
  1. 逆向工程的特点可以最大限度地表现造型设计师的设计风格,该特点使逆向工程非常适合于覆盖件产品开发。

    The peculiarity of reverse engineering ( RE ) is that it can farthest represent the design style of sculptor , it makes RE fit for the panel .

  2. 秩序是有目的人为建立的秩序,以表现造型的审美为目的,是通过形体材料元素的空间组合表现出来的具有时空性质的秩序。

    The order is established by people with the purpose to show the aesthetic of the models . It is the order with a space-time nature that is displayed through the space combination of physical material elements .

  3. 当它与各种造物活动结合起来,就有了种种物化形式,表现为造型符号存在与原始器物中。

    When it was combined with a variety of creation activities , there are all sorts of physical forms , which show as a formal sign exist in the original artifacts .

  4. 本文试图从绘画的角度对这些特征进行分析与比较,通过内容与题材,形制与构图,空间表现,造型方式及线条的对比五个方面来探究其内在的文化价值。

    This article attempts from the Angle of painting the analysis of these characteristics and comparing , through the content and themes , shape and composition , space performance , modelling methods and line contrast to explore its inherent in five aspects of cultural connotation .

  5. 在此基础上首先通过列举大量的案例进行分析对与家电产品设计密切相关的人机关系、技术表现、造型、色彩及材料等设计表现要素进行了必要的研究。

    Based on this first through enumerated the massive cases to carry on the analysis to with electrical appliances product design close related design performance essential factors and so on man-machine relations , technical performance , modeling , color and material has conducted the essential research .

  6. 在《工程制图》教学中,利用计算机能够灵活表现三维空间造型的特点,有针对性的使用CAI课件,快速提高学生的空间想象能力。

    In engineering drawing teaching , the students ? space imaginative ability can be improved rapidly with CAI software and taking advantage of the features that computer can flexibly show 3-dimension models .

  7. 肌理表现是现代造型艺术最普遍的视觉现象。

    Fabric performance is the most common modern art visual phenomena .

  8. 波纹:产品表面的一种瑕疵;表现为波浪造型的曲线。

    CHATTER : Surface defect on a given piece of product ; defect appears as a wavy pattern of lines .

  9. 铸钢节点在现代大跨钢管结构中表现出了造型美观、可塑性强、受力安全合理等优点,正在逐渐被工程设计人员应用于工程实际中。

    Cast-steel joints applied to the civil engineering by designers represent many advantages such as beauty , freely design and safety .

  10. 它是用表现情感的造型、色彩、肌理等,按照版画装饰性法则组织画面,来表现情感的艺术表现形式。

    It organizes the whole drawing with the principles of decorative block print , incorporating structures , colors and tissues that show the emotion .

  11. 三个方面的表现特征:造型简化、稚拙到精美;材质丰富、工艺多样;色彩明快、千姿百态。

    Three kinds of behavior characteristics , such as from model simplified and childish to elegant , material abundance and various handicraft , color lively .

  12. 西方现代绘画是一种非写实性的表现艺术,造型元素(点、线、形、色)各有其内在音响及表现功能;

    Modern Western painting is a kind of non - realistic art of expression , and its pattern elements including mark , line , form and color have their own inherent acoustics and expressive functions .

  13. 随着全球化经济的不断发展,标志设计受到越来越多的关注,在艺术表现形式与造型上也都有了大的飞跃与提高,现在已经成为塑造品牌和开拓市场的无声武器。

    With the unceasing development of global economy , increasing attention is paid to logo design , which thus gets improved dramatically on the art expression and models ; and has become a voiceless weapon to establish the brand and explore the market .

  14. 园林标识的规划设计不仅要满足标识的易识别性,还要从表现要素、造型等方面考虑其作为景观设施的美感,以及与园林环境的协调、园林文化和意境的宣扬。

    The design of landscape identification should not only meet the demand of recognizability , but also consider esthetics from the aspects of performance , style etc , as well as coordination with landscape environment , and spread of landscape culture and artistic conception .

