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chèn kù
  • underpants;pants;knickers;scanties;kecks
衬裤 [chèn kù]
  • [underpants]∶穿在里面的单裤

衬裤[chèn kù]
  1. 客人到他的房间里,会看到一些杂乱的书籍、笔记、未回复的关于袜子和衬裤的信件。

    The visitor to his room would find a disarray of books and notes and unanswered letters about socks and underpants from Mrs Turing .

  2. 这男孩害怕得尿湿了衬裤。

    The boy was so frightened he wet his pants .

  3. 他走了进来,只穿一条衬裤,极为厚颜无耻。

    He walked in , bold as brass , wearing nothing but his underpants .

  4. 她害怕自己的短衬裤被展示。

    She was afraid that her bloomers might have been showing .

  5. 我看那跟女人穿的红法兰绒衬裤一模一样。

    They look like ladies ' red flannel drawers to me .

  6. 在法衣下穿的是系皮带的衬裤(仅适用于修女)。

    Wear thong panties under your habit ( nuns only ) .

  7. 我不想看到任何人的衬裤。

    I don 't want to see nobody 's under shorts .

  8. 哦,玛丽亚丢了衬裤的饰针。

    O , Mary lost the pin of her drawers .

  9. 他给她买了些无裆衬裤作为生日礼物。

    He bought her some crotehless panties for her birthday .

  10. 衬衣衬裤连在一起的一种内衣。

    An undergarment with shirt and drawers in one piece .

  11. 她给自己买了一条漂亮的短衬裤。

    She bought herself a nice pair of knickers .

  12. 而且我每天都换衬裤的。

    I even change my socks every day .

  13. 爱玛打开了包装,把一套黑丝绒的紧身短衬裤举起来在她的完美身段上比画。

    Emma unwrapped a package and held up a pair of black velvet pants against her perfect body .

  14. 针织或钩编的女式长衬裙、衬裙、三角裤、短衬裤、睡衣、睡衣裤、浴衣、晨衣及类似品。

    Women 's or girls'slips , petticoats , briefs , panties , nightdresses , pyjamas , n è lig è s , bathrobes , dressing gowns and similar articles , knitted or crocheted .