
  • 网络surface electronic structure
  1. TiO2表面电子结构及其光催化活性

    The surface electronic structure and photocatalytic activity of TiO 2

  2. 纳米La(0.8)Sr(0.2)FeO3和ZnO材料表面电子结构研究

    Studies on Surface Electronic Structure of nano-La_ ( 0.8 ) Sr_ ( 0.2 ) FeO_3 and nano-ZnO

  3. 紧束缚方法计算Ⅲ-V族半导体(311)B表面电子结构

    Tight-binding Calculation of the Surface Electronic States of ⅲ - V ( 311 ) B Surface

  4. Si(313)表面电子结构特性的理论研究

    Calculation of Electronic States of Si ( 313 ) Surface

  5. 稀土/纳米TiO2的表面电子结构

    Surface Electronic Structures of RE / TiO_2 Nanometer Powders

  6. BN(110)弛豫表面电子结构的理论研究

    The Surface Electronic States of Anomalous Relaxation BN ( 110 ) Surface

  7. 原子位置驰豫对ZnS(110)表面电子结构的影响

    Influence of atomic relaxation to electronic structure of zns ( 110 ) surface

  8. 在燃料电池方面,我着重研究了Pd基催化剂,从纳米Pd催化剂的形貌与表面电子结构探讨高性能Pd催化剂的设计。

    In fuel cell related studies , I focus on Pd-based catalysts , aiming at designing high-performance Pd catalysts through morphology tailoring and electronic structure manipulating .

  9. 应力对(GaP)1/(InP)1(111)超晶格体内和表面电子结构的影响

    Effect of strain on the bulk and the surface electronic structures of ( gap ) _1 / ( inp ) 1 ( lll ) superlattice

  10. ZnSe(100)极性表面电子结构研究

    The study of the electronic structure of znse ( 100 ) polar surface

  11. 微气体传感器SnO2敏感膜表面电子结构及气体吸附的研究

    Theoretical Study on Surface Electronic Structure and Adsorption of SnO_2 Sensitive Film for Micro Gas Sensor

  12. 针对TiO2表面电子结构的重要性,用荧光光谱研究了TiO2的表面电子结构和电荷迁移过程。

    Since the surface electronic structure of TiO_2 is very important in photocatalysis , this research studied the surface electronic structure by using PL spectra .

  13. 半导体材料的体电子结构采用考虑次近邻相互作用的sp3模型描述,表面电子结构通过求解形式散射理论的格林函数方程得到。

    The bulk electronic structure of materials are described by the sp 3 model with second neighbor interaction .

  14. 本文在紧束缚近似下,用CPA方法结合无限级微扰理论讨论了组分调制合金的表面电子结构。

    Based on tight-binding approximation , the electronic structure of CMS surfaces is discussed with the CPA method ~ [ 1-4 ] , combined with the infinite order perturbation theory ~ [ 5-7 ] .

  15. 利用近代界面及表面电子结构理论(改进的TFD理论)和现代先进分析测试技术对冷压焊结合的微观机理进行了分析。

    Taking advantage of advanced SEM and TEM technology and modern TFD theory , explanation to microscope bonding mechanism of cold pressure welding was made .

  16. 这可能是由于处理后的CdS纳米粒子形貌和表面电子结构发生了变化,促进了CdS的还原,同时提高了处于激发态的硫化镉的相对数量,从而引起其电化学发光性能显著增强。

    The treatment caused the changes in the morphology and surface electronic structure of CdS nanoparticles , which promoted the reduction process of CdS , consequently improved the quantity of the excited states , led to great enhancement in ECL .

  17. 角分辨光电子能谱(ARPES)是研究晶体表面电子结构,如能带,费米面,以及多体相互作用的重要工具。

    The angle_resolved photoemission ( ARPES ) is a powerful experiment method to study the surface electronic structure of crystals , such as energy bands , Fermi surface , and many_body interaction .

  18. 宽带隙半导体表面电子结构和磁性研究

    A Study on Electronic Structures and Magnetism of Surface in Wide Band-gap Semiconductors

  19. 俄歇表面电子结构研究。

    Study of surface electron structure by AES .

  20. 组分调制合金的表面电子结构&CPA方法

    Electronic structure of CMS surfaces & cpa method

  21. 铁杂质对闪锌矿表面电子结构及活化影响的第一性原理研究

    First principle study of effect of Fe impurity on electronic structure and activation of sphalerite surface

  22. 光电子显微是一种高衬度的成像技术,对材料表面电子结构高度敏感。

    PEEM probes photoelectrons in a high-contrast imaging technique that is sensitive to the surface electronic structure .

  23. 惰性气体原子与氢分子的碰撞及其吸附在石墨表面电子结构的研究

    Study on the Rotation Excitation of Inertia Gas Atoms with Hydrogen Molecule and the STM for Ar 、 Kr 、 Xe Graphite System

  24. 利用扫描隧道显微镜/扫描隧道谱技术研究稀土/TiO2纳米光催化材料的表面电子结构。

    The surface electronic structures of RE / TiO 2 nanometer powders were studied by scanning tunneling microscopy and scanning tunneling spectroscopy ( STM / STS ) .

  25. 由于晶粒的细微化,其表面电子结构和晶体结构发生变化,产生了宏观物体所不具有的表面效应、体积效应以及高分散性等特点。

    Because of the fineness of particles , the structure of electronic and crystal of surface changes , resulting in surface effect , volume effect and high dispersivity which macro object does not have .

  26. 文章最后简单介绍了当前角分辨光电子能谱研究的新进展,如研究宽禁带半导体材料的表面电子结构,有机功能材料与金属的界面,金属超薄膜中的量子阱态,以及高温超导机理研究等

    At last , we introduce the recent progress of ARPES application , such as the surface electronic structure of wide_band gap semiconductors , the interface of organic functional materials , the quantum_well states of ultra_thin metal films , and some important discoveries in high Tc superconductors

  27. 稳定的GaAs(2511)高密勒指数表面的电子结构

    Electronic structure of the stable GaAs ( 2 5 11 ) surface

  28. GaN(0001)表面的电子结构研究

    Studies on electronic structure of GaN ( 0001 ) surface

  29. 闪锌矿GaN(001)表面的电子结构

    Electronic Structures of Zinc-Blende GaN ( 001 ) Surface

  30. 金属修饰TiO2(110)表面的电子结构和表面态的理论研究

    The Theoretical Study of the Electronic Structure and Surface State of Modified TiO_2 ( 110 ) Surface