
  • 网络fold basement
  1. 四川会理&河口地区褶皱基底的双层结构

    Two layer structure of fold basement in Huili Hekou area , sichuan

  2. 厘定中祁连地块褶皱基底的时代,对探讨中祁连地块构造属性以及研究祁连造山带构造演化有重要意义。

    Dating the Gaolan Group in the Central Qilian fold basement is important for reconstructing the evolution of the Qilian Orogenic Belt .

  3. 结果还表明,褶皱基底中块体的垂向相对运动约为2km,造山过程表现为大范围的整体抬升,不同的构造单元有大致相近的变质变形环境。

    Furthermore , the vertical relative movement of the massif is about 2 km , the orogenic process behaves as integral large-scale uplifting in the folded basement , and the metamorphism and deformation in different tectonic units are approximately consistent .

  4. 海拉尔盆地是在华力西褶皱基底上形成的中生代断陷盆地。

    Hailar Basin is a fault-depressed basin formed on Variscan folded basement .

  5. 江南隆起带褶皱基底变质变形温压条件研究

    The Metamorphic Deformational Temperature-Pressure Conditions of the Folded Basement in the Jiangnan Uplift

  6. 二连盆地是在海西期褶皱基底上发育起来的,为早白垩世断陷群。

    Erlian basin is the Early Cretaceous rift group formed and developed on the Hecynian folded belt .

  7. 焉耆盆地是在海西期褶皱基底之上形成和发展起来的一个中、新生代复合盆地。

    Yanqi basin is a Meso - Cenozoic composite sedimentary basin developed on the basement of Hercynian fold .

  8. 这是重要的,因为褶皱基底和被侵蚀基底在深海盆地中决不是少见的。

    This is important , as folded and eroded basements are by no means uncommon in deep basins .

  9. 将基底结构分为两种类型,即种马场断裂以南为塔里木地台型基底,以北为海西期褶皱基底。

    The basement is of Tarim platform to the south of Zhongmachang fault and of Hercynian fold to the north .

  10. 野外地质调查和详细的岩性岩相学及构造学研究表明,赣中变质岩带由深层次结晶基底和浅层次褶皱基底组成。

    Field geological survey and detailed lithologic-lithofacies and structural study have revealed that the Central Jiangxi Metamorphic Belt is composed of deep-seated crystalline basement and shallow-seated folded basement .

  11. 因此,江南隆起带褶皱基底这一宏观变形强烈、微观变形甚弱的现象属于低温下准塑性变形结果。

    The phenomenon of high macroscopic deformation and low microcosmic deformation of the folded basement in the Jiangnan uplift is attributed to the quasi-plastic deformation at low temperatures .

  12. 本文以土库曼某油气田盆地为研究对象,该油气田盆地位于图兰地台东南部,是在海西期褶皱基底上发育起来的中新生代盆地。

    This paper studies the Turkmenistan oil and gas fields , which is in the southeast of Turan platform that is Mesozoic-Cenozoic basin development in the Hercynian folded basement .

  13. 新疆北山西段中坡山地区褶皱基底中元古界白湖群中普遍存在新月形、蘑菇形及线形紧闭褶皱,构造解析表明它们是由叠加褶皱形成的复杂露头干涉形式。

    There are folds formed by superposition of two period folds , in the folded basement of the Zhongposhan area , the western segment of the Beishan tectonic belt .

  14. 河西走廊地区在祁连加里东期褶皱基底上,于印支期以来长期的南北向挤压环境中形成了众多的、不同类型(原型)的中新生代沉积盆地。

    Many different types ( prototype ) of Meso-Cenozoic basins have been formed in Hexi Corridor region on Qilian Caledonian folded basement in a long-term N-S compression environment since Indosinian Movement .

  15. 二连盆地是在海面褶皱基底上发育起来的中新生代断陷湖盆群,共发育大小不等的50个凹陷。

    Erlian Basin , a cluster of rift lake basins in the Mesozoic and Cenozoic eras developed on the base of the Hercynian fold belt , consists of50 sags in different scale .

  16. 羌塘盆地是发育在前泥盆结晶基底和上古生界浅变质褶皱基底之上以中生界海相沉积为主体的复合型残留盆地。

    The Qiangtang Basin , which is developed on the Pre Devonian crystalline basement and the Upper Paleozoic epimetamorphic folded basement , is a composite residual basin dominated by the Mesozoic marine deposit .

  17. 普遍缺乏典型前陆盆地的被动大陆边缘层序基础,基础主要为晚古生代或更早形成的褶皱基底或前陆盆地;

    The sedimentary sequences underlying the Mesozoic foreland basins lack passive continental margin sediments of typical foreland basins and mainly consist of the late Paleozoic or even earlier folded " basement " or foreland basins ;

  18. 本区构造变动划分为三个大的阶段,即:前中生代褶皱基底的形成和稳定古陆发育阶段、中生代古陆裂解阶段、新生代块断活动及整体沉降阶段。

    The tectonism in this area can be divided into three phases , that is the folded basement formation and stable ancient land in Pre-Mesozoic , ancient land cracking phase in Mesozoic , the faulted activity and subsidence phase in Cenozoic .

  19. 它是在秦岭褶皱带基底上由拉张力形成的一个中、新生代陆相断陷盐湖盆地,其中核桃园组(渐新世)是湖盆最活跃的沉积和充填时期。

    It is a Meso - Cenozoic , terrestrial faulted saline lake basin , formed by tension and developed on the basement of Qinling fold belt .

  20. 流变褶皱与基底韧性韧脆性变形呈渐变关系,并且与基底韧性韧脆性变形具有一致的变形运动学和动力学特征,反映了扬子地块与华北地块碰撞造山期及折返过程的构造变形特点。

    The rheomorphic folds show gradational relationships with basement ductile and ductile-brittle deformation and have the same deformation kinematic and dynamic features as the latter , which reflects the structural deformation features during the collisional orogeny and exhumation of the Yangtze and North China blocks .

  21. 毛细血管管腔褶皱增多、基底膜变厚。毛细血管基底膜逐渐增厚,毛细血管狭窄、闭塞。

    Increase corrugation of capillary lumen and thickening of basement menbrane . The capillaries basement membrane increased gradually , and capillaries became narrow and even occluded .

  22. 塔里木盆地西南缘的构造变形是新生代喜山运动的产物,按变形卷入的深度及构造样式可分为两带:南带为前陆叠瓦逆冲-褶皱变形带.基底发生变形;

    Structural deformation in the southwestern margin of the Tarim basin resulted from the Himalayan orogeny movement during Cenozoic era .

  23. 露头、钻井及重磁电资料揭示,柴达木盆地存在褶皱和结晶双重基底,基底顶面岩性具有明显的分区性。

    Data of outcrops , boreholes and Gravity-Magnetic-Electric also show that there are duel basements , folded and crystalline , in Qaidam basin , and the lithology at the roof of basement is obviously divisional . 2 .