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zhě zi
  • fold;pleat;line;crease;rumple;wrinkle on the face
褶子 [zhě zǐ]
  • (1) [wrinkle on the face]∶面部因收缩而成的细沟

  • (2) [pleat;fold;crease]∶因折叠在柔软物质(如衣、衣料等)上造成的一道折痕

  • 褶子裙

褶子[zhě zi]
  1. 他穿着一件带有黑色褶子饰条的无领上衣。

    He sported a collarless jacket with pleated black panels

  2. 他红润的脸庞仍旧时常笑得堆起褶子。

    His ruddy face still routinely creases with mirth

  3. 你把这件衣服上的褶子摩挲摩挲。

    Smooth the wrinkles out of this shirt , please .

  4. 这是一件打褶子的裙子。

    It is a gathered skirt .

  5. 她的裙子有褶子。

    Her skirt has pleats .

  6. 用熨斗把褶子烙平。

    Iron out the wrinkles .

  7. 被单的褶子被拆散了;清楚地拆开衬衫的前襟。

    The sheet came untucked ; plain untucked shirt front .

  8. 那老人的脸上布满皱纹和褶子。

    The old man 's face was covered in lines and wrinkles .

  9. 在生活的黑暗褶子里,是找不到其他的珍珠的。

    There is no other pearl to be found in the shadowy folds of life .

  10. 本文简要地分析了单缸圆网纸机生产过程中产生褶子的原因。

    The reasons causing cockles in the paper producing on Yankee machine was analyzed briefly .

  11. 上了年纪都有褶子。

    Everything gets winkled with age .

  12. 或身穿打了很多褶子并镶嵌人造钻石的晚礼服(2006年秋冬订制时装展)?

    Women in heavily pleated and diamante evening dresses ( couture , autumn / winter 2006 )?

  13. 有的摘下帽子,专心地把褶子抻平,然后再折起来;

    One , taking off his shako , carefully loosened and then drew up the folds of it ;

  14. 有宽容精神的人通常胸襟开阔。被单的褶子被拆散了;清楚地拆开衬衫的前襟。

    A tolerant person usually has breadth of mind . the sheet came untucked ; plain untucked shirt front .

  15. 他那单薄的衣衫不足以御寒。被单的褶子被拆散了;清楚地拆开衬衫的前襟。

    His scanty clothing did not keep out the cold . the sheet came untucked ; plain untucked shirt front .

  16. 衣褶由折叠布匹而产生的小皱纹或褶子缩碱汗布细皱纹的产生原因与消除途径

    A small fold or pucker made by gathering cloth . The Causes of Forming Wrinkle Marks on Alkaline Shrunk Jersey Cloth and Its Elimination

  17. 他的衣服已经很旧,有些地方都打了补丁,还有些地方满是褶子,松松垮垮。但从整体来看,他还算整洁,而且蛮有修养。

    His clothes were worn and darned in places , and wrinkled and baggy in others , but he looked neat and had very good manners .

  18. 这个插曲传开之后,德雷克在社交媒体上评论道:“我当时不过就是告诉他,我喜欢你紧身裤上的褶子。”

    After the situation was diffused , Drake left a comment on Instagram and wrote , " I just said I like the hem on his capris . "

  19. 以及菌褶子实层、单核菌丝、双核菌丝中的丝状菌丝、粉状菌丝和产孢菌丝团的显微构造;

    The microstructure of the lamella hymenia , spore-bearing mycelia , the filaments and " powdery " hyphae of the uninucleate and dicaryophytic hyphae were also described in detail .

  20. 马吕斯当时没有结领带,身上穿的是那件丢了几个钮扣的旧工作服,衬衫也在胸前一个褶子处撕破了。

    Marius wore no cravat , he had on his working-coat , which was destitute of buttons , his shirt was torn along one of the plaits on the bosom .

  21. 操那些高级住宅区戴着高级围巾的老妈子们,还有她们50美元的高级护肤品,把满脸的褶子都拉平,好显得平滑有光泽。

    Fuck the Upper East Side wives with their Hermes scarves , and their $ 50 Balducci artichoke , Overfed faces getting pulled and lifted , and stretched all taut and shiny .

  22. 母亲的生活平平淡淡,我的记忆中仅有些小故事,但这记忆就像故事里的褶子一样指挥渐渐消失:记忆中母亲喜欢在炎热的夜晚边喝啤酒边熨烫衣物。

    As though it could do anything but vanish my mother 's life is only tiny stories now and what I remember of them afterward : how she loved to iron and drink beer on hot nights .