
  • 网络Coerced;Beat It;Sheep Cliff Jump X-Treme
  1. 双方在抢断次数上无显著性差异,但犯规及贴身紧逼次数差异非常显著,CBA后卫队员协防意识较差,被逼的次数也明显低于NBA后卫队员。

    No obvious difference in snatching or breaking but times of foul and body to body press is obvious . The backcourts in CBA have bad assisting and defending consciousness and the times of being pressed are much less than the backcourts in NBA . 4 .

  2. 人马族被逼的走投无路,只好逃到了奇伦的家中。

    They had to escape to the home of Chiron .

  3. 我被逼的快要上街抢钱了。

    I have to basically rob a penny to people .

  4. 许多法学专家都质疑她的理由和裁决是被逼的。

    3A number of legal experts questioned her reasoning and ruling is being appealed .

  5. 被逼的后果是幸福和甜蜜,但你喜欢的是被逼吗?

    The consequences of forced happiness and sweet , but you like is forced to do ?

  6. 否则。总有一天他们会被逼的抱怨起来,这也是你不愿意看到的。

    Otherwise , they would be forced to complain one day and you will not like it .

  7. 他已经做好准备保护这个国家,但是他并没有做好军事方案的准备因为他实实在在是被逼的。

    He was ready to protect this nation , but he was not ready for a military solution just because it was being rammed down his throat .

  8. 这导致以色列人痛骂他自己作为一个早期的纳粹国防军士兵和在此之前,作为(被逼的)希特勒青年。

    This led to Israelis raking over his own early life as a soldier in the Wehrmacht and before that as an ( unwilling ) member of the Hitler-Jugend .

  9. 英国外交部每年都要为75000个在国外的英国人解决麻烦,包括到医院探望或者将他们从被逼的婚姻中解救出来,另外还有300万起的领事馆咨询。

    The Foreign Office already supports 75000 Britons in difficulties abroad each year , from visiting those in hospital or arrested to rescuing them from forced marriage , in addition to dealing with 3 million consular inquiries .

  10. 普尼塔说,我并不是被逼的,但那是我父母做的决定;在乡下就是这样的,在一个女人一生中,婚姻和丈夫就是一切。

    ' I wasn 't forced into it , but it was a decision taken by my parents . This is how it works here in the countryside , ' Ms. Devi says . ' In a woman 's life , marriage and her husband are everything . '

  11. 雷翻了供,声称自己是被逼招供的。

    Ray changed his mind , claiming that he had been forced into confessing

  12. 被逼急的猫可能会变得和狮子一样狂暴。

    A baited cat may grow as fierce as a lion .

  13. 奥巴马只在被逼无奈的情况下才开始认真对待财政控制。

    Mr Obama gets serious about fiscal control only when forced to .

  14. 不管你昨晚说了什么都是被逼无奈的,那个人活该

    that whatever you said last night was provoked . Even deserved .

  15. 我不想唱这种歌词,我是被逼无奈的。

    I did NOT want to sing those lyrics and I was FORCED TO .

  16. 人都是被逼出来的!

    Everybody 's success is forced out .

  17. 如果遇到人,虎蛇一般会逃走,但是在被逼急的时候它就会变得十分凶猛。

    The Tiger snake will generally flee if encountered , but can become aggressive when cornered .

  18. 传统的等误差直线逼近法从被逼曲线的端点开始计算节点。

    The traditional calculation nodes method on equal error approximating non-circular curve with beeline is calculated from the port of the curve .

  19. 对于北京市民,他们的房子面临着被拆毁的风险,也面临着为了某些房地产开发商房地产权被逼拆迁的可能,王军成了某种程度上的他们英雄。

    To Beijing residents , whose houses are threatened with demolition or who have been forced to relocate to make way for real estate developers , Wang Jun is a kind of folk hero .

  20. 种种被逼无奈的背后,往往是弱者权利救济渠道的稀缺、失效,得不到应有的关怀、帮助,只好通过非正常方式冒险一搏。

    Behind these were forced , often weak and right channels of the scarcity of relief , failure , lack of proper care , help , had by way of non-normal risk of a stroke .

  21. 钱妞还在现已删除的留言中补充道:“我都明白。因为这个原因,我自己也对《英年早逝》有些意见。我不想唱这种歌词,我是被逼无奈的。”

    Ke $ ha added , in a message which has since been deleted : " I understand . I had my very own issue with ' Die Young ' for this reason . I did NOT want to sing those lyrics and I was FORCED TO . "

  22. 她被逼在寒冷的圣诞夜出去卖火柴。

    She was forced to sell matches ona cold Christmas Eve .

  23. 他称自己是被逼承认有罪的。

    He claims he was coerced into admitting his guilt .

  24. 那两个人象被逼入绝路的野兽那样搏斗着。

    The two men were fighting like cornered animals .

  25. 中国队输给挪威,被逼退出奖牌的角逐.

    China 's team lost the game against Norway , and was forced out of medal contention .

  26. 他们会让无数被逼到极限的家庭不知所措。

    They will leave many families who are already stretched to the limit scrambling to figure out what to do .

  27. 被逼至绝境的牡鹿;她把我逼在走廊和她的汽车之间;像走投无路的动物。

    A stag at bay ; she had me cornered between the porch and her car ; like a trapped animal .

  28. 他们中的许多人,在被逼得走投无路的情况下,又走上了犯罪的道路。

    Too many of them , after having been driven from pillar to post in this way , take to crime again .

  29. 福田康夫就像一个被逼到围绳的拳击手,天普大学(TempleUniversity)研究亚洲问题的杰夫•金斯顿(JeffKingston)教授表示。

    Fukuda is like a boxer up against the ropes , said Jeff Kingston , professor of Asian studies at Temple University .

  30. 可以想象他们被逼着在这样的条件下建桥的情景。

    Imagine being forced to build that in the condition they must be in .