
  1. 上个月,西洋集团指责朝鲜官员违反合同,并敲诈80万美元贿赂。

    Last month Xiyang accused North Korean officials of breach of contract and extorting $ 8 00000 in bribes .

  2. 西洋集团声称,去年9月,即工厂投产5个月后,朝鲜提出新的条款,事实上迫使该加工厂停工。

    It claims that last September , five months after production began , North Korea presented new conditions that , in effect , forced the processing plant to halt operations .

  3. 朝鲜的一份政府声明表示,取消合同主要归咎于西洋集团,因为它只履行了50%的投资义务。

    A government statement said that Xiyang was chiefly to blame for the cancellation of the contract , because it had carried out only 50 per cent of its investment obligations .

  4. 西洋集团表示,不久之后合同被取消,剩余的中方工人被20名武装警卫叫醒,并被强行押上一辆大巴,遣返中国。

    Soon after the contract was cancelled , Xiyang said , the remaining Chinese workers were woken by 20 armed guards who forced them on to a bus to be deported to China .