
  • 网络Spanish economy;Economy of Spain
  1. 旅游业对西班牙经济至关重要。

    Tourism is vital for the Spanish economy .

  2. C罗开了一家植发诊所:我们想帮助西班牙人和西班牙经济。

    Cristiano opens hair transplant clinic : We want to help the Spaniards and the Spanish economy .

  3. 在经历了逾10年的强劲增长后,西班牙经济开始大幅下滑,今年的国内生产总值(GDP)增长率预计将从2007年的近4%下降到不足2%。该计划就是对此作出的反应。

    The plan comes in response to a sharp downturn in economic activity in Spain after more than a decade of robust growth . Annual growth in gross domestic product is expected to slow to below 2 per cent this year from almost 4 per cent in 2007 .

  4. 不过,西班牙经济大臣路易斯德金多斯(luisdeguindos)明确表示,马德里方面没有放弃紧缩,而且宣布了明年提高增值税的计划西班牙政府曾一再承诺不会提高增值税。

    However , Luis de Guindos , economy minister , made it clear Madrid was not abandoning austerity and announced plans to raise value added tax next year , something the government had promised repeatedly not to do .

  5. 西班牙经济部拒绝提供进一步细节,比如,向bankia发行政府债务,究竟将如何有助于该行增强资本状况,或者按照市场利率发售的代价会是多少。

    The Ministry declined to provide further details , such as how issuing Bankia with state debt would help boost its capital position , or at what price under market rates it would be sold .

  6. 对总部位于darlington的northgate来说,西班牙经济的问题日益凸显,因为它是英国和西班牙最大的货车租赁公司。

    For Northgate , which has its headquarters in Darlington , the problems of the Spanish economy loom large as it is the largest van rental company in both the UK and Spain .

  7. 西班牙经济不需要另外的刺激。

    The Spanish do not need another economic stimulus .

  8. 这种做法只是把债务从西班牙经济的一端转移到了另一端。

    It reshuffles debt from one end of the Spanish economy to another .

  9. 资产价格泡沫和相关的金融过度行为推动了爱尔兰和西班牙经济。

    Asset price bubbles and associated financial excesses drove the Irish and Spanish economies .

  10. 西班牙经济已经陷入了双重束缚。

    The economy is in a double bind .

  11. 西班牙经济停滞了一段时间。

    Spain staggered on for a while .

  12. 例如,西班牙经济多年来一直以高于正常水平的速度增长。

    The Spanish economy , for example , has been posting above-trend growth for years .

  13. 一个潜在的障碍就是加泰罗尼亚,该地掌握西班牙经济程度排名第五。

    A potential trouble-spot is Catalonia , which accounts for a fifth of Spain 's economy .

  14. 在加入单一货币同盟以后,西班牙经济在德国资本的助力下,欣欣向荣。

    After joining the single currency , Spain enjoyed a great boom , financed with German capital .

  15. 如果建造大型公路和铁路可以创造持久的繁荣,希腊和西班牙经济现在应在蓬勃发展。

    If building great roads and trains were the route to lasting prosperity , Greece and Spain would be booming .

  16. 高盛预测总理上台后第一年将穷于对付西班牙经济萎缩。

    Goldman Sachs predicts that the next prime minister will spend his first year in office presiding over a shrinking economy .

  17. 这些投机房产的商人正在利用西班牙经济危机,购买当地人已买不起的房产。

    Property bargain-hunters are making the most of Spain 's economic crisis to buy homes locals can no longer afford to keep .

  18. 市场原本以为西班牙经济正在从大衰退中触底反弹,由此看来它的实际经济状况可能比市场预期糟糕的多。

    Thought to be bottoming out from a terrible recession , Spain may actually be in far worse shape than the market believed .

  19. 预计西班牙经济今年将增长2%,爱尔兰的失业率将很快跌破10%。

    Spain is expected to grow at 2 per cent this year and unemployment in Ireland will drop below 10 per cent soon .

  20. 受西班牙经济前景恶化的影响,两家主流信用等级评定机构降低了西班牙某些大银行的信用等级。

    Two leading credit rating agencies have downgraded some of Spain 's largest banks , citing a deteriorating outlook for the Spanish economy .

  21. 鉴于西班牙经济大幅萎缩且失业率飙升,政府不得不为这些银行纾困,这是不可避免的。

    With the Spanish economy contracting sharply and with unemployment soaring , it was inevitable that the government had to bail out the banks .

  22. 他说,自四年前西班牙经济陷入危机以来,他的薪酬降幅超过10%。

    He said his pay had dwindled by more than 10 % since Spain 's economy was plunged into crisis four years ago . '

  23. 随着石油成本的上涨,将进一步限制已经处于萧条状态中的西班牙经济的增长速度。但是西班牙并不是坐以待毙。

    With the cost of oil threatening to further slow down an economy that is already in the doldrums , Spain is not lying down and taking it .

  24. 阿斯纳尔先生,这个不受用拥护的首相,对西班牙经济上的困难没有做出及时的回应。他几个月之前宣称不会接任下一届首相的职位。

    The unpopular Mr Zapatero , who has responded only belatedly to Spain 's economic difficulties , announced several months ago that he would not seek another term in office .

  25. 然而,西班牙经济今年可能收缩2%;失业率达24%并持续上升;而房地产市场上可能积压着100万套住宅。

    Yet the economy is likely to contract by 2 per cent this year ; unemployment is 24 per cent and rising ; and perhaps 1m residential units overhang the property market .

  26. 每年的番茄节都会引发浪费食物的争论,特别是在西班牙经济已经不如过去辉煌的今天。

    And every year la tomatina unleashes a fresh bout of hand-wringing over the waste of good food , especially now that Spain 's economic boom years are a thing of the past .

  27. 因此,要再拿出420亿欧元(或许通过更多的紧缩措施)根本就是不可能,特别是考虑到西班牙经济的现状。

    So coming up with the other 42 billion euros , possibly through further austerity measures , is simply impossible , especially given how poorly the Spanish economy is doing at the moment .

  28. 然而,考虑到欧元区目前的政治状况,寄望于放松政策、让西班牙经济在适应结构性改革的同时获得喘息空间,将是一种空想。

    Given the current politics of the eurozone , however , it would be vain to hope for a looser policy that could let the Spanish economy breathe while it adjusts to structural reforms .

  29. 对公众而言,他一直是一位受欢迎的国王,但他的名声在2012年跌落谷底,权因参加一场奢华的打猎活动,而当时西班牙经济正面临严重衰退。

    In general , he 's been a popular king , but his reputation took a hit in 2012 when he went on a luxurious hunting trip as the Spanish economy was in a deep recession .

  30. 西班牙的经济开始显露出复苏的迹象。

    Spain 's economy began to show signs of recovery .