
  1. 百年欧式俱乐部&汉口西商跑马场调查纪实

    Traditional European Style Club - Investigation Record of Western Merchant Horse-race Field in Hankow

  2. 西商东渐与晚清法律变革:以华洋商事诉讼为线索

    Arrival of Western Merchants and Reform of Law in Late Qing : Illustrated with Sino-Foreign Commercial Disputes

  3. 明清时期的山陕商人是我国实力最雄厚的商帮集团之一,合称为“西商”。

    Businessmen of Shanxi and Shaanxi , called together " Western Merchants ", in Qing and Ming dynasties were one of the most powerful commercial groups around China at that time .

  4. 面试会将介绍西肯塔基大学商学院,荣誉学院和奖学金项目。

    The purpose is to introduce WKU business school , honors college , scholarship program .

  5. 东秦岭地区西起陕西商县,东至河南夏馆的广大区域内分布着一个由秦岭群组成的大型片麻岩穹窿。

    The east part of the eastern Qinling Mountains , from Xiaguan of Henan Province in the east to Shangxian of Shaanxi Province in the west , is a large gneiss dome composed of Qinling Group .