
  • 网络Bank Attack;terrorist attacks
  1. 历史将这样记载,美国总统乔治布什(georgew.bush)在任期内遭遇过两大危机:一是2001年的9.11恐怖袭击事件,一是2008年的金融危机。

    History will record that George W. Bush , the US president , faced two big crises during his term of office : the terrorist attacks of September 11 2001 and the financial meltdown of 2008 .

  2. 九一一恐怖袭击事件使得签证办理受到更多的限制。

    The9112001 terrorist attacks led more restrictive visa requirements .

  3. 袭击事件已被保安摄像机拍摄下来。

    The attack was captured on film by security cameras .

  4. 袭击事件不是由种族原因引起的。

    The attacks were not racially motivated .

  5. 所报道的袭击事件没有得到当局的证实。

    There is no word from the authorities on the reported attack

  6. 这是一连串袭击事件中最近的一起。

    The incident was the latest in a string of attacks

  7. 在这次袭击事件中,他有3名保镖受了伤。

    Three of his bodyguards were injured in the attack

  8. 这个警方认定为精神错乱的男子被认为是8起袭击事件的制造者。

    The man , who police believe is psychotic , is thought to be responsible for eight attacks .

  9. 在这次袭击事件中,他有3名保镖受了伤

    Three of his bodyguards were injured in the attack .

  10. 以美国总统巴拉克奥巴马(BarackObama)为首的世界各国领导人对这次的袭击事件表示了谴责。

    US president Barack Obama led international condemnation of the attack .

  11. 联合国中东问题特使罗伯特·H·塞里(RobertH.Serry)也对袭击事件表示了谴责。

    The United Nations special envoy for the Middle East , Robert H. Serry , also condemned the attacks .

  12. 然而,在伊朗国家电视台全天对该事件保持缄默的情况下,伊朗英语频道presstv否认发生袭击事件。

    But , while state television remained silent on the matter all day , the attack was denied by the English-language channel Press TV .

  13. 总部位于伦敦的国际海事局(InternationalMaritimeBureau)表示,2009年,公海海盗袭击事件比一年前增加了40%。

    Pirate Attacks Off Somalia Nearly Double The International Maritime Bureau in London reports piracy incidents on the high seas increased nearly 40 percent in 2009 from a year ago .

  14. 之前还发生过其他一些针对香港记者的袭击事件。1998年,颇受欢迎的电台主持人郑经翰(AlbertCheng)被砍伤。

    Other previous attacks on Hong Kong journalists include a 1998 incident in which popular radio host Albert Cheng was slashed .

  15. COM泡沫的破灭以及美国9.11恐怖袭击事件等一系列因素的影响,全球风险投资业在进入21世纪后都遭受到了前所未有的打击。

    With the sharp drop of NASDAQ , the burst of Internet bubble and the 911-terror attack , venture capital industry suffered a lot in the 21 century .

  16. 耶路撒冷发生恐怖袭击事件,这是周中的CNN学生新闻我们首先关注的,欢迎收看本期节目。

    A terrorist attack in the city of Jerusalem . That 's where we start this midweek addition of CNN STUDENT NEWS.Thanks for watching .

  17. 法国总统奥朗德和总理曼纽尔·瓦尔斯(ManuelValls)在巴黎召开紧急内政部(InteriorMinistry)会议,以讨论袭击事件的情况。

    President Fran ç ois Hollande and Prime Minister Manuel Valls convened an emergency meeting at the Interior Ministry in Paris to discuss the situation .

  18. 美军发言人朱利安上校说,这些军队将前往阿富汗东部,军方称那个地区为RC东区。今年,塔利班在那里的袭击事件有所增加。

    U.S. Spokesman Colonel Greg Julian says those forces are headed to eastern Afghanistan , an area the military calls R.C. East , which has seen a surge in Taliban attacks this year .

  19. 这起枪杀事件是对当地外国人一系列袭击事件的最新一起。阿富汗官员说,两名西方国家人士被开枪击中,他们当时坐在德国货运公司DHL办公室前的一辆汽车里。

    Afghan officials say the two Westerners were gunned down as they sat in a vehicle in front of the German-owned freight company DHL .

