
dài ɡài
  • flap
  1. 随着时间流逝,袋盖在拍手者的膝上堆叠起来。

    With time elapsing , the flaps collapse up on his clapper 's lap .

  2. 袋盖上有洗水时打的枪针洞,请消弭。

    Stringholes from plastic string ( for washing ) at pocket flap visible , must be removed .

  3. 下一步就是缝合服装拱起的部分,例如领子、克夫和袋盖,缝角有一定的技术要求。

    Bagging out garment sections such as collar , cuffs and pocket flaps is the next stage in the development where technique is required for stitching around the corner .

  4. 也有人主张另一种可供选择的治疗方法就是只移除盲袋的龈盖去除术。

    An alternative treatment involving removal of the operculum , called operculectomy , has been advocated .

  5. 所以我在肘部用真皮打了补丁,把底袋的口袋盖取了下来,还把铜纽扣换成了木扣。

    So I added leather elbow patches , took the flaps off the bottom pockets , and replaced the brass buttons with wooden buttons .

  6. 薄膜电路分布在袋表面内夹层,磁钮开关设置在袋盖处,总开关设置在袋隐蔽处。

    The thin film circuit is distributed at an interlayer in a bag surface . A magnetic button switch is arranged at the point of a bag cover , and a main switch is arranged at a bag shelter .