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  • cosmetic bag
  1. 尤其是化妆包具有很强的竟争力和优势。

    Cosmetic Bag in particular has a strong competitiveness and advantages .

  2. 初次见面时,刘雯身穿斯特拉•麦卡特尼随意而时尚的裙装、手拿香奈儿限量版化妆包,从教堂的走道上昂首阔步地走向崔始源。

    When they first met , Liu strutted down the imaginary runway to Choi wearing a casual yet trendy dress from Stella McCartney and carrying a limited edition Chanel cosmetic bag .

  3. 浪漫的女人看她的睡衣。小资的女人看她的化妆包……我看完发现我好像不是女人!

    a woman with petty bourgeoisie sentiments by her makeup9 bag … Upon reading this it suddenly dawns on me that I may not be a woman !

  4. 产品种类包括PVC料、网料、布料、皮革料、纱料等各类质地的产品套装袋、时尚化妆包、精美礼品袋、男女装手袋、箱包。

    Our products consist of packing bags , fashionable cosmetics bags , handbags , and cases for men and women , with different materials ranging from PVC , lacework , cloth , leather , yarn and other materials .

  5. 蒂娜:等等,我的化妆包呢?

    Tina : Hold on . Where 's my makeup bag ?

  6. 首先,你需要在你的化妆包里放什么呢?

    Ok , so first , what should you put in your everyday bag ?

  7. 你看到我的化妆包了吗

    Have you seen my make-up bag ?

  8. 在你的化妆包里

    It 's in your makeup bag .

  9. 我的化妆包不见了

    My makeup bag 's not here .

  10. 很走运,我在化妆包里带了一些药棉。

    Luckily I had brought with me in my toilet bag a quantity of cotton wool .

  11. 大部分女人都觉得美丽的关键取决于化妆包。

    Many women think that the key to beauty lies in the bottom of their makeup bag .

  12. 在过去的一年里,酒店的工作人员花费了很多的时间和精力来帮这些化妆包(共计一万个)找回主人。

    In the last 12 months , hotel staff have spent hundreds of hours uniting 10,000 wash bags with their owners .

  13. 研究同时还发现,现在的英国人全然不知化妆包的真正价值。

    The study also found that the average British person does not have a clue regarding the true value of their toiletry bag .

  14. 即使你头天喝得烂醉后一夜未睡,只要在出门前打开化妆包,你又会像明星一样容光焕发。

    You wake up looking like the morning after the night before , but a quick rummage though a make-up bag and suddenly you 're Kate Moss .

  15. 梳妆台上、化妆包里,散粉总是占得重要一席,帮女人们将底妆精致到底。

    On the dressing table , puts on make-up in the package , disperses the powder always to occupy important one , helps the women fine the bottom make-up .

  16. 买化妆品,赠化妆包,数量不多,赠完为止。有丰富轻工设备制造和装配经验,化妆品或食品行业包装设备更佳。

    In return for purchase of our cosmetics , we give free cosmetic Bags to the last one of limited quantity . Good facility processing & assembly experience , cosmetic or food packaging industry is a plus .

  17. 一款化妆品可能不会让你破产,但是把一个女人化妆包里所有的化妆品加起来——粉底,腮红,睫毛膏,眼线笔等等——费用就很多了。

    One item might not break the bank , but the combined cost of everything you might find in a woman 's makeup bag - foundation , blush , mascara , eye liner , eye shadow , and so on - quickly adds up .

  18. 她是顶尖电视节目中的优秀女演员,并且即将嫁给一个王子,因此认为梅格汉·马克尔的化妆包内的东西可能都有点超出我们的价格范围是很正常的。

    She was a successful actress in a top TV show and she 's about to marry a prince , so it 's fair to assume the contents of Meghan Markle 's make up bag are probably a tad out of our price range .

  19. 智能美容镜还有个“我的美容盒”功能,在线储存你的化妆包中的护肤品,帮助你跟踪护肤品使用情况,以及对你的皮肤是否适用有效。

    The smart mirror also has a ' My Beauty Box ' feature - an online inventory of the products in your makeup bag , which helps you track how you are using your products and whether they 're suitable and effective for your needs .