
zhuānɡ xiè fèi
  • handling cost;terminal charges;loading and unloading expense
  1. 我会向你支付150美元,其中包括邮递服务的运费和装卸费。

    And I 'll pay you $ 150.00 USD for this item including shipping and handling cost through Postal Service .

  2. 你方应负担所有装卸费和运输费。

    You should be responsible for all handling and freight costs .

  3. 要将运输费、搬运装卸费或储存成本包括在原材料成本中。

    Include shipping , handling or storage in the total material cost .

  4. 船方不负担装卸费的运费率

    Free in and out freight rate

  5. 成品每半年装运一次,全部运费将由你方负担。要将运输费、搬运装卸费或储存成本包括在原材料成本中。

    Shipment of the products is to be effected once half a year . All the shipping expenses will be for your account . Include shipping , handling or storage in the total material cost .

  6. 非标准集装箱装卸包干费,按照交通部《港口收费规则》(外贸部分)规定办法实施。

    Stevedoring tariff of non-standard containers will be implemented based on MOC 's Regulations on Port Charges ( International Trade ) .

  7. 以香港为基地的国际航空公司有3家,其中以国泰航空公司的规模最大。二、非标准集装箱装卸包干费,按照交通部《港口收费规则》(外贸部分)规定办法实施。

    The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region ( HKSAR ) is home to three international airlines . Stevedoring tariff of non-standard containers will be implemented based on MOC 's Regulations on Port Charges ( International Trade ) .

  8. 热压机同时闭合装置的新型油缸设计装卸机械计箱装卸费

    Design of a New Type of Cylinder of Simultaneous Closing Device of a Hot Press