
  1. 这条领带和你的西装搭配的很好。

    This tie is good match for your suit .

  2. 瑞安本人穿了一套深蓝色的西装搭配翠绿色的衬衫,帅气十足。

    Ryan , meanwhile , looked dashing in a midnight blue suit and emerald green shirt .

  3. 对男士来说,一套纯色的西装搭配一件素雅的衬衫,系上一条领带即可。

    For men , this means a plain business suit , worn with a discreet collar and tie .

  4. 我是个西班牙人,而亚曼尼的双排扣西装搭配黑衬衫非常适合我。

    I 'm Spanish and double breasted suits from Armani do it for me , often teamed with a black shirt .

  5. 曾经把领针作为时装秀造型和西装搭配的时装品牌现在开始在店里销售这些配饰了。

    And fashion houses that once tacked lapel pins onto suits as a bit of runway-only styling are now selling the accessories in stores .

  6. 他说:我完全赞同将羽绒外套与西装搭配在一起的穿法,只要这两件衣服的剪裁制作都很完美就好。

    ' I 'm all in favor of pairing a down jacket with a suit as long as both are perfectly tailored , ' he said .

  7. 关于亨特的主要服装类型,他喜欢出人意料的颜色组合,例如一套棕色西装搭配一件淡绿色衬衣和领带。

    For his main tailoring range , hunt is fond of unexpected colour combinations , such as a brown suit and a pale green shirt and tie .

  8. 酷爱与音乐家和摇滚歌星拍拖的贝贝比尔(BebeBuell)这样描述鲍伊莅临“麦克斯的堪萨斯城”(Max’sKansasCity)夜总会的情景:“他身着粉蓝色西装,搭配着橙色的头发,就这样走了进来,让我们每个人都如醉如痴。”

    Here 's Bebe Buell , the musician and rock star paramour , recalling Mr. Bowie 's arrival at Max 's Kansas City : " He walked in wearing a powdered-blue suit with orange hair , and just bedazzled us all . "

  9. 玛丽:它和你的西装非常搭配。

    Mary : It goes perfectly with your suit .

  10. 31岁的詹姆斯身着一件深蓝色的风衣,里面是一席红色长裙,脚踩棕色高跟鞋。39岁的埃文斯身着黑色西装,搭配灰色的靴子。

    James , 31 , wore a red dress with brown heels under a navy trench coat for the evening while Evans , 39 , wore an all-black suit with grey boots .

  11. 如果你有一件黑色的西装,就搭配一双黑色的鞋子吧。然后把这套衣服留给葬礼或是严肃的商务着装场合。

    If you own one , pair it with black shoes , and save the outfit for funerals and strict business dress occasions .

  12. 背心与西裤、西装短裤以及牛仔裤搭配穿,前门襟可敞开也可关拢。

    The waistcoat can be worn either open or closed , over trousers , shorts and jeans .

  13. 与丝质上衣、西装等任何衣服搭配,它们会让你看起来很百变。

    Team with silk tops , blazers , anything that makes you look as if you haven 't forgotten to get changed .

  14. 在米兰时装周上,米索尼的西装更加现代化,与西装相搭配的是该品牌的标志之一有图案的高档针织衫和露指手套向你展示西装也可以穿得休闲。

    Missoni modernized its suit at Milan fashion week , pairing a blazer with one of its trademark patterned fine-knits and fingerless gloves – showing you can dress down a suit too .