
shé jiē
  • whip graft
舌接[shé jiē]
  1. 用30°V型刀具嫁接法、劈接法、双舌接3种核桃微体嫁接方法进行对比试验。

    This paper contrast the survival ratio of three micro-grafting methods for walnut , the 30 ° V graft cutter grafting , cleft-grafting and double tongue grafting .

  2. 以一芽1-2叶-双舌接-套袋-拱棚保护-遮荫处理效果最好,平均成活率达98.6%;

    The best disposal was the composition of one sprout with 1-2 leaves double tongues grafting bagging plastic shed protect . Its average survival rate is 98.6 % .

  3. 以柞木为砧木,选取生长健壮的栗树枝条为接穗,采用劈接、插皮接和插皮舌接三种方法进行嫁接取得成功。

    Take oakwood as the stock , select the vigorous and healthy chestnut branch as the scion , the methods of V-shaped grafting , bark grafing and tongue grafting , used for grafting were obtained successfully .

  4. 推上插头直到听到锁舌发出接合声。

    Push on the plug until the locking tabs engage audibly .