
jī yóu xiānɡ
  • Oil tank;sump
  1. 新型出油接座内置式柴油机油箱

    New-style inserted valve seat of diesel oil - box

  2. 在检修时,减速箱的设计允许润滑油从所有轴承空间排出,进入机油箱。

    The reducer housing design allows oil from all bearing cavities to be drained through the sump during routine maintenance .

  3. 本实用新型属于车辆动力装置的附件,尤其是拖拉机的柴油机油箱。

    The utility model belongs to an accessory of a power device of a vehicle , in particular to an oil box of the diesel engine of a tractor .

  4. 用塑料楔子小心地将柔性法兰压出单向阀,同时应让另一个人在右侧压住机油箱。

    Carefully press the flexible flange off the check valve with a plastic spatula ; a second person should press the oil tank to the right at the same time .

  5. 以南方125改型车为例,介绍主车架、燃油箱、机油箱、护盖这四大部件之间的尺寸链计算方法;

    With Nanfang 125 motorcycle as an example , the paper , gives the calculating method for the demension-chain between the four major parts , i. e. main frame 、 fuel rank 、 oil tank and protecting cap .

  6. 挤压强化技术在歼击机机翼油箱隔板延寿中的应用

    Application of extrusion strengthening technique on increasing life of wing-oil-division

  7. 另外,膨胀机轴瓦油箱设计也存在问题。

    In addition , there exists some problems in respect of oil container design for the expander bushes .

  8. 改进装载机液压油箱焊接结构和焊接工艺提高油箱清洁度

    Renovate the Welded Structure and Welding Technique of the Hydraulic Oil Tank to Improve the Cleanliness of the Oil Tank

  9. 卷边,翻边(织物疵点)本厂过去还生产过汽车油箱翻边整形机和油箱咬口机。

    In the past , the plant also manufactured the automobile oil box curling machine and the oil box bitting machine .

  10. 随着大飞机重大专项的开展,我国民机燃油箱惰化技术的研究已经起步,在此背景下本文对民机燃油箱冲洗惰化过程的工程计算方法和数值模拟技术进行了研究。

    Along with the launch of the major project of large aircraft , the research of civil aircraft fuel tank inerting technology has started .

  11. 我公司开发了针对抗燃油清洁度及再生处理的XY-500型抗燃油专用滤油机,既可以在线循环过滤又可以将油吸入自带的油箱进行过滤,使滤油机作为备用油箱。

    We develop XY-500 style fire resistant filter for hydraulic cleanness and its regeneration , which can filter online and suck oil to its self oil tank for filtration , making filter as a spare tank .