
xī chuān
  • Xichuan;western part of Sichuan
  1. 在此基础上,采用GM(1,1)灰色动态模型预测西川河流域降雨入渗量随水土流失治理度的变化趋势。

    A gray dynamic model is put forward to the infiltration quantity tendency in the Xichuan catchment was predicted by a gray dynamic model , GM ( 1,1 ) .

  2. 贫困山区农业可持续发展的问题与对策&以攀西川南山区为例

    Problem and Countermeasure of the Sustaining Development in Poverty Mountain

  3. 西川河排洪洞混凝土衬砌腐蚀分析

    Concrete corrosion of the Xichuan River flood-discharging tunnel

  4. 在理论上,小查(海子)、西川和我,都服一禾。

    In area of theory , Xiaozha ( Haizi ), Xichuan , and me , all admired Yihe .

  5. 在当今诗坛泥沙俱下的大环境中,西川始终拥有着自身的坚持。

    Nowadays under the big environment of the poetic world silt , Xichuan is doing his own persisting all the time .

  6. 它应该是“云南”和“西山八国”的合称,泛指西川南边和西边的少数民族诸部。

    The " Yunnan Eight States " should be the combination of Yunnan and eight states in Sichuans western mountain area .

  7. 西川是当代文学史上一位优秀的诗人,他的诗作是当代文学创作中极为重要的一部分。

    Xichuan is an outstanding poet in the contemporary history of literature ; his poetry is an important part of the contemporary literature creation .

  8. 西川佛都项目具有满意的投资价值、较好的经济价值、较大的城市生态价值和社会价值、极大的文化价值。

    The project of " xichuanfodu " has a satisfied value in investing , economy , city zoology , society , and a significant value in culture .

  9. 本文从安史之乱以后,玄宗、肃宗父子间争权夺位这一角度论述了西川从原剑南节度分立之原因。

    This paper analyzes the cause of the schism of Xichuan from Jiannan after the An-shi Rebellion , when the Emperor Xuan and the Emperor Su were fighting for power .

  10. 北京时间12月2日凌晨1点30分,长征三号乙运载火箭携带着嫦娥三号卫星从四川省西川卫星发射中心成功发射。

    The probe , atop a Long March 3B rocket , blasted off from the Xichang Satellite Launch Center in Sichuan province at 0130 Beijing time on Monday , December 2 .

  11. 20世纪80年代中期,宁静、优雅、克制的西川体让西川在诗坛上站稳了脚跟,纯粹神圣的纯诗倾向使西川向神秘主义贴近。

    In the mid-1980s , peaceful , elegant and restrained " Xi Chuan Style " made Xi Chuan establish foothold firmly at poetry circle . Purely sacred poetry tendency also push Xi Chuan near mysticism .

  12. 本项研究通过从陕西华县金堆城钼矿区西川河流经废石堆入口和出口处的水取样,测定常量组分、微量组分,分析污染特征,确定了污染指标。

    The study collected water samples from Xi-chuan River entry point and export point of Jin-dui-cheng Mo mining area in Hua-xian , Shan-xi , tested macroconstituent and microcomponent , analysed characteristic , ascertained index of pollution .