
  • 网络UWS;The University of Western Sydney;Western Sydney University
  1. 西悉尼大学护理学院的罗达。格里菲斯教授指出该项研究起源于社区保健护士们的一个问卷调查,以此来证明她们采用淋浴治疗小腿溃疡病人这一常见疗法的安全性和有效性。

    " In response we searched for studies done by others on cleansing wounds using the shower , however we were unable to locate any evidence to support the practice ," Professor Griffiths says .

  2. 威特的同伴、报告的联合作者、西悉尼大学的教授卡伦·马龙说道:“为了给我们的孩子创造一个更加积极的未来,我们在研究中详细的描述了鼓励研究者的研究和决策者的政策相结合的证据。”

    Ms Waite 's fellow co-author Prof Karen Malone , from Western Sydney University , added : " This report maps the evidence to encourage researchers and policymakers to meet at the interface of research and policy in order to shape a positive future for our children . "