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  • Cufflinks;cuff-link;sleeve button
袖扣[xiù kòu]
  1. 而袖扣也是讨巧的,一处小小的点缀,就能让男人在举手投足之间散发最大的品位魅力。

    Delicate sleeve button , so small an outfitting item , makes man stand out with taste and charm at a simple handshake .

  2. 衬衫花色的选择,一枚别致的袖扣,或者仅仅是衬衫袖口的翻折方法,都能让人感受到你的时尚气息。

    A right shirt color , a unique sleeve button , or the folding style of your shirt sleeves alone , makes you look sensationally stylish .

  3. 他把袖扣别得整整齐齐。

    He clipped his cufflinks neatly in place .

  4. 我唯一喜欢的男性配饰是袖扣,并且即使我从Gap这样的店里买了一件衬衫,我都会买适合它的袖扣。

    The only accessory I like for men are cuff-links and even if I buy a shirt from say , the Gap , I 'll have the cuffs adapted to fit them .

  5. 对定制设计师理查德•詹姆斯(RichardJames)而言,他更喜欢精确铸造的整体袖扣,因为袖扣的系结方式也必须经过美学考虑。

    For his part , tailor-designer Richard James prefers the precision sculpting of one-piece cufflinks because the way a cuff-link fastens has to be an aesthetic consideration too .

  6. 但在手表和婚戒的严格限制――当然偶尔还会有袖扣――和《周末夜狂热》(SaturdayNightFever)的那种肆无忌惮之间,还是有很多不同程度的配饰选择的。

    But there are many degrees of decoration between a strict limit of watch and wedding ring with the occasional cuff links , of course and the stuff of ' Saturday Night Fever . '

  7. 与此同时,从明年春天开始,专门制作袖扣的SimonCarter公司将对其部分设计的系结机制推出有凸边的磨光,以提高袖扣的稳固程度。

    Meanwhile , from next spring cufflink specialists Simon Carter will introduce knurled finishes to the fastening mechanism of some of its designs to provide better grip .

  8. 哈佛大学(Harvard)教授罗伯特•劳伦斯(RobertLawrence)在分析特朗普的哪些产品是在海外生产之后,发现DonaldJTrump品牌的镜框、袖扣以及运动夹克都是在中国生产的。

    Robert Lawrence , a Harvard professor who has analysed which of Mr Trump 's products are made overseas , found that Donald J Trump eyeglass frames , cufflinks and sports jackets were all made in China .

  9. 我戴袖扣已经有很长时间了,对于这个领域缺乏创新已经厌倦了,媒体企业家安东尼•海沃德(AnthonyHayward)表示,例如,钟表业就一直在创新,但在袖扣界没有。

    I 'd been a cufflink wearer for a long time and grew tired of seeing a lack of innovation in the sector , says media entrepreneur Anthony Hayward . There 's constant innovation in watches , for instance , yet none in cufflinks .

  10. 他创建的企业Armrevolution也是如此。该公司的目标是将打造一个由珠宝和工业设计专业毕业的设计师团队,彻底改变袖扣界的面貌。

    And so to his new business venture , Armrevolution , whose aim is to bring together a young team of graduate designers in jewellery and industrial design with a brief to overhaul the cufflink .

  11. 莱曼在一个妓女的公寓里丢失了一个袖扣。

    Lyman lost a cufflink at the flat of a prostitute .

  12. 她给他一对黄金袖扣他毕业。

    She gave him a pair of gold cufflinks for his graduation .

  13. 只等我将袖扣扣好。

    As soon as I get these cuff links on .

  14. 是啊,他问我借了袖扣说是婚礼要用。

    Yeah , he borrowed some cuff links from me for some wedding .

  15. 你说得对袖扣和专业定制的西裤

    You 're right , cufflinks and perfectly tailored pants

  16. 你见到这颗袖扣的另一只吗

    Have you seen the mate to this cufflink ?

  17. 袖扣和链扣呢我来搭配还是由他亲自挑选

    What about studs and links ? Do I choose them or does he ?

  18. 现在谁还用袖扣啊

    And who wears cufflinks anyway ?

  19. 如果你是购物的人,让他考虑一些漂亮的设计师袖扣。

    If you are shopping for a man , consider getting him some beautiful designer cufflinks .

  20. 走着瞧吧你说得没错这些袖扣的确管用

    Let me show you . You 're right . These cufflinks are good for something .

  21. 他又饿又落魄看他袖扣和鞋就知道

    He 's hungry and not well-off , you can tell by his cuffs and shoes .

  22. 所以你可以把她看作一辆装饰着“袖扣和名表”的普通车。

    So you can think of it as the standard car with cufflinks and a nice watch .

  23. 这款镀白金色球形袖扣可作为男士或女士衬衫的袖口装饰。

    Clip together the sleeves of a blouse or a formal shirt with this pair of spherical rhodium-plated cuff links .

  24. 我研究着旅行证件夹、袖扣包、个性化的行李标签,甚至还有旅行表盒。

    I examined travel document wallets and cufflink holders , personalised luggage labels and even a travelling case for watches .

  25. 瞒着顾客,葡萄酒侍者是调整使用的魔力袖扣葡萄酒干燥。

    Unbeknownst to the patrons , the wine waiter is adjusting the dryness of the wines using the magic cufflinks .

  26. 装饰是袖扣的唯一作用,因此它们从后面看应该跟从前面看一样美。

    Decoration is what cufflinks are all about , so they should look as good from the back as the front .

  27. 或许最成功的一件作品是一件设计成哑铃型的袖扣,四颗黑珍珠悬挂在一个钻石棒上。

    Perhaps the most successful piece is a dumbbell design cufflink with four black pearls suspended on a bar of pav é diamonds .

  28. 某些大亨们派飞机飞越半个地球去接客人来参加他们的生日宴会,并在每人的餐具处放上一只祖母绿手镯或一付袖扣;

    assorted tycoons flying their guests halfway round the world for birthday parties where there is an emerald bracelet or cufflinks on every place-setting ;

  29. 我自己确实拥有一对珍珠母椭圆形古董袖扣,上面镶嵌了一整块钻石,我非常喜欢,因为款式非常简洁。

    I did own an antique pair of mother-of-pearl ovals set with a single diamond that I loved very much because they were simple .

  30. 这也是她挑选的最有阳刚气质的一款首饰盒,所以,她说这个盒子可以用来存放袖扣或男士手镯。

    It was also the most masculine container she chose and , she said , would be appropriate for cuff links or men 's brocelets .