
  1. 装饰材料市场从无到有,迅速发展,到现在成都已经有超过20多家装饰材料市场,市场竞争异常激烈。

    Decorate material market are more than 20 now , and the competition in this market is very intense .

  2. 这是广州市内较为集中的装饰材料市场,这两个市场的规模较小。

    This is a more concentrated in Guangzhou city decoration materials markets , These two markets on a smaller scale .

  3. 通过对武汉市建筑装饰材料市场的11种木质人造板材甲醛释放量的研究分析表明,甲醛释放浓度随时间有显著变化。

    By the analysis of formaldehyde emitted from 11 types of artificial wood-based boards taken from construction market in Wuhan city , the results showed that the emission concentrations have notably varied along with time .

  4. 本文研究正是在此背景下提出,以汉鑫软木装饰材料市场进入营销活动为研究对象,从市场进入的角度,对营销策略的制定过程进行了深入、系统的研究。

    This thesis is exactly based on this background , According to promotive activity , the course of setting the marketing strategy has been studied deeply in system from the angle of stepping into the market .

  5. 专业认识实习是高职建筑装饰专业针对大一新生,有针对性地安排到与专业对口的建筑装饰企业、建筑装饰材料市场所开展的为期一周的实践性教学环节。

    The practice of specialty understanding is a teaching procedure scheduled for the first grade students of architecture and ornament major to visit related enterprises and markets for one week .