
shé xià shén jīnɡ
  • hypoglossal nerve
  1. 舌下神经与面神经吻合术中部位选择的解剖学研究

    Anatomic study of the hypoglossal nerve in hypoglossal-facial nerve anastomosis

  2. 以舌下神经损伤最为多见(68.6%)。

    Hypoglossal nerve injury was the most common injury ( 68.6 % ) .

  3. CT表现:舌下神经孔扩大和骨质破坏,并见软组织块影2例。

    CT revealed the enlargement and the destruction of hypoglossal nerve canal and soft tissue mass in 2 cases .

  4. 枕髁后缘距舌下神经管内口为(12.23±3.13)mm。

    ( 12.23 ± 3.13 ) mm from hinder margin of condyle to endostoma of hypoglossal canal .

  5. 结果舌下神经管的外侧与颈静脉孔相邻,CT、MRI均可清晰显示舌下神经管;

    Results The hypoglossal canal located lateral to the jugular foramen , which could be well displayed by CT and MRI .

  6. 用HRP法研究了兔舌下神经的纤维成分和起源。

    HRP was injected into the hypoglossal nerve of rabbit .

  7. 结论颈淋巴结N分期、上颈部照射剂量与发生上颈部皮肤急性放射毒性、放射性舌下神经损伤有关。

    Conclusion N staging , total dose of external radiation for superior neck and acute radiation-related dermatitis of superior neck were relevant with radiation-induced hypoglossal nerve palsy in patients with nasopharyngeal carcinoma .

  8. 舌下神经管内口至斜坡中点距离左(13.48±1.63)mm,右(13.63+1.36)mm;

    The left distance between the inside foramen of hypoglossal canal and the center of clivus was ( 13.48 ± 1.63 ) mm , and the right ( 13.63 ± 1.36 ) mm ;

  9. 方法随访观察326例接受根治性放射治疗的鼻咽癌患者,将可能影响放射性舌下神经损伤的相关因素通过Logistic回归模型进行分析。

    Methods Respectively observed 326 patients with nasopharyngeal carcinoma who received radical radiotherapy . To analyze the affective factors that might cause the radiation-induced hypoglossal nerve palsy by using Logistic regression model .

  10. 在延髓下橄榄核、孤束核、迷走神经副交感核和舌下神经核也有OB.RbmRNA标记神经元出现。

    In the medulla oblongata , OB-Rb mRNA were observed in the inferior olivary nucleus , the nucleus of the solitary tract , dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus nerve and the hypoglossal nucleus .

  11. 用辣根过氧化物酶(HRP)逆行追踪与免疫组织化学结合的方法研究大白鼠舌下神经核至舌肌的投射。

    The projection from the hypoglossal nucleus of muscles of tongue in rats was studied with the combined method of HRP tracing and immunocytochemistry .

  12. 结果:舌下神经管位于枕骨髁的前上方,为一对卵圆形或圆形孔道,内口至外口的长度(8.51±0.91)mm。

    Results : The hypoglossal canal was a paired roundness or ellipse passage , which was situated above the occipital condyle . The length of the canal was ( 8.51 ± 0.91 ) mm .

  13. HRP和GABA双标细胞.首次证实了舌下神经核中有GABA能神经元,并可投射至舌肌。

    It was demonstrated for the first time that there existed in the hypoglossal nuclei the GABA-ergic neurons which projected to the muscles of tongue .

  14. 在延髓,ER分布于舌下神经核、迷走神经背核、三叉神经脊束核、孤束核和网状结构;

    In the medulla oblongata , ER distributed in the hypoglossal nucleus , dorsal nucleus of vagus nerve , nucleus of spinal trigeminal tract , nucleus of solitary tract and reticular formation ;

  15. CVN的这种痫样激活与舌下神经运动神经元的痫样放电同步。

    The seizure-like activation of the CVNs was in synchrony with that of the hypoglossal motor neurons .

  16. 结果:(1)舌下神经与舌神经之间有二个恒定的联系部位,即舌下神经分支进入舌肌后最初5~10mm处和26~30mm处;

    Results : ( 1 ) The two nerves were found anatomically related at 5 ~ 10 mm and 26 ~ 30 mm respectively following hypoglossal nerve entering the muscle .

  17. 方法:84只大鼠随机分为2组:舌下神经切断组和舌下神经假切断组。各组再随机分为1,3,7,15,21,30和60d共7个时间组。

    METHODS : Eighty four male rats were randomly assigned into two groups : hypoglossal nerve transection group and sham operation group , and then each group was subdivided into seven time groups of 1,3,7,15,21,30 and 60 days .

  18. 这表明家兔起自疑核和舌下神经核的环甲肌运动神经元有些是胆碱能神经元,起自疑核的神经元有的是ENK样反应阳性神经元。

    It suggests that in the rabbit some of the CTm motoneurons arising from the ambiguous and hypoglossal nuclei should be cholinergic , some from the ambiguous nucleus should be ENK-like immunoreaction positive neurons .

  19. 结果:舌下神经横断伤后第3天舌下神经元出现凋亡,15d后达凋亡高峰,与假手术对照组相差显著(P<0.01);

    RESULTS : The hypoglossal neurons apoptosis was firstly detected 3 days post axotomy , and reached the apoptotic peak of hypoglossal neurons at 15 days in axotomy rats , significantly different from that in the sham operation rats ( P < 0.01 ) .

  20. 舌下神经管的影像解剖学研究

    The anatomical study of the hypoglossal canal by CT and MRI

  21. 舌下神经-面神经直接侧端吻合的应用解剖学研究

    Applied anatomy of direct side-to-end anastomosis of hypoglossal and facial nerve

  22. 面神经-舌下神经吻合术面神经干的显微解剖研究

    Microsurgical anatomy of the facial nerve trunk in facial-hypoglossal nerve anastomosis

  23. 尼安得特人头盖骨也证明了存在大量的舌下神经管。

    Neanderthal skulls also show evidence of a large hypoglossal canal .

  24. 鼻咽癌放射治疗后舌下神经损伤相关因素分析

    Clinical analysis of radiation-induced hypoglossal nerve injury in nasopharyngeal carcinoma

  25. 舌下神经纤维投射到延髓背侧的舌下神经核区,结果显示神经元的胞体和轴突结构清晰。

    The result shows that the neurons and axons are very clear .

  26. 舌下神经管区外科解剖学和手术入路研究

    Micro surgical Anatomy of the Hypoglossal Canal Area and Its Surgical Approach

  27. 黄喉鹀延髓舌下神经核发声控制中枢的神经联系

    Nerve Connections of Vocal Control Centre in bulbar hypoglossal nucleus in Emberiza elegans

  28. 舌下神经舌骨舌肌段的应用解剖

    Applied Anatomy of Hyoglossus Muscle Segment of Hypoglossal Nerve

  29. 舌下神经和喉返神经对肺牵张感受器和喉上神经传入冲动的反应

    Hypoglossal and recurrent laryngeal responses to pulmonary stretch receptor and superior laryngeal inputs

  30. 兔舌下神经的纤维成分&HRP法研究

    Fiber Components of Rabbit Hypoglossal Nerve & HRP Method