
biǎo shì fǎ
  • notation;representation notation;identification
表示法[biǎo shì fǎ]
  1. property的调用就是以如此简单的表示法完成的。

    This is how the simple notation for the property call works .

  2. 但是,可以使用dictionary名作为简写表示法。

    However , you can use the dictionary name as a shorthand notation .

  3. 一般三次B样条交互插值的一种局部表示法

    A Local Representation of General Cubic B-Spline Interactive Interpolation

  4. 一种XML元素域的有效表示法

    An Efficient Method to Express Values of XML Element 's Coordinate

  5. 时钟表示法的应用基于UML的面向对象设计

    The Application of Clock Representation Method of OOD Based on UML

  6. 图的节点-弧段联合结构表示法及其在GIS最优路径选取中的应用

    United Structure of Point-Arc for Network Graph and It 's Application in GISs Shortest Path Searching

  7. 接下来,是XML中的通用数据表示法语言,它同样被广泛使用。

    Next , we have a common data representation language in XML , which is also extremely pervasive .

  8. ABAP使用动态元素表示法动态地指定OpenSQL子句。

    ABAP uses dynamic token specification to specify an Open SQL clause dynamically .

  9. XML的重点是提供一个自定义的交换表示法,该表示法可以和一个可交换的严格模式相关联起来。

    The focus of XML is to provide a self-defining exchange notation optionally associated with a rigorous schema that itself can be exchanged .

  10. 高层建筑结构CAD中剪力墙节点几何归并的点阵表示法和矢量表示法

    The dot matrix indication method and vector matrix indication method for grouping together shear wall nodes in the tall building CAD system

  11. 关于NP最优化类问题的谓词公式表示法

    The Predicate Fomula for the Representation for the Problems of NP Optimization Classes

  12. VHDL语言在状态空间表示法求解过河问题中的应用

    Application of VHDL in Solving Crossing River Problem by State Spaces Representation

  13. 一旦选择了后端系统具体参数,您就该选择将映射成Java表示法的数据结构。

    Once the backend system-specific parameters are specified , you should select the data structure that will be mapped into the Java representation .

  14. PDF传递了大量的表示法及文档控制功能。

    PDF delivers rich presentation and document control capabilities .

  15. 该树描述了文档的整个XMLInfoset表示法。

    The tree describes the entire XML Infoset representation of the document .

  16. 图象的GD表示法的子图象抽取方法

    Extracting subimage from an image represented by GD method

  17. GB:在软件开发环境的早期,Rational的技术主张是“保持中间表示法的持久性。”

    GB : An early Rational technical notion about the software development environment was " keep the intermediate representation persistent . "

  18. 另外,您也可以以Atom、RSS或友好XML表示法格式获取相同的文档。

    Alternatively , you can retrieve the same document in Atom , RSS , or in a friendly XML notation .

  19. 有效负载参数值的格式:在DCOM中,有效负载是以一种称为网络数据表示法(NetworkDataRepresentation,DR)的格式编写的。

    Format for payload parameter values : In DCOM , the payload is written in a format known as Network Data Representation ( DR ) .

  20. 当它们不自动管理时,您总是会有方法在XML类树表示法中创建或避免创建一个名称空间节点。

    Where they don 't , you usually have a method to create or avoid creating a namespace node in the tree-like representation of the XML .

  21. 统一建模语言(UML)已经成为用于软件体系架构和设计的软件开发行业标准表示法。

    The Unified Modeling Language ( UML ) has become the software development industry 's standard notation for software architecture and design .

  22. 本文在对现有三维空间数据结构进行分析的基础上,结合三维空间地质数据特征,提出实现地质体三维可视化的方法CAD边界表示法。

    Firstly the author analyzes the 3D spatial data structure and brings forward " method of CAD-Boundary Representation " which is a 3D visualization method of geological entity .

  23. NURBS方法因其表示法的同一性、形状控制灵活性,在曲面造型和重构中具有重要作用。

    NURBS is useful in surface creation due to its uniformity in representation and flexibility in shape control .

  24. 在此基础上,在OpenGL编程环境下,以四边形网格构造蜗杆理论型面,以边界表示法中的半边数据结构表达蜗杆实体,获得蜗杆的三维实体模型及其型面数据。

    Under OpenGL environment , we use four-side grids to reconstruct a worm surface and gain a solid modeling of worm .

  25. 这些模型利用叫作UML和AADL的符号表示法构建。

    The models are represented using the notations known as the UML and AADL .

  26. 树构建器(模块com.icl.saxon.Builder)被通知这些事件,并使用它们来构造XML文档的内存表示法。

    The tree builder ( module com . icl . saxon . Builder ) is notified of these events , and uses them to construct an in-memory representation of the XML document .

  27. FLOYD算法中的末前点路径矩阵表示法

    The last front point footpath matrix expression method in Floyd algorithm

  28. 本文提出了基于传递闭合图(TransitiveClosureGraph)的测试调度表示法,该表示法符合P-admissible准则,使组合优化算法适用于SoC测试调度问题。

    A novel description of test schedule based on transitive closure graph is proposed in this paper , and it is suitable for combinational optimization .

  29. 表示法(Notation):当前的平台将多种相当繁琐、且针对不同问题的语言混杂在一起,未能融为一个整体。

    Notation : The current platform provides an amalgam of often verbose languages addressing different concerns , which are not integrated .

  30. 由构建器组件构造的树表示法是Saxon的专利。

    The tree representation constructed by the builder component is proprietary to Saxon .