
  1. TEM微观组织观察结果结合表观应力指数分析表明:200℃和400℃应力松弛变形机制为位错蠕变,a型位错滑移;

    The TEM observation combined stress exponent showed the deformation mechanism is dislocation creep at 200 ℃ and 400 ℃, in which a type dislocation slide occurred ;

  2. 纤维增强超高分子量聚乙烯(UHMWPE)是一种性能优异的复合工程塑料,分析它在纤维断裂时的细观应力场具有重要意义。

    Carbon fiber reinforced UHMWPE has excellent properties , it is important to analysis its micro stress field when rupture produced in fiber .

  3. 细观应力破坏准则和五大强度理论

    A stress criterion for material Mini failure and five strength theories

  4. 确定了金属基体和陶瓷颗粒内的细观应力场。

    Then the local stress field of the cermets is estimated .

  5. 树立和落实科学发展观应明确的几个相关问题

    Establishing and Performing Scientific Development Outlook Should Make Clear Several Relevant Problems

  6. 层间混杂复合材料最终破坏过程中的细观应力集中分析

    Analysis of micro-stress concentrations in the ultimate failure process of interlaminated Hybrid Composites

  7. 坚持科学的以人为本观应防止几种误读

    Sticking to the Scientific View of People-first should Prevent Some Kinds of Misunderstanding

  8. 领导干部树立正确政绩观应把握好的几个问题

    Some problems of how to set up correct testification of official leaders ' career

  9. 当前大学生道德价值观应解决的几个问题

    The current problems need to be solved for the college students ' moral values

  10. 大学生党员学习科学发展观应把握的几个问题

    Suggestions for studying scientific outlook on development for the Chinese Communist Party members of college students

  11. 社会主义市场经济所需求的主导价值观应是新型的集体主义价值观,时代赋予了集体主义价值观新的内涵。

    The leading values of socialist market economy ought to be new types of collectivism values .

  12. 探讨了在社会发展过程中落实科学发展观应处理好的几个问题。

    It also discusses some problems which should be dealt with in the process of social development .

  13. 颗粒增强增韧聚合物基复合材料宏细观应力集中的均匀化分析

    Homogenization Analysis of Macro - meso Stress Concentration of Polymer Matrix Composite Materials Toughened and Strengthened by Particles

  14. 听说教学法和沟通式教学观应用于初级华语教学之探究

    A Study on the Application of Audio-Lingual Method and Communicative Approach in Mandarin Teaching at the Elementary Level

  15. 课程问题的多重属性,客观要求课程理解和课程观应超越“单一要素论”。

    The multiple property of curriculum requires us to go beyond the one-side-theory in curriculum understanding and curriculum outlooks .

  16. 该方法在结构分析中能够在获得宏观应力、应变场的同时获得细观应力、应变场。

    In composite structure analysis the method can get the micro-stress and micro-strain in addition to the macro-stress and macro-strain .

  17. 利用数学上的渐近均匀化方法研究了颗粒增强增韧聚合物基复合材料宏细观应力集中问题。

    Macro - meso stress concentration of polymer matrix composite materials toughened and strengthened by particles is studied with asymptotic homogenization theory .

  18. 本文采用基于宏观和细观应力场两种不同方法来进行复合材料结构的损伤和破坏分析。

    Based on both macro - and micro - stress fields , composite structures ' damage and failure are analyzed in this paper .

  19. 复合材料中高的表观应力指数主要是来源于门槛应力,而应力传递效应对高应力区的表观应力因子有一定的影响,但其作用远低于门槛应力。

    Stress transfer effects could influence the apparent stress exponents in the high stress region , but the attribution was much lower than threshold stresses .

  20. 秉承科学发展观应形成科学审计理念,并以此为基础,制订审计项目计划和方案,引导审计过程和具体审计行为,形成审计报告。

    With such a point of view , we should set up the audit principles and work out the corresponding audit items and projects to guide the auditing process and behavior .

  21. 传统的工业文明的发展观应被可持续发展观所取代,循环经济的建立具有非常意义。

    " The developmental outlook of traditional industrial civilization " should be replaced by the " sustainable outlook " . It is of great significance to set up " circular economy " .

  22. 树立中国现实诚信观应坚持法律约束与道德教化相结合、契约关系与人的永恒真情相结合。

    To suppose the realistic view of integrity in china , we should persist unifying the legal restraint and the moral enlightenment , unifying the contractual relationship and human 's eternal true feelings .

  23. 将滩槽交界的动量传递描述为一表观应力,这个表观应力可以看作是交界面处的脉动函数并将其定量化。

    The momentum transfer at the main channel flood - plain interface can be described as an apparent shear stress which can be quantified as a function of the local turbulence at the interface .

  24. 新世纪的翻译观应鼓励译者充分发挥自己的主体性和创造才能,在独立思考中去解释和再现文本,抵制人云亦云及逻各斯中心的陈腐之见。

    Translation of the new century should encourage translator to give full scope to his / her subjectivity and ingenuity . While interpreting and reproducing text by independent thinking , the translator will not parrot others and the stereotyped view of Logo-centrism .

  25. 遵循现代大学办学的基本规律,现代大学的治学观应为:坚持以高深学问的教与学为主,坚持教学与研究相统一,坚持学术自由和面向社会自主办学。

    According to the general law of modern university , such concept for it should be stuck to as emphasizing on the teaching and studying of advanced learning , connecting teaching with research , academic freedom and autonomously opening university for the society .

  26. 门槛蠕变应力理论很好地解释了复合材料较高的表观应力指数,经门槛应力补偿后,复合材料的真应力指数与基体合金相同。

    Creep resisitance were effectively enhanced by the reinforcements . High apparent stress exponents of TMCs were successfully explained by threshold stress theory . And after compensated with threshold stresses , the stress exponents of the TMCs and matrix alloys were the same .

  27. 首先以单胞作为研究对象,分析单胞内细观应力-应变,然后采用适当的强度失效准则对蜂窝结构整体进行损伤分析和强度分析,这种思路属于细观力学范畴的强度分析方法。

    First , a single cell as the research object , the analysis unicellular microscopic stress-strain , and strength analysis using the appropriate strength failure criterion for whole honeycomb structure damage analysis and strength analysis , this line of thinking belongs to the scope of Micromechanics methods .

  28. 经验取向之经验观应实现科学经验观向诠释学经验观的转换,以校本教研为核心制度的校本发展才能真正达到发展教师的目的。高职教育改革与国际经验借鉴

    This kind of teacher development should be based on the viewpoint of hermeneutic experience , not on the viewpoint of scientific experience . Only by this can the teacher school-based development achieve its goal . The Reform of High Professional Learning and Using for Reference the Overseas Scientific Experience

  29. ER液中存在产生ER效应的临界颗粒浓度,只有当固体颗粒浓度高于临界值时,ER液的表观剪切应力才有明显增大。

    In ER fluids , particle concentration has critical value . Only above the critical value , the apparent shear stress increased obviously .

  30. 结果表明,随外加电场强度的增加,ER液的表观剪切应力增大;随剪切速率的提高,ER液的表观剪切应力反而减小。

    The results showed that the apparent shear stress increased with the increasing applied field strength and particles concentration respectively , while it decreased with the increasing shear rate .