
xiónɡ shī
  • male lion
  1. 猎人拿起来复枪,喝了一大口威士忌,和妻子一起去寻找岳母。在距离帐篷不远的空地,他们看到一个令人不寒而栗的场景:岳母站在一片浓密的灌木丛前,无法后退,面前对着一头雄狮。

    The hunter picked up his rifle sight : the mother-in-law was backed up against a thick , impenetrable bush , and a large male lion stood facing her .

  2. 只有雄狮才有金黄色的漂亮鬣毛。

    It 's only the male lion that has the wonderful golden mane .

  3. 那头雄狮抖动鬣毛。

    The lion tossed his mane .

  4. 公司首席财务官阿德里安•约瑟夫(AdrianJoseph)是另一位来自雄狮酿酒公司的员工。

    The chief financial officer , Adrian Joseph , is another Lion Brewery alumnus .

  5. jb:成年雄狮看起来颇有王者风范,飘动的鬣毛勾勒出它们的面部轮廓。

    JB : Adult male lions look regal , with flowing manes framing their faces .

  6. 天基对地打击动能武器(thespace-to-groundkineticweapon,SGKW)是未来空间作战的主战武器之一。陆战雄狮M1系列主战坦克

    The space-to-ground kinetic weapon ( SGKW ) is one of main space weapons in the future . Lion of Land Battle-M1 Series Tanks

  7. 曾有消息称,NBA超级巨星韦德将与CBA球队浙江广厦雄狮签订一份月薪200万美元的合同,保罗和安东尼也同样被这种到中国“打短工”的机会吸引。

    NBA superstar Dwayne Wade was linked to a $ 2 million-per-month deal with the Zhejiang Guangsha lions of the CBA , and Chris Paul and Carmelo Anthony were similarly enticed by the opportunity to " double dip " in China .

  8. 马基雅维利(Machiavelli)深知,君主和大臣是两个不同的角色,两者都需要对方。他曾写道,君主须具备双重性格,既是狐狸以看破陷阱,也必须是雄狮以慑服群狼。

    Machiavelli understood well that the prince and his secretary had different roles and that each needed the other . He wrote that government requires a fox to see the snares and a lion to terrify the wolves .

  9. 奈尔迦尔,雄狮与男子之杀手,记住!

    NERGAL , Slayer of Lions and of Men , Remember !

  10. 爱德华紧张地守护在我跟前,有如一头雄狮。

    Edward stayed tensed like a lion in front of me .

  11. 雄狮很少为争夺雌狮而死战。

    Male lions rarely fight to the death over females .

  12. 猛烈的时光将雄狮利爪磨钝。

    Devouring Time , blunt thou the lion 's paws .

  13. 这可真是蠢驴对垂死的雄狮猛踢了一脚。

    It is the kick of the ass at the dying lion .

  14. 让所有人记住我们是多么的勇敢,我们是一群雄狮。

    Let nobody forget how barve we are , we are lions .

  15. 一头雄狮从河岸纵身跳到对岸;

    Can the lion jump ? Yes , he can .

  16. 他吼道,像头雄狮一样环视着四周。

    He roared , and looked about him positively like a lion .

  17. 吞噬一切的流光,你磨钝雄狮爪,

    Devouring Time , blunt thou the lion 's paws ,

  18. 三月天,来似雄狮,去似羔羊。

    March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb .

  19. 让我们向议会的雄狮表达挂念和祈祷。

    Our thoughts and prayers go out to the lion of the Senate .

  20. 在今晚的足球杯决赛中,雄狮队与意大利队对抗。

    The lions are playing against Italy in the Football Cup finals tonight .

  21. 英格兰:一个国家,一座奖杯,11中雄狮。

    One nation , one trophy , eleven lions .

  22. 我是只张开血盆大口的雄狮紧盯着下一个胜利(嘿!)

    With the hunger of a lion I secure another win ( hey !)

  23. 百变雄狮就像是变形金刚的兄弟。

    The GoBots are like the Kmart of transformers .

  24. 坚持信念,雄狮舞起,是为了球迷与胜利!

    Belief and a lion 's strength , for victory and our fans !

  25. 甚至我这如雄狮一样强壮的身体也没有用处。

    Even the lion-like strength of my young man 's body has been useless .

  26. 狗在家门赛雄狮。

    Every dog be a lion at home .

  27. 巴拉圭雄狮一声吼,南非也要抖三抖!

    The Guarani lion roars in South Africa !

  28. 你不舒服吗,我的雄狮?

    Are you in agony , my lion ?

  29. 底特律雄狮和绿湾包装工队之间的传统比赛至今仍然保留着。

    The traditional game between the Detroit Lions and the Green Bay Packers continues .

  30. 这只雄狮被拍于坦桑尼亚塞伦盖蒂国家公园的月光之下。

    This lion was photographed under moonlight , at Serengeti National Park , Tanzania .