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  1. 儒学的文化思想,已较全面地渗透到西夏文化之中;

    The cultural ideology of Confucianism has penetrated the Xixia culture .

  2. 儒学与西夏文化刍议

    On Confucianism and the Xixia Culture

  3. 三种不同风格的帽子体现了西夏文化多元素的特点。

    The three different styles of hats reflect that the Tangut culture is diversified .

  4. 可以说,西夏文化的核心是儒家文化。

    One can say that the core culture of the Western Xia was Confucianist .

  5. 西夏文化的每一个发展阶段,都受到儒学的深刻影响;

    Abstract Every stage of the development of the Xixia culture is deeply influenced by Confucianism .

  6. 西夏文化的多元性体现在诸多方面,如制度、艺术、宗教等等。

    Many aspects , such as its system , its arts , its religion , embodied this plurality .

  7. 西夏文化一个突出特点是多元性,这与西夏实行开放的国策密不可分。

    The most striking feature of Xixia culture is its plurality , which was closely related with its open policy .

  8. 深厚的民族基础,以及经济、政治、文化上的因素决定了西夏文化的多元性。

    Besides , its profound ethnic foundation , its economy , its culture , its politics , and its culture determined its plurality .

  9. 不仅体现了西夏文化丰富的艺术内涵,对中华民族文化艺术的发展也有着重要贡献。

    These art works not only contain rich artistic connotations of the Western Xia culture , but also make great contribution to the development of the Chinese national and art .

  10. 作为旅游资源的西夏历史文化利用现状及其类型特征

    The Current Situation and the Features of Western - Xia Historical and Cultural Resources as Tour Resources

  11. 为这一独特的西夏墓葬文化和其中发掘出来的木板画画面中所反映的多民族特点做铺垫。

    For the unique culture and the Western Xia Tombs excavated painted wooden screen , as reflected in the characteristics of multi-ethnic of basics .

  12. 宁夏旅游业发展中,对西夏历史文化资源的开发成绩显著。但持续开发利用这一资源,尚需更深地认识西夏历史文化资源的类型特点,以探求科学的开发利用方式。

    Based on illustrating the current situation and the feature of Western-Xia historical and cultural resources in Ningxia tourism and giving some advices on the sustainable development of Ningxia tourism , this paper shows the correct ways to exploit and utilize the resources .

  13. 西夏京畿的佛教文化

    Buddhist Culture around the Capital Suburbs of the West Xia Dynasty