
  • 网络The University of Western Australia
  1. 西澳大利亚大学研究人员斯蒂芬妮·金(StephanieKing)负责领导海豚研究中心的这项研究。该中心是设在美国佛罗里达州的一个海笔(seapen)研究设施。她表示,“我们对研究结果颇感意外。

    We were surprised at how strong the resultswere , says Stephanie King of the University of Western Australia , who led theresearch at the Dolphin Research Center , a sea pen facility in Florida , US .

  2. 杰生安特钮斯(JasonAntenucci),柏斯当地的西澳大利亚大学水研究中心的代理主任,他说这些设施“为澳大利亚其他去盐工厂的表率。”

    Jason Antenucci , deputy director of the Centre for Water Research at the University of Western Australia in Perth , says the facility has " set a benchmark for other plants in Australia . "

  3. 今年早些时候,西澳大利亚大学的一位教授对过度使用草甘膦发表了评论。

    Earlier this year , a professor at the University of Western Australia commented on the overuse of glyphosate .

  4. 科廷的管理硕士是同类产品的首次尝试除西澳大利亚大学,提供了一个独特的工作安排的组成部分。

    Curtin 's Master of Management is the first of its kind among Western Australian universities , offering a unique work placement component .

  5. 由于睾丸癌诊断起来比较困难,因此这些男性应该提高警惕,并接受超声检查,西澳大利亚大学的研究者今天警告说。

    But the disease was difficult to diagnose so those men should be vigilant in getting ultrasound checks , the West Australian researchers warned today .

  6. 西澳大利亚大学的研究人员大卫·科尔说,一想到他们老的时候,能够有人照顾他们,祖父母(外祖父母)就会得到很大的激励。

    University of Western Australia researcher David Coall said grandparents may also be motivated by the thought of having someone to take care of them when they grow old .

  7. 一些先进的中风研究中心也参与了研究,包括乔治学会、佩珀斯皇家医院、西澳大利亚大学和昆士兰大学。

    The project involved collaboration between leading stroke research centres , The George Institute , Royal Perth Hospital , the University of Western Australia and The University of Queensland .

  8. 西澳大利亚大学研究人员表示,喝茶的好处在很大程度上取决于茶叶中的类黄酮等抗氧化剂,这些物质有助于防止心血管疾病。

    The review by researchers at the University of Western Australia says the benefits of tea are largely due to the flavonoid content , antioxidant ingredients that counteract cardiovascular disease .