
  • 网络ornamental tree
  1. 东北地区园林设计中秋季观赏树木的选用

    Selection Of Autumn Ornamental Trees In Garden Design In Northeast District

  2. 兰州及邻近地区野生观赏树木资源研究

    Study on wild ornamental trees resources in Lanzhou and neighbouring area

  3. 宁夏野生花卉及观赏树木资源调查及利用

    Investigation on Wild Flower and Plant Resources in Ningxia , China

  4. 17种梅(桃)属观赏树木花粉生活力的比较

    The Comparison of Pollen Viability Determination among 17 Ornamental Trees of Prunus

  5. 观赏树木上叶点霉属几个中国新记录种

    Some New Records of Phyllosticta for China on Ornamental Trees

  6. 调查发现浙西南丽水市野生观赏树木资源丰富,全市共有野生观赏树种405种。

    There are 405 species of wild ornamental trees in Lishui City .

  7. 观赏树木学网络课程的规划设计

    Plan and design of the network course " ornamental tree sciences "

  8. 长白山区野生木本观赏树木调查

    Investigation of the wild ornamental trees from Changbai mountains

  9. 浙西南野生观赏树木资源多样性

    Diversity of wild ornamental trees in southwest of Zhejiang

  10. 观赏树木在园林造景中的美学探讨

    Research on Esthetics of Tree Disposition in Gardening

  11. 秋色叶树是园林造景中重要的观赏树木之一。

    Autumn-color-tree is very important both in a large and a small scale landscape .

  12. 4种野生观赏树木种子发芽试验初报

    Seed germination tests of four wild ornamental trees

  13. 本文还就长白山区野生观赏树木资源的保护、利用与引种驯化提出了具体建议。

    Suggestions are given for protection , utilization and domestication of these wild ornamental trees .

  14. 观赏树木和灌木除了看上去漂亮之外,还有其他的一些用途。

    Ornamental trees and bushes or shrubs can serve other useful purposes besides just looking good .

  15. 西北地区园林绿化树种的调查分析观赏树木在园林造景中的美学探讨

    Investigation and Analysis of Gardening Tree Resources in Northwest China Research on Esthetics of Tree Disposition in Gardening

  16. 首先对为害河北省室外观赏树木的蚧虫进行了调查与统计分析。

    First , scale insects of outdoor ornamental plants in Hebei province have been investigated and analyzed statistically .

  17. 原产亚洲、澳洲和东印度,优质木材;由于其美丽的大花而被当做观赏树木。

    Native to Asia , Australia , and East Indies , where it provides timber called pyinma ; used elsewhere as an ornamental for its large showy flowers .

  18. 在对浙江省丽水市野生观赏树木资源调查研究的基础上,评价和分析了浙西南野生观赏树木种类的多样性、观赏特性的多样性、生长类型的多样性和园林用途的多样性。

    On the basis of investigations on wild ornamental trees in southwest of Zhejiang , evaluation and analysis are made on the diversity of species , ornamental , growth type and garden use .

  19. 观赏树木网络数据库系统采用三层结构设计,即程序逻辑结构分为用户界面层、业务逻辑处理层和数据存储层。

    The network database of ornamental tree adopts the three-stratum structure design , i.e. its logical structure of program is comprised of user interface stratum , logical processing stratum of business , and data storing stratum .

  20. 新品种权的保护期限为,从授权之日起,藤本植物、林木、果树和观赏树木为20年,其他植物15年。

    The period of protection of variety rights , from the date of grant of the rights , would be20 years for vines , forest trees , fruit trees and ornamental trees and15 years for other plants .

  21. 观赏用树木和灌木或除了看上去漂亮之外还有其他用途。一些树木的味道很好,可以用来制作香油——例如薰衣草和紫丁香。

    Ornamental trees and bushes or shrubs can serve other useful s just looking good . Some also smell good and can be used to make scented oils -- for example , lavender and lilac .