
  1. 陕南西康铁路沿线自然资源合理配置研究

    A Study on the Optimization of Resources Allocation Along the Xikang Railway

  2. 西康铁路天池隧道的施工

    Discussion on Construction of Tianchi Tunnel on Xikang Railway

  3. 西康铁路堰岭隧道湿喷混凝土施工技术

    Application of Construction Technique of Wet Concrete Blasting in Yanling Tunnel of Xikang Railway

  4. 西康铁路沿线地区旅游资源开发初探

    Discussion on the exploitation of tourist resources of the areas along Xi'an & Ankang railway

  5. 西康铁路设计概算中材差计算技巧

    Calculating technique on difference of cost of materials in budgetary estimate of design for XI'AN-ANKANG Railway

  6. 西康铁路沿线地区环境析评及开发方略研究

    A study of economic development environment and strategy of development of the area along Xikang railway

  7. 西康铁路软岩和极软岩对隧道和路基工程的影响

    Effect of soft rock and extremely soft rock on construction of tunnel and roadbed in xi-kang Railway

  8. 预计2000年建成的西康铁路在安康与汉江连通。

    The Xikang railway , which will be completed in2000 estimated , connect the ship way at Ankang .

  9. 西康铁路秦岭隧道区岩体结构面分布规律的混沌特征及围岩分级预测

    The Chaotic Character on Distribution Prinple of Structural Surface of Rock Mass and Predicting to Classification of Wall Rock in Tsingling Tunnel of Xikang Railway

  10. 本文通过西康铁路第九标段四座桥梁支承垫石病害的全面整治,提供了顶梁、半干硬砂浆捣填以及支承垫石形成等具体经验。

    This paper sums up the experiences in tamping and filling top girder by semidry hard mortar and forming supporting pad stone based on the overall mending the disease of supporting padding stone of four bridges in Bidding Section 4 on Xian-Ankang Railway Line .