
  • 网络xi'an institute of physical education;xi'an physical education university;Xi'an Physical Education Institute;xaipe.edu.cn
  1. 选择西安体育学院体育系2年级男大学生15人,佩带面罩和在负荷设备上按照规定动作要求运动。

    Totally 15 male university students of 2 grades of Department of Physical Education , Xi'an Institute of Physical Education were enrolled , who wore the face mask and in shoulders on the equipment according to the compulsory exercise request movement .

  2. 西安体育学院学报2006年第23卷分类索引

    Journal of xi ′ an Physical Education University Vol.23 2006 contents

  3. 西安体育学院非体育专业大学生体质健康现状的研究

    Study on Physical Health Condition of Non-Sports Student 's in Xi'an Sport University

  4. 西安体育学院已开展准备活动实习多年,其中在排球课教学过程中,准备活动实习已经实施20年左右。

    The preparation activities practice of volleyball Teaching , has conducted for 20 years .

  5. 西安体育学院学生多方式投篮技术现状及思考

    Thoughts of Shooting in Many Ways by Students in Xi ′ an Physical Education Institute

  6. 西安体育学院篮球专项毕业生应聘状况调查研究

    Research on the Athletics College Basketball of Xi'an Particularly a Graduate Student Accepts Appointment the Condition

  7. 本研究以西安体育学院篮球专项学生为调查研究对象,研究学生的训练动机水平及其影响因素。

    In this study , the Sports College Basketball student research , research students ' training motivation and its influencing factors .

  8. 西安体育学院体育教育专业的课程设置对于本专业的培养目标具有支撑作用,培养目标的实现主要是依靠所设置的课程来反映的。

    Physical Education in the curriculum for the training goal has a supporting role in the implementation of the training objectives to reflect mainly rely on the set of courses .

  9. 对西安体育学院篮球专项学生的训练动机调查数据进行了统计分析,研究结果表明:1.西安体育学院篮球专项学生整体训练动机水平较强。

    Sports College Basketball student training motivation survey data , statistical analysis , the results show that : 1 . Sports College Basketball students ' overall level of training motivation .

  10. 总体来看教师教学内容、专业知识及课堂管理得到学生赞成认可的。4.西安体育学院健身健美在外参赛获奖次数呈递增趋势。

    Overall , students are in favor of teaching content , professional knowledge and class management.4.Fitness and bodybuilding in Xi ' an Physical Education University showed an increasing winning trend in the outside competition .

  11. 西安体育学院男子跳远运动员绝对速度低,起跳前两步速度、速度利用率呈下降趋势,影响起跳初速度;

    The male jumpers absolute velocity is lower than that of elite long jumpers , the speed of two strides before take - off and the rate of velocity utilization are decreased , and also decrease the take - off velocity ;

  12. 西安体育学院培养体育师资最主要的专业就是体育教育专业,并且它是我院第一个设置的专业,有着灿烂的历史,为西北地区和全国都培养了许多优秀的体育人才。

    The hospital train physical education teachers the most important the important task of training sports tat professional physical education professional , and it is set by the hospital professional , has a splendid history of the Northwest region and the country has trained many outstanding sports professionals .

  13. 本文研究的对象为:陕西省社会体育管理中心、陕西省体育训练中心、西安市体育学院。

    The object of this study : Social Sports Management Center of Shaanxi Province , Shaanxi Province Sports Training Center , Xi ' an Institute of Physical Education .