
  • 网络TELEFONICA;Telefonica de Espana;NICA;Telefonica of Spain;Telefnica of Spain
  1. 西班牙电话公司和英国的沃达丰(Vodafone)是在迅速发展的中国电信公司中进行战略持股的唯一两家西方集团。

    Spain 's Telef ó nica and Vodafone of the UK are the only western groups with strategic shareholdings in fast-growing Chinese telecoms companies .

  2. 作为市值排名全球前五的电信集团,西班牙电话公司热切希望加强中国业务,并于去年收购了中国内地领先固话运营商&中国网通(ChinaNetcom)5%的股权。

    The Spanish company , among the world 's top five telecommunications groups by market value , is keen to beef up its presence in China and last year bought a 5 per cent stake in China Netcom , a leading mainland fixed-line operator .

  3. 西班牙电话公司都采用这样的方法争夺手机客户。

    Spanish telephone companies all contend for customers in this way .

  4. 与沃达丰不同,西班牙电话公司正为中国重组带来的变化做准备。

    Unlike Vodafone , Telef ó nica is preparing for changes in China because of the restructuring .

  5. 他表示,西班牙电话公司能帮助中国联通应对整合固话与移动业务的挑战。

    He said Telef ó nica could help China Unicom with the challenges of integrating fixed-line and mobile operations .

  6. 西班牙电话公司、网通集团和电讯盈科昨日还签署协议,将联合开发电信和传媒业务。

    Telef ó nica , CNC and PCCW also signed an agreement yesterday to jointly develop telecoms and media businesses .

  7. 西班牙电话公司不但得不到一分钱月租费,还损失一部价值五六百欧元的手机。

    Spanish telephone companies , instead of getting monthly fee , they will have a loss of a value of500 to600 euro 's phone .

  8. 西班牙电话公司是欧洲第二大电话企业,该公司一直看好中国电信业,希望加强与网通集团的联系。

    Telef ó nica , Europe 's second-largest phone company , is bullish about Chinese telecoms and has been looking to bolster its ties with CNC .

  9. 中国网通和西班牙电话公司的持股比例略低于30%,因此不必向所有股东发出全面收购要约。

    By coming in at just under 30 per cent , Netcom and Telef ó nica do not have to make a general offer to all shareholders .