  15. 设计追求的目标也不再仅仅是结构的宏伟与革新,而是转向将钢材作为一种表现元素与造型设计相结合,体现出一种忠实于材料与结构逻辑的理性造型艺术。

    Design aims at not only the magnificent and the renovation of structure , but also how to combine steel and form , and at the same time , embody the rational form art which string along with the logic of material and structure .

  16. 从汉字在包装装潢设计中的个性形态与个性语义方面进行了分析与研究,认识汉字在包装装潢中的个性表现,探索汉字造型的客观规律。

    The individual form and semanteme of Chinese character in packaging and upholster was analyzed . The individual expression and forming rule were discussed .

  17. 现代古彩在继承传统的基础上,装饰手法、表现形式、瓷器造型都有发展,形成新的艺术特色。

    In the modern tradition , on the basis of the adornment gimmick , forms , porcelain , forming a new development has artistic features .

  18. 它在一定的空间来表现,要有造型,而它在表现上又需要一个发展过程,因而它又是时间艺术。

    It certainly room for performance , a modeling , performance , and it also needs a process of development , thus it is time for the arts .

  19. 断臂维纳斯之美表现在:其造型线条恰当地选择了灵活生动、富于吸引力的S型波状线;

    The beauty of broken arms Venus lies in the selection of the appropriate modelling lines , which appear as the form of S and are flexible , vivid and attractive .

  20. 表现在西方现代造型艺术史中呈现为不断行进中的自我否定,它始终是艺术生命中坚决抵制异化力量的强大基因,不断向着自由前进。

    " Expression " appeared as some unceasing self-denial in the history of the modern plastic arts in occident . It 's the strong gene against alienation , advancing towards freedom .

  21. 地形建筑以自身形态回应周边环境的设计策略不但协调了与环境之间的关系构成了新型的区域对话模式,还创造出了富于表现力的外观造型。

    Coordinating the relationship with the environments , the design strategy that landform architecture responds to the surrounding environment with its form constitutes a new model of regional dialogue with the expressive appearance .

  22. 其内容包罗万象,对题材采取寓意的表现手法,通过造型、纹样和色彩表达出丰富的民族思想情感。

    Paper-cut has a comprehensive content , and take on the theme through the paper image . It can also express the thoughts and feelings of the nation with the help of the shape , pattern and color .

  23. 网壳结构具有曲面表现形式多样、造型美观、跨度大、自重轻、受力合理等特点,广泛在火车站、体育馆、剧院、博物馆等公共建筑中使用。

    Shell structure has many properties , such as reasonable structure , beautiful shape , large span , light weight , good mechanical , so widely used in train station , gymnasium , theater , museums and other public buildings .

  24. 表现问题是西方造型艺术由古典转向现代的关键所在,也是推动20世纪初以来近百年间西方现代造型艺术发展的一个核心问题。

    The " Expression " issue is the key that the Occident plastic arts turned from classicalism to modernism , besides that it has also impelled the development of the modern plastic arts in Occident as a core , for hundred years since the beginning of 20th century .

  25. 徐悲鸿用中国画的线条和墨块来表现欧洲古典写实绘画的造型方式(主要以明暗调子来表现造型),极大丰富了中国画线条和墨色的表现力。

    Xu had used the line and ink technology that is common in the Chinese paintings to display the classical realistic style in the Europe paintings , which had enrich the expressive forces of the Chinese painting lines and colors .

  26. 在画面内容的运动表现上,动画镜头的艺术表现重心是造型和节奏。

    The movement in the picture emphasizes shapes and rhythms .

  27. 艺术作为表现、传达人类感情的方式,存在着多种多样的表现手法,在造型艺术中就有具象与抽象两大方式的存在。

    As performance art to convey the way of human feelings , there are a variety of performance techniques , among them the presence of figurative and abstract two ways .