
  • 网络passive solar house
  1. 被动式太阳房CAD系统的研究

    The research of passive solar house CAD system

  2. 本文以天津地区适用的典型被动式太阳房为设计参考,用热性能动态模拟程序TWPS对集热部件结构尺寸进行了灵敏度分析,提出了优化的结构尺寸。

    In this paper , a TWPS computer program of dynamic thermal performance simulation is operated in the light of standard passive solar house suitable for Tianjin area . After sensitivity analysis of the dimensions of the thermal-collecting part , optimized structure dimensions is evaluated .

  3. 一种用于被动式太阳房的新型窗玻璃结构

    A new type of windowpane structure used in passive solar room

  4. GB/T15405-1994被动式太阳房技术条件和热性能测试方法

    Specifications and testing method of thermal performance for passive solar houses

  5. 被动式太阳房的集热部件优化选型及集热面积简易计算方法探讨

    A simple method for optimizing and sizing passive solar heating elements

  6. 无辅助热源被动式太阳房热工设计

    Thermal design of passive solar buildings without using supplementary heating source

  7. 被动式太阳房与蓄热墙热工优化设计

    Passive Solar House and Thermal Optimization Design of Heat Storing Wall

  8. 银川地区被动式太阳房节能效果的研究

    The Research of Energy-saving Effect of Passive Solar House in Yinchuan

  9. 集热蓄热墙被动式太阳房设计与研究

    Design and Study of the Passive Solar House with Thermal Storage Walls

  10. 被动式太阳房的通用模拟程序

    A general mathematical simulation program of passive solar heating buildings

  11. 中国北方农村被动式太阳房的热舒适性评价

    Thermal comfort evaluation of passive solar house in northern china 's villages

  12. 谈生态建筑的热环境分区与被动式太阳房设计

    On thermal environment division of biological architecture and passive solar house design

  13. 小学校舍被动式太阳房调查和分析

    Investigation and Analysis on the passive solar house of a primary school

  14. 寒冷地区被动式太阳房室内人体舒适性的研究

    Study on Indoor Thermal Comfort in Passive Solar House in Cold Area

  15. 被动式太阳房最佳方位角的选择

    Determination of the Optimum Orientation of the Passive Solar - heating house

  16. 被动式太阳房隔热墙体的绝热热阻

    Experimental study on the thermal resistance of insulated wall of passive solar house

  17. 被动式太阳房动态模型研究

    On the dynamic model of the passive solar building

  18. 被动式太阳房评价指标

    On the Evaluation Index of Passive Solar Heating House

  19. 被动式太阳房热工计算简易方法探讨

    Discussion for a Simple Method on Thermal Engineering Calculations of Passive Solar Houses

  20. 新建被动式太阳房冬季热性能的实验研究

    Experimental Studies of Passive Solar House on Indoor Thermal Performance in Winter in Dalian

  21. 被动式太阳房的最佳朝向

    The optimal orientation of passive solar house

  22. 试论被动式太阳房的发展

    On development of the passive solar buildings

  23. 零辅助热源被动式太阳房地域分布区划研究

    Research on the division of distributing regions of passive solar houses with zero auxiliary heating source

  24. 被动式太阳房的热工计算

    Thermal Calculation for Passive Solar House

  25. 济南气候区被动式太阳房热工参数分析及设计原则

    The architectural thermal parameters analysis and design principles of passive solar houses for Jinan climate area

  26. 被动式太阳房冬季平均室温的预测及特朗勃墙的集热效率

    Prediction of the mean room temperature of a compound passive solar house and collecting efficiency of Trombe walls

  27. 效率最低的是无通风孔的实体墙式太阳房。本文最后通过一算例进一步阐述了效率曲线在被动式太阳房热工设计中的具体应用。

    The practical use for these curves in passive solar heating design is illustrated by a worked design example .

  28. 本文对被动式太阳房集热墙风口平均风速的测定进行了研究。

    Based on these data , this paper analyzed thermal performance of passive solar house under different weather situations .

  29. 并提出了采取一些简单措施即可使被动式太阳房实现冬暖夏凉,从而满足园林建筑的使用要求。

    And some simple measures which can provide proper temperature in different season and operation requirements in gardens construction were put forward .

  30. 被动式太阳房北外墙风口的位置应位于中上部,这样可以既保证室内足够的通风量又能保证室内均匀的温度、速度分布。

    The vent on the north wall should be located between top and middle , which can ensure more uniform air temperature and air velocity distribution .