    Show query execution plan and display results in grid .

  9. 默认情况下,评论表格显示最近二十篇文章。

    By default , the Table of Comments displays the twenty most recent comments .

  10. 此表格显示了涉及该工作负载的客户端实例的列表。

    The table displays a list of all client instances participating in this workload .

  11. 外层的表格显示了重要的工作项。

    The outermost table shows the milestone items .

  12. 下列表格显示所推荐的适用于电热水器最大功率瓦数的保险丝尺寸。

    The following chart shows the recommended fuse size for the maximum heater wattage .

  13. 内层的表格显示了那些联系目标的工作项。

    The innermost table shows the work items that are the targets of those links .

  14. 使用一个表格显示所选时间段的全部进货数据。

    A table is used to show the selected time period of all purchase data .

  15. 下面的表格显示的是自1967年我们进入这一业务以来我们的浮存成本。

    The table below shows our cost of float since we entered the business in1967 .

  16. (该电子表格显示了若干个地区的销售情况,并按照销售量和销售额列出)。

    The spreadsheet shows the sectors and lists sales for each section by units and dollars .

  17. 以上表格显示

    The table above shows

  18. 一旦模型运行,优化值和预测值都以图形或表格显示。

    Once the model is run , all optimization values and predicting values are expressed in diagram or table .

  19. 一份不完全的表格显示,钢铁制造商、韩国汽车制造商以及二手车所有者将从这次灾难中获益;

    An incomplete tabulation suggests that the winners will include steel makers , Korean automakers , and used car owners .

  20. 底部的这个表格显示了您在这个表格顶部选择的元素的属性。

    The table at the bottom displays the properties of the element that you selected in the table at the top .

  21. 这一转变发生之际,精算表格显示,日本殡葬业将进入20年的业务繁荣期。

    The shift comes as Japan enters what actuarial tables show will be a two-decade boom of activity for the industry .

  22. 输入选定的维持量(d)后,电子表格显示任何时间的血药浓度、达坪分数、负荷剂量等。

    After inputting selected dose , the E-table displayed plasma drug concentration at any time after the administration , fractional number of reaching plateau , loading dose , etc.

  23. 在收到卫生部的进一步信息之前,世卫组织将发布详情,以表格显示所有24例的发病日期、结果和省份。

    Pending further information from the Ministry of Health , WHO will issue details showing dates of onset , outcome , and province for all24 cases in tabular form .

  24. 金建议,不要忽视抱怨自己在自助收银机那里等待了15分钟的顾客,即使你的电子表格显示平均等待时间是2分钟。

    Mr King advises against ignoring the shopper who complains she waited 15 minutes at the self-service tills , even if your spreadsheet shows the average wait was two minutes .

  25. 而且据表格显示,今年排行前十的厂商之中只有排在第二位的三星一家是实现了营收增长的公司。

    That said , iSuppli expects only one of the companies in the top10 will actually achieve revenue growth in2009 : Samsung , which is sitting steady in the number-two spot .

  26. Showastable选项用于以表格形式显示图表背后的数据。

    The Show as table option displays the data that is behind the chart in table form .

  27. 该组件在表格中显示来自多个LotusNotes源的经过计算的值。

    This component displays a table of values computed from several Lotus Notes sources .

  28. 查询结果在Web浏览器上以表格形式显示,并且具有输出到Excel文件的功能。

    The result is displayed in list on the Web Browser and can be output to Excel document .

  29. 以前的IntegrationDeveloper版本可以在表格中显示组装图的所有限定词。

    Previous versions of Integration Developer introduced the concept of showing a table with all qualifiers for an assembly diagram .

  30. 除了下面表格中显示的变量,每一个模板都可以使用TagLibrary变量。

    In addition to the variables shown in the tables below , each template can also use Tag Library variables .