
  • Passive absorption;【土】passive uptake [nutrient]
  1. Al、Si以被动吸收的方式累积于地衣中,同时Fe、Mg以被动吸收的方式累积于苔藓体内。

    Aluminum and silicon were absorbed passively by lichens .

  2. X射线能谱分析说明根系内K的主动吸及Ca的被动吸收被紫茎泽兰内含的异克物质严重干扰,导致根系发育受阻。

    The analysis of EPMA showed that the active transportation of K and the passive transportation of Ca in maize roots were obstructed , which retarded the growth of maize roots by allelopathic materials contained in plants of Eupatorium adenophorum .

  3. 被动吸收试验发现毛发可从水溶液中紧密吸收PCP,这类似于身体对PCP的结合。

    Passive absorbing experiment finds that hair can absorb the PCP from the water solution , which is similar to the combination of the body and the PCP .

  4. 断根铁肥输液时铁肥从根木质部被动吸收。

    Cutting root soaked in the red iron fertilizer liquid .

  5. 花生叶片对~(14)C&葡萄糖的吸收存在着主动吸收和被动吸收类型。

    Absorbing of 14C-glucose by peanut leaves existed both passive and active uptake forms .

  6. 其吸收机制可分为3个途径:主动吸收、被动吸收以及通过细胞间隙直接吸收。

    The absorption embraced three pathways : active absorption , passive absorption and paracellular permeability .

  7. 花生叶圆片通过主动吸收和被动吸收方式吸收~(14)C-蔗糖。

    14C-sucrose was absorbed by leaves discs of peanut plant in both active and passive forms .

  8. 结论利巴韦林在肠道的吸收呈一级吸收动力学特征,吸收机制为被动吸收;

    Conclusions The absorption of ribavirin complies with the passive transport mechanism and first order kinetics .

  9. 听力要求学习者不仅要被动吸收而且要积极主动的参与,因为输入和输出同样重要。

    Because the input is as important as output . So listening learners require not only the passive absorption , but the active participation .

  10. 肾小管对钙的重吸收包括被动重吸收和主动重吸收。

    Renal tubular reabsorption includes passive and active reabsorption .

  11. 结果表明,该类聚合物无毒性,60天后可被动物体吸收。

    The results show that the polymer are non-toxic and can be absorbed by rabbits after 60 days .

  12. 教学不应该是被动地吸收别人对世界的认识,而是要学生自己去寻找对世界存在方式的有意义的认识。

    Teaching is not to let students accept passively what others think of this world but to allow them inquire into the world themselves .

  13. 血流量的减少(休克病人)以降低跨肠粘膜的浓度梯度,从而减少被动扩散吸收。

    Decreased blood flow ( eg , in shock ) may lower the concentration gradient across the intestinal mucosa and decrease absorption by passive diffusion .

  14. 被动差分吸收光谱法测量气体浓度时Ring效应的影响及修正研究

    Ring Effect and Correction Studies while Retrieving Trace Gas Concentration with Passive DOAS

  15. 被动差分吸收光谱技术测量电厂烟羽中CS2的研究

    Measurement of CS_2 in Emission Plume of Power Plant by Passive Differential Optical Absorption Spectroscopy

  16. 结论:安乃近溶液鼻粘膜吸收机制为被动扩散,吸收符合一级动力学,吸收速度常数K为0.02219min-1。

    CONCLUSION : The mechanism of analgin nasal absorption is passive diffusion , following first order kinetics , the absorption rate constant is 0.022 19 min - 1 .

  17. 从而确定最佳的实验条件为流速1.8mL/min,给药体积为10mL,丹皮酚、肉桂酸、绿原酸、阿魏酸的鼻黏膜吸收均为被动扩散且吸收良好。

    Finally , the optimum parameters are as follows : flow rate is 1.8mL / min , the volume is 10mL , the nasal absorption of chlorogenic acid , Ferulic Acid , Peoniflorin , Paeonol and Cinnamic acid is passive transport , and the absorption is good .

  18. 在改进学习者在活动中的角色地位方面,文章提出学习者要该变作为被动的知识吸收者这一角色,积极参加到教师的教学过程当中,主动学习;

    As improving learners role is concerned , it proposes that learners should take the initiative in learning and take part in the teaching process .

  19. 车载被动差分吸收光谱在城市道路空气污染监测中的应用电气化铁路沿线通信机房接地电阻在线监测系统的研究

    Application of Vehicle-Borne Passive Differential Optical Absorption Spectroscopy for Urban Traffic Air Pollution Monitoring Study of On-line Grounding Resistance Monitoring System for Communication Substation along Electric Railway

  20. 与此同时,学生不应该是被动的信息吸收者,而应成为课堂的主体,是主动的学习者和评价者。

    Meanwhile , students should not be a passive absorber of information , but should become the main participants of the classroom , and active learners and evaluators .

  21. 学生接受知识信息是被动的,因此吸收的语言知识难以转化为语言应用技能。

    Students are passive to gain the knowledge information .