  20. 最新的爆炸事件不会改变这一趋势,但它是一个令人担忧的事态发展,特别是在周四的袭击事件,称BBC的吉姆缪尔在巴格达。

    The latest bombing does not change this trend but it is a worrying development , especially after Thursday 's attacks , says the BBC 's Jim Muir in Baghdad .

  21. 一份最新的BBC民意调查显示,大多数英国人认为阿富汗的远征对英国而言并非值得。阿富汗目前仍然是一个相对危险的地方,恐怖和叛乱袭击事件仍然频发。

    In a recent BBC poll , though , most Britain said the war was not worthwhile for the U.K. Afghanistan is still a dangerous place , where terrorists and insurgent attacks happen regularly .

  22. 前报纸总编刘进图(KevinLau)的家人周四说,他的情况已经稳定。此前一天,他被刺数刀,警方已经公布了袭击事件中两名嫌犯的模糊图片。

    The family of former newspaper editor Kevin Lau said Thursday his condition has stabilized a day after he was stabbed several times , as police released grainy images of the two suspects in the attack .

  23. 纽约证券交易所周一将关闭交易大厅,这在2011年9.11恐怖袭击事件之后尚属首次。此前,东海岸另外的一些企业也表示,因受飓风桑迪(Sandy)影响将调整营业时间。

    The New York Stock Exchange will close its trading floor Monday , the first time it has done so since the Sept. 11 , 2001 , terror attacks , joining other businesses along the East Coast altering their routine because of Hurricane Sandy .

  24. 莫斯科卡内基中心(MoscowCarnegieCenter)高加索地区问题专家马拉申科(AlexeiMalashenko)说,鉴于高加索地区的局势,本周的莫斯科袭击事件不会是最后一起。

    ' Given what 's happening in the Caucasus , the attacks in Moscow this week won 't be the last , 'said Alexei Malashenko , a specialist in the region at the Moscow Carnegie Center .

  25. 此前,Uber一直在印度大力推销自己,并承诺将提供安全廉价的运输服务。如今,该公司可能因与上述袭击事件有关的疏忽大意面临严厉的法律制裁。

    The company , which had been aggressively promoting itself in India with the promise of safe and affordable transportation , is now facing the prospect of serious legal action for negligence in connection with the alleged attack .

  26. 但在袭击事件发生前,SEVIS就作为一种改进在美留学生记录的保管方式存在了。

    But SEVIS was being developed even before the attacks as a way to improve record keeping on foreign students in the United States .

  27. 孟买袭击事件被形容为印度的911事件,它为这波新的媒体浪潮提供了一次来自第一线的全球新闻事件,这还是1999年印度与巴基斯坦卡吉尔战争(KargilWar)后的首次。

    The attacks on Mumbai , which are being described as India 's 9 / 11 , provided this new wave of media with its first frontline global news event since the Kargil War between India and Pakistan in 1999 .

  28. Semendinger说他把这些数码照片给正在调查袭击事件的9.11委员会,同时这个委员会明显将照片发布到NIST上。

    Semendinger said that he gave the digital images to the9 / 11 Commission that investigated the attack , and that the commission evidently released the pictures to NIST .

  29. 就在孟买袭击事件发生几天之前,巴基斯坦总统阿西夫•阿里•扎尔达里(AsifAliZardari)提出了改善与印度关系的一份极富想象力的建议,其基础是自由贸易,以及放弃先发制人的核打击。

    Just days before the attacks on Mumbai , Asif Ali Zardari , the Pakistani president , issued an imaginative proposal for improving relations with India , based around free trade and the renunciation of a nuclear first-strike capability .

  30. 这起袭击事件唯一的嫌疑人安德斯•布雷维克(AndersBehringBreivik)已经承认实施了这两起袭击。他称这是必要的,他的目的是唤醒整个国家,面对不断在呢国家的移民带来的威胁。

    The only suspect , Anders Behring Breivik , has admitted to carrying out the attacks , which he says were necessary in order to wake up the country to the threat he claims posed by increased immigration .